Virgil Dupras bc8b070565 Unprivileged box creation: first step
I've been hacking my way through building vagrant boxes in unprivileged
containers. It works. Barely but it works. I can end up with a
functional vagrant box with `make stretch`.

The only place where I need `sudo` is when we tar up the root fs because
it doesn't belong to the same UID.
2018-04-14 23:30:48 -04:00

36 lines
990 B
Executable file

set -e
source common/
# TODO: Create file with build date / time on container
info "Packaging '${CONTAINER}' to '${PACKAGE}'..."
if [ -f ${WORKING_DIR}/rootfs.tar.gz ]; then
log "Removing previous rootfs tarball"
rm -f ${WORKING_DIR}/rootfs.tar.gz
log "Compressing container's rootfs (sudo needed)"
pushd $(dirname ${ROOTFS}) &>>${LOG}
sudo tar --numeric-owner --anchored --exclude=./rootfs/dev/log -czf \
${WORKING_DIR}/rootfs.tar.gz ./rootfs/*
popd &>>${LOG}
sudo chown ${UID} ${WORKING_DIR}/rootfs.tar.gz
# Prepare package contents
log 'Preparing box package contents'
if [ -f conf/${DISTRIBUTION}-${RELEASE} ]; then
cp conf/${DISTRIBUTION}-${RELEASE} ${WORKING_DIR}/lxc-config
cp conf/${DISTRIBUTION} ${WORKING_DIR}/lxc-config
cp conf/metadata.json ${WORKING_DIR}
sed -i "s/<TODAY>/${NOW}/" ${WORKING_DIR}/metadata.json
# Vagrant box!
log 'Packaging box'
TARBALL=$(readlink -f ${PACKAGE})
(cd ${WORKING_DIR} && tar -czf $TARBALL ./*)