package doc import ( "bytes" "fmt" "runtime" "strings" "testing" "" ) var flagb1, flagb2, flagb3, flagbr, flagbp bool var flags1, flags2a, flags2b, flags3, outs string var flagi1, flagi2, flagi3, flagir int const strtwoParentHelp = "help message for parent flag strtwo" const strtwoChildHelp = "help message for child flag strtwo" var cmdEcho = &cobra.Command{ Use: "echo [string to echo]", Aliases: []string{"say"}, Short: "Echo anything to the screen", Long: `an utterly useless command for testing.`, Example: "Just run cobra-test echo", } var cmdEchoSub = &cobra.Command{ Use: "echosub [string to print]", Short: "second sub command for echo", Long: `an absolutely utterly useless command for testing gendocs!.`, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {}, } var cmdDeprecated = &cobra.Command{ Use: "deprecated [can't do anything here]", Short: "A command which is deprecated", Long: `an absolutely utterly useless command for testing deprecation!.`, Deprecated: "Please use echo instead", } var cmdTimes = &cobra.Command{ Use: "times [# times] [string to echo]", SuggestFor: []string{"counts"}, Short: "Echo anything to the screen more times", Long: `a slightly useless command for testing.`, PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {}, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {}, } var cmdPrint = &cobra.Command{ Use: "print [string to print]", Short: "Print anything to the screen", Long: `an absolutely utterly useless command for testing.`, } var cmdRootNoRun = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cobra-test", Short: "The root can run its own function", Long: "The root description for help", } var cmdRootSameName = &cobra.Command{ Use: "print", Short: "Root with the same name as a subcommand", Long: "The root description for help", } var cmdRootWithRun = &cobra.Command{ Use: "cobra-test", Short: "The root can run its own function", Long: "The root description for help", } var cmdSubNoRun = &cobra.Command{ Use: "subnorun", Short: "A subcommand without a Run function", Long: "A long output about a subcommand without a Run function", } var cmdVersion1 = &cobra.Command{ Use: "version", Short: "Print the version number", Long: `First version of the version command`, } var cmdVersion2 = &cobra.Command{ Use: "version", Short: "Print the version number", Long: `Second version of the version command`, } func flagInit() { cmdEcho.ResetFlags() cmdPrint.ResetFlags() cmdTimes.ResetFlags() cmdRootNoRun.ResetFlags() cmdRootSameName.ResetFlags() cmdRootWithRun.ResetFlags() cmdSubNoRun.ResetFlags() cmdRootNoRun.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags2a, "strtwo", "t", "two", strtwoParentHelp) cmdEcho.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi1, "intone", "i", 123, "help message for flag intone") cmdTimes.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi2, "inttwo", "j", 234, "help message for flag inttwo") cmdPrint.Flags().IntVarP(&flagi3, "intthree", "i", 345, "help message for flag intthree") cmdEcho.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags1, "strone", "s", "one", "help message for flag strone") cmdEcho.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&flagbp, "persistentbool", "p", false, "help message for flag persistentbool") cmdTimes.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags2b, "strtwo", "t", "2", strtwoChildHelp) cmdPrint.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&flags3, "strthree", "s", "three", "help message for flag strthree") cmdEcho.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb1, "boolone", "b", true, "help message for flag boolone") cmdTimes.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb2, "booltwo", "c", false, "help message for flag booltwo") cmdPrint.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagb3, "boolthree", "b", true, "help message for flag boolthree") cmdVersion1.ResetFlags() cmdVersion2.ResetFlags() } func initializeWithRootCmd() *cobra.Command { cmdRootWithRun.ResetCommands() flagInit() cmdRootWithRun.Flags().BoolVarP(&flagbr, "boolroot", "b", false, "help message for flag boolroot") cmdRootWithRun.Flags().IntVarP(&flagir, "introot", "i", 321, "help message for flag introot") return cmdRootWithRun } func checkStringContains(t *testing.T, found, expected string) { if !strings.Contains(found, expected) { logErr(t, found, expected) } } func checkStringOmits(t *testing.T, found, expected string) { if strings.Contains(found, expected) { logErr(t, found, expected) } } func logErr(t *testing.T, found, expected string) { out := new(bytes.Buffer) _, _, line, ok := runtime.Caller(2) if ok { fmt.Fprintf(out, "Line: %d ", line) } fmt.Fprintf(out, "Unexpected response.\nExpecting to contain: \n %q\nGot:\n %q\n", expected, found) t.Errorf(out.String()) }