This will generate a whole series of files, one for each command in the tree, in the directory specified (in this case "./")
## Generate yaml docs for a single command
You may wish to have more control over the output, or only generate for a single command, instead of the entire command tree. If this is the case you may prefer to `GenYaml` instead of `GenYamlTree`
out := new(bytes.Buffer)
doc.GenYaml(cmd, out)
This will write the yaml doc for ONLY "cmd" into the out, buffer.
## Customize the output
Both `GenYaml` and `GenYamlTree` have alternate versions with callbacks to get some control of the output:
func GenYamlCustom(cmd *Command, out *bytes.Buffer, linkHandler func(string) string) error {
The `filePrepender` will prepend the return value given the full filepath to the rendered Yaml file. A common use case is to add front matter to use the generated documentation with [Hugo](