## Generating Zsh Completion for your cobra.Command Cobra supports native Zsh completion generated from the root `cobra.Command`. The generated completion script should be put somewhere in your `$fpath` named `_`. ### What's Supported * Completion for all non-hidden subcommands using their `.Short` description. * Completion for all non-hidden flags using the following rules: * Filename completion works by marking the flag with `cmd.MarkFlagFilename...` family of commands. However, it will ignore specific extensions requested by this command (see about what's not supported yet below). * The requirement for argument to the flag is decided by the `.NoOptDefVal` flag value - if it's empty then completion will expect an argument. * Flags of one of the various `*Arrary` and `*Slice` types supports multiple specifications (with or without argument depending on the specific type). ### What's not yet Supported * Positional argument completion are not supported yet. * Filename completion ignores extension specification. * Custom completion scripts are not supported yet (We should probably create zsh specific one, doesn't make sense to re-use the bash one as the functions will be different). * Whatever other feature you're looking for and doesn't exist :)