package cobra_test import ( . "cobra" "strings" "testing" ) var tp, te, tt, t1 []string var flagb1, flagb2, flagb3 bool var flags1, flags2, flags3 string var flagi1, flagi2, flagi3 int var globalFlag1 bool var flagEcho bool var cmdPrint = &Command{ Use: "print [string to print]", Short: "Print anything to the screen", Long: `an utterly useless command for testing.`, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { tp = args }, } var cmdEcho = &Command{ Use: "echo [string to echo]", Short: "Echo anything to the screen", Long: `an utterly useless command for testing.`, Run: func(cmd *Command, args []string) { te = args }, } var cmdTimes = &Command{ Use: "times [string to echo]", Short: "Echo anything to the screen more times", Long: `an slightly useless command for testing.`, Run: timesRunner, } func timesRunner(cmd *Command, args []string) { tt = args } func flagInit() { cmdEcho.ResetFlags() cmdPrint.ResetFlags() cmdTimes.ResetFlags() cmdEcho.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi1, "intone", "i", 123, "help message for flag intone") cmdTimes.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi2, "inttwo", "j", 234, "help message for flag inttwo") cmdPrint.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi3, "intthree", "i", 345, "help message for flag intthree") cmdEcho.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags1, "strone", "s", "one", "help message for flag strone") cmdTimes.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags2, "strtwo", "t", "two", "help message for flag strtwo") cmdPrint.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags3, "strthree", "s", "three", "help message for flag strthree") cmdEcho.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb1, "boolone", "b", true, "help message for flag boolone") cmdTimes.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb2, "booltwo", "c", false, "help message for flag booltwo") cmdPrint.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb3, "boolthree", "b", true, "help message for flag boolthree") } func initialize() *Commander { tt, tp, te = nil, nil, nil var c = NewCommander() c.SetName("cobra test") return c } func TestSingleCommand(t *testing.T) { c := initialize() c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho) c.SetArgs(strings.Split("print one two", " ")) c.Execute() if te != nil || tt != nil { t.Error("Wrong command called") } if tp == nil { t.Error("Wrong command called") } if strings.Join(tp, " ") != "one two" { t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly") } } func TestChildCommand(t *testing.T) { c := initialize() cmdEcho.AddCommand(cmdTimes) c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho) c.SetArgs(strings.Split("echo times one two", " ")) c.Execute() if te != nil || tp != nil { t.Error("Wrong command called") } if tt == nil { t.Error("Wrong command called") } if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" { t.Error("Command didn't parse correctly") } } func TestFlagLong(t *testing.T) { c := initialize() c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho, cmdTimes) flagInit() c.SetArgs(strings.Split("echo --intone=13 something here", " ")) c.Execute() if strings.Join(te, " ") != "something here" { t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te) } if flagi1 != 13 { t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi1) } if flagi2 != 234 { t.Errorf("default flag value changed, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2) } } func TestFlagShort(t *testing.T) { c := initialize() c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho, cmdTimes) flagInit() c.SetArgs(strings.Split("echo -i13 something here", " ")) c.Execute() if strings.Join(te, " ") != "something here" { t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te) } if flagi1 != 13 { t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi1) } if flagi2 != 234 { t.Errorf("default flag value changed, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2) } c = initialize() c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho, cmdTimes) flagInit() c.SetArgs(strings.Split("echo -i 13 something here", " ")) c.Execute() if strings.Join(te, " ") != "something here" { t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te) } if flagi1 != 13 { t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi1) } if flagi2 != 234 { t.Errorf("default flag value changed, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2) } // Testing same shortcode, different command c = initialize() c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho, cmdTimes) flagInit() c.SetArgs(strings.Split("print -i99 one two", " ")) c.Execute() if strings.Join(tp, " ") != "one two" { t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", tp) } if flagi3 != 99 { t.Errorf("int flag didn't get correct value, had %d", flagi3) } if flagi1 != 123 { t.Errorf("default flag value changed on different comamnd with same shortname, 234 expected, %d given", flagi2) } } func TestChildCommandFlags(t *testing.T) { c := initialize() cmdEcho.AddCommand(cmdTimes) c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho) c.SetArgs(strings.Split("echo times -j 99 one two", " ")) c.Execute() if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" { t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", tt) } //c = initialize() //cmdEcho.AddCommand(cmdTimes) //c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho) //c.SetArgs(strings.Split("echo times -j 99 -i 77 one two", " ")) //c.Execute() //if strings.Join(tt, " ") != "one two" { //t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", tt) //} } func TestPersistentFlags(t *testing.T) { c := initialize() cmdEcho.AddCommand(cmdTimes) c.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho) flagInit() c.SetArgs(strings.Split("echo -s something more here", " ")) c.Execute() // persistentFlag should act like normal flag on it's own command if strings.Join(te, " ") != "more here" { t.Errorf("flags didn't leave proper args remaining..%s given", te) } // persistentFlag should act like normal flag on it's own command if flags1 != "something" { t.Errorf("string flag didn't get correct value, had %v", flags1) } }