Viper should not be searching for config.{json,toml,yaml,yml}
in the directory where the `hugo` executable binary is located,
i.e. do not try to look for e.g. $GOPATH/bin/config.toml or
Hi. Thanks for creating Viper, it's been very useful to me. I come from Ruby and .yaml is really never used there, .yml is the common extension. I verified online and it's valid known extension for Yaml files so I added it. I realized this when trying to use `config.yml` in a project and getting an error on my code. Does adding this makes sense? Pretty silly addition, but it did confuse me for a while to realize the error using my app on a server, so I think it's worth adding. Cheers.
This fixes the aliases in config files bug. Whenever we register an alias, if there is a value in
the config (or defaults or override) for the alias, we move that value to the new "real key".
Added a test for the bug, which fails without the changes and passes with the changes.
This also fixes a bug in Hugo, where specifying "Taxonomies" in your config file doesn't get recognized,
because Hugo aliases "Taxonomies" to "Indexes" which means that when the code does a Get("Taxnomies") it
got translated to Get("Indexes"), which didn't exist in the original config map.
Use like:
fetchCmd.Flags().Int("rsstimeout", 5, "Timeout (in min) for RSS retrival")
viper.BindPFlag("rsstimeout", fetchCmd.Flags().Lookup("rsstimeout"))