[Error] description = "prefix of error messages" hash = "sha1-7dcb56355a3ddc7ff7e5ccd6522507999ca7f238" other = "Erreur" [ExactArgsValidationError] description = "error shown when arg count is not exact (expected amount, actual amount)" hash = "sha1-207d771f1d5dc4ed5c4094dcd29a4c80e31a6260" one = "accepte %d arg, mais en a reçu %d" other = "accepte %d args, mais en en reçu %d" [ExclusiveFlagsValidationError] description = "error shown when multiple exclusive flags are provided (group flags, offending flags)" hash = "sha1-221b98bada52cfc2932f9aa5142b653b46baded6" other = "les options [%v] sont exclusives, mais les options %v ont été fournies" [ForInfoAboutCommand] description = "end of a sentence" hash = "sha1-923f6d48908b3a6981fb5504b0e5078700a312c0" other = "pour plus d'information au sujet d'une commande" [LegacyArgsValidationError] description = "error shown when args are not understood (subcmd, cmd, suggestion)" hash = "sha1-c601c68bdcb9687109e793112b789b1858953b15" other = "commande %q inconnue pour %q%s" [MaximumNArgsValidationError] description = "error shown when arg count is too low (expected amount, actual amount)" hash = "sha1-86d71b8bc054ea8aad7006808bc9d96551052ab4" one = "accepte au plus %d arg, mais en a reçu %d" other = "accepte au plus %d args, mais en a reçu %d" [MinimumNArgsValidationError] description = "error shown when arg count is too low (expected amount, actual amount)" hash = "sha1-7cc9093bf167d6f0601dd0763a8d3f10d71c8889" one = "requiert au moins %d arg, mais en a reçu %d" other = "requiert au moins %d args, mais en a reçu %d" [NoArgsValidationError] description = "error shown when args are present but should not (subcmd, cmd)" hash = "sha1-551d8d237dc2ab9a853fcfbe7ef85318a0f78720" other = "commande %q inconnue pour %q" [OnlyValidArgsValidationError] description = "error shown when arg is invalid (arg, cmd, suggestion)" hash = "sha1-60b40e5782dd252c78ef3d585065cb99197ec22e" other = "argument %q invalide pour %q%s" [RangeArgsValidationError] description = "error shown when arg count is not in range (expected min, expected max, actual amount)" hash = "sha1-aa81e0aee17a3439b479cdf47169eb194706cd14" one = "accepte entre %d et %d arg, mais en a reçu %d" other = "accepte entre %d et %d args, mais en a reçu %d" [RunHelpTip] description = "tip shown when a command fails (command path)" hash = "sha1-e1d2c4cccd484df365c3249347d5172981929b88" other = "Essayez '%v --help' pour obtenir de l'aide." [SectionAdditionalCommands] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-730484f22c7ce0885ca13a3b8222b231dc29a4a9" other = "Commandes Connexes" [SectionAdditionalHelpTopics] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-615c9551f4dcd30836fbe04506e0b807c59dd901" other = "Autres Sujets" [SectionAliases] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-3c66c036f454cb3d23f757c430a5c05b148dc01f" other = "Alias" [SectionAvailableCommands] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-fc33c38777373e51c9c84c8594efb5de4df0f23e" other = "Commandes Disponibles" [SectionExamples] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-6e2f0c7dddc3ce6aacb1184b3b21694492d6595a" other = "Exemples" [SectionFlags] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-5513ed25ed4e1ad2e569ff4c963bba347320e9f7" other = "Options" [SectionGlobalFlags] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-705f1ebcdce1374e23f41bc8e0e14e5197ac1742" other = "Options Globales" [SectionUsage] description = "title of the section in the usage template" hash = "sha1-5fdae7bd171315a453063384887ee4300363cf20" other = "Usage" [Use] description = "beginning of a sentence like 'Use to do '" hash = "sha1-f42c92acc9934eec952161dfa338a95ec0f02b75" other = "Utilisez"