// Copyright © 2014 Steve Francia . // // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package viper import ( "bytes" "fmt" "os" "sort" "testing" "time" "os/exec" "path" "path/filepath" "io/ioutil" "github.com/spf13/pflag" "github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" ) var yamlExample = []byte(`Hacker: true name: steve hobbies: - skateboarding - snowboarding - go clothing: jacket: leather trousers: denim age: 35 eyes : brown beard: true `) var tomlExample = []byte(` title = "TOML Example" [owner] organization = "MongoDB" Bio = "MongoDB Chief Developer Advocate & Hacker at Large" dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not?`) var jsonExample = []byte(`{ "id": "0001", "type": "donut", "name": "Cake", "ppu": 0.55, "batters": { "batter": [ { "type": "Regular" }, { "type": "Chocolate" }, { "type": "Blueberry" }, { "type": "Devil's Food" } ] } }`) // Intended for testing, will reset all to default settings. func Reset() { v = New() SupportedExts = []string{"json", "toml", "yaml", "yml"} SupportedRemoteProviders = []string{"etcd", "consul"} } var remoteExample = []byte(`{ "id":"0002", "type":"cronut", "newkey":"remote" }`) func initConfigs() { Reset() SetConfigType("yaml") r := bytes.NewReader(yamlExample) marshalReader(r, v.config) SetConfigType("json") r = bytes.NewReader(jsonExample) marshalReader(r, v.config) SetConfigType("toml") r = bytes.NewReader(tomlExample) marshalReader(r, v.config) SetConfigType("json") remote := bytes.NewReader(remoteExample) marshalReader(remote, v.kvstore) } func initYAML() { Reset() SetConfigType("yaml") r := bytes.NewReader(yamlExample) marshalReader(r, v.config) } func initJSON() { Reset() SetConfigType("json") r := bytes.NewReader(jsonExample) marshalReader(r, v.config) } func initTOML() { Reset() SetConfigType("toml") r := bytes.NewReader(tomlExample) marshalReader(r, v.config) } //stubs for PFlag Values type stringValue string func newStringValue(val string, p *string) *stringValue { *p = val return (*stringValue)(p) } func (s *stringValue) Set(val string) error { *s = stringValue(val) return nil } func (s *stringValue) Type() string { return "string" } func (s *stringValue) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s", *s) } func TestBasics(t *testing.T) { SetConfigFile("/tmp/config.yaml") assert.Equal(t, "/tmp/config.yaml", v.getConfigFile()) } func TestDefault(t *testing.T) { SetDefault("age", 45) assert.Equal(t, 45, Get("age")) } func TestMarshalling(t *testing.T) { SetConfigType("yaml") r := bytes.NewReader(yamlExample) marshalReader(r, v.config) assert.True(t, InConfig("name")) assert.False(t, InConfig("state")) assert.Equal(t, "steve", Get("name")) assert.Equal(t, []interface{}{"skateboarding", "snowboarding", "go"}, Get("hobbies")) assert.Equal(t, map[interface{}]interface{}{"jacket": "leather", "trousers": "denim"}, Get("clothing")) assert.Equal(t, 35, Get("age")) } func TestOverrides(t *testing.T) { Set("age", 40) assert.Equal(t, 40, Get("age")) } func TestDefaultPost(t *testing.T) { assert.NotEqual(t, "NYC", Get("state")) SetDefault("state", "NYC") assert.Equal(t, "NYC", Get("state")) } func TestAliases(t *testing.T) { RegisterAlias("years", "age") assert.Equal(t, 40, Get("years")) Set("years", 45) assert.Equal(t, 45, Get("age")) } func TestAliasInConfigFile(t *testing.T) { // the config file specifies "beard". If we make this an alias for // "hasbeard", we still want the old config file to work with beard. RegisterAlias("beard", "hasbeard") assert.Equal(t, true, Get("hasbeard")) Set("hasbeard", false) assert.Equal(t, false, Get("beard")) } func TestYML(t *testing.T) { initYAML() assert.Equal(t, "steve", Get("name")) } func TestJSON(t *testing.T) { initJSON() assert.Equal(t, "0001", Get("id")) } func TestTOML(t *testing.T) { initTOML() assert.Equal(t, "TOML Example", Get("title")) } func TestRemotePrecedence(t *testing.T) { initJSON() remote := bytes.NewReader(remoteExample) assert.Equal(t, "0001", Get("id")) marshalReader(remote, v.kvstore) assert.Equal(t, "0001", Get("id")) assert.NotEqual(t, "cronut", Get("type")) assert.Equal(t, "remote", Get("newkey")) Set("newkey", "newvalue") assert.NotEqual(t, "remote", Get("newkey")) assert.Equal(t, "newvalue", Get("newkey")) Set("newkey", "remote") } func TestEnv(t *testing.T) { initJSON() BindEnv("id") BindEnv("f", "FOOD") os.Setenv("ID", "13") os.Setenv("FOOD", "apple") os.Setenv("NAME", "crunk") assert.Equal(t, "13", Get("id")) assert.Equal(t, "apple", Get("f")) assert.Equal(t, "Cake", Get("name")) AutomaticEnv() assert.Equal(t, "crunk", Get("name")) } func TestEnvPrefix(t *testing.T) { initJSON() SetEnvPrefix("foo") // will be uppercased automatically BindEnv("id") BindEnv("f", "FOOD") // not using prefix os.Setenv("FOO_ID", "13") os.Setenv("FOOD", "apple") os.Setenv("FOO_NAME", "crunk") assert.Equal(t, "13", Get("id")) assert.Equal(t, "apple", Get("f")) assert.Equal(t, "Cake", Get("name")) AutomaticEnv() assert.Equal(t, "crunk", Get("name")) } func TestAllKeys(t *testing.T) { initConfigs() ks := sort.StringSlice{"title", "newkey", "owner", "name", "beard", "ppu", "batters", "hobbies", "clothing", "age", "hacker", "id", "type", "eyes"} dob, _ := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z") all := map[string]interface{}{"owner": map[string]interface{}{"organization": "MongoDB", "Bio": "MongoDB Chief Developer Advocate & Hacker at Large", "dob": dob}, "title": "TOML Example", "ppu": 0.55, "eyes": "brown", "clothing": map[interface{}]interface{}{"trousers": "denim", "jacket": "leather"}, "id": "0001", "batters": map[string]interface{}{"batter": []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"type": "Regular"}, map[string]interface{}{"type": "Chocolate"}, map[string]interface{}{"type": "Blueberry"}, map[string]interface{}{"type": "Devil's Food"}}}, "hacker": true, "beard": true, "hobbies": []interface{}{"skateboarding", "snowboarding", "go"}, "age": 35, "type": "donut", "newkey": "remote", "name": "Cake"} var allkeys sort.StringSlice allkeys = AllKeys() allkeys.Sort() ks.Sort() assert.Equal(t, ks, allkeys) assert.Equal(t, all, AllSettings()) } func TestCaseInSensitive(t *testing.T) { assert.Equal(t, true, Get("hacker")) Set("Title", "Checking Case") assert.Equal(t, "Checking Case", Get("tItle")) } func TestAliasesOfAliases(t *testing.T) { RegisterAlias("Foo", "Bar") RegisterAlias("Bar", "Title") assert.Equal(t, "Checking Case", Get("FOO")) } func TestRecursiveAliases(t *testing.T) { RegisterAlias("Baz", "Roo") RegisterAlias("Roo", "baz") } func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) { SetDefault("port", 1313) Set("name", "Steve") type config struct { Port int Name string } var C config err := Marshal(&C) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unable to decode into struct, %v", err) } assert.Equal(t, &C, &config{Name: "Steve", Port: 1313}) Set("port", 1234) err = Marshal(&C) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unable to decode into struct, %v", err) } assert.Equal(t, &C, &config{Name: "Steve", Port: 1234}) } func TestBindPFlag(t *testing.T) { var testString = "testing" var testValue = newStringValue(testString, &testString) flag := &pflag.Flag{ Name: "testflag", Value: testValue, Changed: false, } BindPFlag("testvalue", flag) assert.Equal(t, testString, Get("testvalue")) flag.Value.Set("testing_mutate") flag.Changed = true //hack for pflag usage assert.Equal(t, "testing_mutate", Get("testvalue")) } func TestBoundCaseSensitivity(t *testing.T) { assert.Equal(t, "brown", Get("eyes")) BindEnv("eYEs", "TURTLE_EYES") os.Setenv("TURTLE_EYES", "blue") assert.Equal(t, "blue", Get("eyes")) var testString = "green" var testValue = newStringValue(testString, &testString) flag := &pflag.Flag{ Name: "eyeballs", Value: testValue, Changed: true, } BindPFlag("eYEs", flag) assert.Equal(t, "green", Get("eyes")) } func TestCanCascadeConfigurationValues(t *testing.T) { v2 := New() generateCascadingTests(v2,"cascading") v2.ReadInConfig() v2.EnableCascading(true) assert.Equal(t,"high",v2.GetString("0"),"Key 0 should be high") assert.Equal(t,"med",v2.GetString("1"),"Key 1 should be med") assert.Equal(t,"low",v2.GetString("2"),"key 2 should be low") v2.EnableCascading(false) assert.Nil(t,v2.Get("1"),"With enable cascading disabled, no value for 1 should exist") assert.Nil(t,v2.Get("2"),"With enable cascading disabled, no value for 2 should exist") } func TestFindAllConfigPaths(t *testing.T){ v2 := New() file := "viper_test" var expected = generateCascadingTests(v2,file) found := v2.findAllConfigFiles() for _,fp := range expected{ command := exec.Command("rm",fp) command.Run() } assert.Equal(t,expected,removeDuplicates(found),"All files should exist") } func generateCascadingTests(v2 *viper, file_name string) []string { v2.SetConfigName(file_name) tmp := os.Getenv("TMPDIR") if( tmp == ""){ tmp,_ = filepath.Abs(filepath.Dir("./")) } // $TMPDIR/a > $TMPDIR/b > %TMPDIR paths := []string{path.Join(tmp,"a"),path.Join(tmp,"b"),tmp} v2.SetConfigName(file_name) var expected []string for idx,fp := range paths { v2.AddConfigPath(fp) exec.Command("mkdir","-m","777",fp).Run() full_path := path.Join(fp,file_name + ".json") var val string switch idx{ case 0 : val = "high" break case 1 : val = "med" break case 2 : val = "low" } config := "{" for i := 0; i <= idx; i++ { config += fmt.Sprintf("\"%d\": \"%s\"",i,val) if( i == idx) { config += "\n" }else{ config += ",\n" } } config += "}" ioutil.WriteFile(full_path,[]byte(config),0777) expected = append(expected,full_path) } return expected } func removeDuplicates(a []string) []string { result := []string{} seen := map[string]string{} for _, val := range a { if _, ok := seen[val]; !ok { result = append(result, val) seen[val] = val } } return result }