diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
index cf3eecb1..36426058 100644
--- a/Gemfile
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -51,4 +51,6 @@ group :development, :test do
gem 'pry-rails'
gem 'rubocop'
gem 'tunemygc'
+ gem 'faker'
+ gem 'timecop'
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
index fd414eb2..62e6e8c0 100644
--- a/Gemfile.lock
+++ b/Gemfile.lock
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ GEM
factory_girl_rails (4.8.0)
factory_girl (~> 4.8.0)
railties (>= 3.0.0)
+ faker (1.7.3)
+ i18n (~> 0.5)
globalid (0.3.7)
activesupport (>= 4.1.0)
httparty (0.14.0)
@@ -272,6 +274,7 @@ GEM
thor (0.19.4)
thread_safe (0.3.5)
tilt (2.0.5)
+ timecop (0.8.1)
tunemygc (1.0.69)
tzinfo (1.2.2)
thread_safe (~> 0.1)
@@ -301,6 +304,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
+ faker
@@ -327,6 +331,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
+ timecop
@@ -334,4 +339,4 @@ RUBY VERSION
ruby 2.3.0p0
- 1.13.7
+ 1.14.6
diff --git a/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb b/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
index 112b28ab..fdd2fa85 100644
--- a/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
+++ b/app/mailers/application_mailer.rb
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@ class ApplicationMailer < ActionMailer::Base
default from: 'team@metamaps.cc'
layout 'mailer'
- def deliver
- raise NotImplementedError('Please use Mailboxer to send your emails.')
- end
class << self
def mail_for_notification(notification)
case notification.notification_code
diff --git a/app/mailers/map_activity_mailer.rb b/app/mailers/map_activity_mailer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..977ece4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/mailers/map_activity_mailer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+class MapActivityMailer < ApplicationMailer
+ default from: 'team@metamaps.cc'
+ def daily_summary(user, map, summary_data)
+ @user = user
+ @map = map
+ @summary_data = summary_data
+ mail(to: user.email, subject: MapActivityService.subject_line(map))
+ end
diff --git a/app/models/mapping.rb b/app/models/mapping.rb
index f8430bde..a49555a3 100644
--- a/app/models/mapping.rb
+++ b/app/models/mapping.rb
@@ -41,10 +41,11 @@ class Mapping < ApplicationRecord
topic2: mappable.topic2.filtered,
mapping_id: id
- Events::SynapseAddedToMap.publish!(mappable, map, user, nil)
+ meta = { 'mapping_id': id }
+ Events::SynapseAddedToMap.publish!(mappable, map, user, meta)
def after_created_async
FollowService.follow(map, user, 'contributed')
@@ -57,7 +58,7 @@ class Mapping < ApplicationRecord
ActionCable.server.broadcast 'map_' + map.id.to_s, type: 'topicMoved', id: mappable.id, mapping_id: id, x: xloc, y: yloc
def after_updated_async
if (mappable_type == 'Topic') && (xloc_changed? || yloc_changed?)
FollowService.follow(map, updated_by, 'contributed')
diff --git a/app/models/synapse.rb b/app/models/synapse.rb
index e8378f0e..4def4147 100644
--- a/app/models/synapse.rb
+++ b/app/models/synapse.rb
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ class Synapse < ApplicationRecord
output += %(\n)
def set_perm_by_defer
permission = defer_to_map.permission if defer_to_map
def after_created_async
follow_ids = NotificationService.notify_followers(topic1, TOPIC_CONNECTED_1, self)
NotificationService.notify_followers(topic2, TOPIC_CONNECTED_2, self, nil, follow_ids)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ class Synapse < ApplicationRecord
def before_destroyed
# hard to know how to do this yet, because the synapse actually gets destroyed
#NotificationService.notify_followers(topic1, 'topic_disconnected', self)
diff --git a/app/services/map_activity_service.rb b/app/services/map_activity_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..51424b68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/map_activity_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+class MapActivityService
+ def self.subject_line(map)
+ 'Activity on map ' + map.name
+ end
+ def self.summarize_data(map, user, until_moment = DateTime.now)
+ results = {
+ stats: {}
+ }
+ since = until_moment - 24.hours
+ scoped_topic_ids = TopicPolicy::Scope.new(user, map.topics).resolve.map(&:id)
+ scoped_synapse_ids = SynapsePolicy::Scope.new(user, map.synapses).resolve.map(&:id)
+ message_count = Message.where(resource: map)
+ .where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", since, until_moment)
+ .where.not(user: user).count
+ if message_count > 0
+ results[:stats][:messages_sent] = message_count
+ end
+ moved_count = Event.where(kind: 'topic_moved_on_map', map: map)
+ .where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", since, until_moment)
+ .where(eventable_id: scoped_topic_ids)
+ .where.not(user: user).group(:eventable_id).count
+ if moved_count.keys.length > 0
+ results[:stats][:topics_moved] = moved_count.keys.length
+ end
+ topics_added_events = Event.where(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', map: map)
+ .where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", since, until_moment)
+ .where.not(user: user)
+ .order(:created_at)
+ topics_removed_events = Event.where(kind: 'topic_removed_from_map', map: map)
+ .where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", since, until_moment)
+ .where.not(user: user)
+ .order(:created_at)
+ topics_added_to_include = {}
+ topics_added_events.each do |ta|
+ num_adds = topics_added_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ num_removes = topics_removed_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ topics_added_to_include[ta.eventable_id] = ta if num_adds > num_removes && scoped_topic_ids.include?(ta.eventable.id)
+ end
+ if topics_added_to_include.keys.length > 0
+ results[:stats][:topics_added] = topics_added_to_include.keys.length
+ results[:topics_added] = topics_added_to_include.values
+ end
+ topics_removed_to_include = {}
+ topics_removed_events.each do |ta|
+ num_adds = topics_added_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ num_removes = topics_removed_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ topics_removed_to_include[ta.eventable_id] = ta if num_removes > num_adds && TopicPolicy.new(user, ta.eventable).show?
+ end
+ if topics_removed_to_include.keys.length > 0
+ results[:stats][:topics_removed] = topics_removed_to_include.keys.length
+ results[:topics_removed] = topics_removed_to_include.values
+ end
+ synapses_added_events = Event.where(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', map: map)
+ .where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", since, until_moment)
+ .where.not(user: user)
+ .order(:created_at)
+ synapses_removed_events = Event.where(kind: 'synapse_removed_from_map', map: map)
+ .where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", since, until_moment)
+ .where.not(user: user)
+ .order(:created_at)
+ synapses_added_to_include = {}
+ synapses_added_events.each do |ta|
+ num_adds = synapses_added_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ num_removes = synapses_removed_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ synapses_added_to_include[ta.eventable_id] = ta if num_adds > num_removes && scoped_synapse_ids.include?(ta.eventable.id)
+ end
+ if synapses_added_to_include.keys.length > 0
+ results[:stats][:synapses_added] = synapses_added_to_include.keys.length
+ results[:synapses_added] = synapses_added_to_include.values
+ end
+ synapses_removed_to_include = {}
+ synapses_removed_events.each do |ta|
+ num_adds = synapses_added_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ num_removes = synapses_removed_events.where(eventable_id: ta.eventable_id).count
+ synapses_removed_to_include[ta.eventable_id] = ta if num_removes > num_adds && SynapsePolicy.new(user, ta.eventable).show?
+ end
+ if synapses_removed_to_include.keys.length > 0
+ results[:stats][:synapses_removed] = synapses_removed_to_include.keys.length
+ results[:synapses_removed] = synapses_removed_to_include.values
+ end
+ results
+ end
diff --git a/app/views/map_activity_mailer/daily_summary.html.erb b/app/views/map_activity_mailer/daily_summary.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd9f79da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/map_activity_mailer/daily_summary.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+<% button_style = "background-color:#4fc059;border-radius:2px;color:white;display:inline-block;font-family:Roboto,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;min-height:29px;line-height:29px;min-width:54px;outline:0px;padding:0 8px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none" %>
Hey <%= @user.name %>, there was activity by others in the last 24 hours on map
+ <%= link_to @map.name, map_url(@map) %>
# of messages: <%= @summary_data[:stats][:messages_sent] || 0 %>
# of topics added: <%= @summary_data[:stats][:topics_added] || 0 %>
# of topics moved: <%= @summary_data[:stats][:topics_moved] || 0%>
# of topics removed: <%= @summary_data[:stats][:topics_removed] || 0 %>
# of synapses added: <%= @summary_data[:stats][:synapses_added] || 0 %>
# of synapses removed: <%= @summary_data[:stats][:synapses_removed] || 0 %>
+ <% if @summary_data[:topics_added] %>
Topics Added
+ <% @summary_data[:topics_added].each do |event| %>
+ - <%= event.eventable.name %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if @summary_data[:topics_removed] %>
Topics Removed
+ <% @summary_data[:topics_removed].each do |event| %>
+ - <%= event.eventable.name %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if @summary_data[:synapses_added] %>
Synapses Added
+ <% @summary_data[:synapses_added].each do |event| %>
+ - <%= event.eventable.topic1.name %> -> <%= event.eventable.topic2.name %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% if @summary_data[:synapses_removed] %>
Synapses Removed
+ <% @summary_data[:synapses_removed].each do |event| %>
+ - <%= event.eventable.topic1.name %> -> <%= event.eventable.topic2.name %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= link_to 'Visit Map', map_url(@map), style: button_style %>
Make sense with Metamaps
+ <%= link_to 'Unfollow this map', unfollow_from_email_map_url(@map) %>
+ <%= render partial: 'shared/mailer_unsubscribe_link' %>
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_mailer_unsubscribe_link.html.erb b/app/views/shared/_mailer_unsubscribe_link.html.erb
index 56730dd9..5aab4689 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_mailer_unsubscribe_link.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/shared/_mailer_unsubscribe_link.html.erb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
- <%= link_to 'Click here to unsubscribe from all Metamaps emails', unsubscribe_notifications_url(protocol: Rails.env.production? ? :https : :http) %>
+ <%= link_to 'Unsubscribe from all Metamaps emails', unsubscribe_notifications_url(protocol: Rails.env.production? ? :https : :http) %>
diff --git a/config/initializers/mailboxer.rb b/config/initializers/mailboxer.rb
index b09caec2..b8abd079 100644
--- a/config/initializers/mailboxer.rb
+++ b/config/initializers/mailboxer.rb
# these ones are new
-# this one's a catch all for occurences on the map
diff --git a/lib/tasks/emails.rake b/lib/tasks/emails.rake
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2a7303a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tasks/emails.rake
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+namespace :metamaps do
+ desc "delivers recent map activity digest emails to users"
+ task deliver_map_activity_emails: :environment do
+ summarize_map_activity
+ end
+ def summarize_map_activity
+ Follow.where(followed_type: 'Map').find_each do |follow|
+ map = follow.followed
+ user = follow.user
+ # add logging and rescue-ing
+ # and a notification of failure
+ next unless MapPolicy.new(user, map).show? # just in case the permission changed
+ next unless user.emails_allowed
+ summary_data = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, user)
+ next if summary_data[:stats].blank?
+ MapActivityMailer.daily_summary(user, map, summary_data).deliver_later
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/spec/factories/message.rb b/spec/factories/message.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0930fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/factories/message.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+FactoryGirl.define do
+ factory :message do
+ association :resource, factory: :map
+ user
+ sequence(:message) { |n| "Cool Message ##{n}" }
+ end
diff --git a/spec/mailers/map_activity_mailer_spec.rb b/spec/mailers/map_activity_mailer_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..897a38c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/mailers/map_activity_mailer_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'rails_helper'
+RSpec.describe MapActivityMailer, type: :mailer do
diff --git a/spec/mailers/previews/map_activity_mailer_preview.rb b/spec/mailers/previews/map_activity_mailer_preview.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3d943eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/mailers/previews/map_activity_mailer_preview.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# Preview all emails at http://localhost:3000/rails/mailers/map_activity_mailer
+class MapActivityMailerPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def daily_summary
+ user = generate_user
+ map = generate_map
+ generate_recent_activity_on_map(map)
+ summary_data = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, user)
+ MapActivityMailer.daily_summary(user, map, summary_data)
+ end
+ private
+ def generate_recent_activity_on_map(map)
+ mapping = nil
+ mapping2 = nil
+ mapping3 = nil
+ mapping4 = nil
+ mapping5 = nil
+ mapping6 = nil
+ mapping7 = nil
+ mapping8 = nil
+ mapping9 = nil
+ mapping10 = nil
+ Timecop.freeze(2.days.ago) do
+ mapping = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping2 = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping3 = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping4 = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping5 = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping6 = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping7 = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping8 = topic_added_to_map(map)
+ mapping9 = synapse_added_to_map(map, mapping.mappable, mapping2.mappable)
+ mapping10 = synapse_added_to_map(map, mapping.mappable, mapping8.mappable)
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ Timecop.freeze(2.hours.ago) do
+ topic_moved_on_map(mapping7)
+ topic_moved_on_map(mapping8)
+ generate_message(map)
+ generate_message(map)
+ generate_message(map)
+ synapse_added_to_map(map, mapping7.mappable, mapping8.mappable)
+ synapse_added_to_map(map, mapping.mappable, mapping8.mappable)
+ synapse_removed_from_map(mapping9)
+ synapse_removed_from_map(mapping10)
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ Timecop.freeze(30.minutes.ago) do
+ topic_removed_from_map(mapping3)
+ topic_removed_from_map(mapping4)
+ topic_removed_from_map(mapping5)
+ topic_removed_from_map(mapping6)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ topic_added_to_map(map)
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ end
+ def generate_user
+ User.create(name: Faker::Name.name, email: Faker::Internet.email, password: "password", password_confirmation: "password", joinedwithcode: 'qwertyui')
+ end
+ def generate_map
+ Map.create(name: Faker::HarryPotter.book, permission: 'commons', arranged: false, user: generate_user)
+ end
+ def topic_added_to_map(map)
+ user = generate_user
+ topic = Topic.create(name: Faker::Friends.quote, permission: 'commons', user: user)
+ mapping = Mapping.create(map: map, mappable: topic, user: user)
+ end
+ def topic_moved_on_map(mapping)
+ meta = { 'x': 10, 'y': 20, 'mapping_id': mapping.id }
+ Events::TopicMovedOnMap.publish!(mapping.mappable, mapping.map, generate_user, meta)
+ end
+ def topic_removed_from_map(mapping)
+ user = generate_user
+ mapping.updated_by = user
+ mapping.destroy
+ end
+ def synapse_added_to_map(map, topic1, topic2)
+ user = generate_user
+ topic = Synapse.create(desc: 'describes', permission: 'commons', user: user, topic1: topic1, topic2: topic2)
+ mapping = Mapping.create(map: map, mappable: topic, user: user)
+ end
+ def synapse_removed_from_map(mapping)
+ user = generate_user
+ mapping.updated_by = user
+ mapping.destroy
+ end
+ def generate_message(map)
+ Message.create(message: Faker::HarryPotter.quote, resource: map, user: generate_user)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/services/map_activity_service_spec.rb b/spec/services/map_activity_service_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe283e01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/services/map_activity_service_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+require 'rails_helper'
+RSpec.describe MapActivityService do
+ let(:map) { create(:map, created_at: 1.week.ago) }
+ let(:other_user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:email_user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:empty_response) { {stats:{}} }
+ it 'includes nothing if nothing happened' do
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ describe 'topics added to map' do
+ it 'includes a topic added within the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:topics_added]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:topics_added]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ it 'includes a topic added, then removed, then re-added within the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_removed_from_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 4.hours.ago)
+ event = Event.where("meta->>'mapping_id' = ?", mapping2.id.to_s).first
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 4.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:topics_added]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:topics_added]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ it 'excludes a topic removed then re-added within the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_removed_from_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ Event.where(kind: 'topic_added_to_map').where("meta->>'mapping_id' = ?", mapping2.id.to_s).first.update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ it 'excludes a topic added outside the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ it 'excludes topics added by the user who will receive the data' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ topic2 = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: topic2, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic2.id).update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:topics_added]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:topics_added]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'topics moved on map' do
+ it 'includes ones moved within the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ event = Events::TopicMovedOnMap.publish!(topic, map, other_user, {})
+ event.update(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:topics_moved]).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'only includes each topic that was moved in the count once' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ topic2 = create(:topic)
+ create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: topic2, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ event = Events::TopicMovedOnMap.publish!(topic, map, other_user, {})
+ event.update(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ event2 = Events::TopicMovedOnMap.publish!(topic, map, other_user, {})
+ event2.update(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ event3 = Events::TopicMovedOnMap.publish!(topic2, map, other_user, {})
+ event3.update(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:topics_moved]).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it 'excludes ones moved outside the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ event = Events::TopicMovedOnMap.publish!(topic, map, other_user, {})
+ event.update(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ it 'excludes ones moved by the user who will receive the data' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ event = Events::TopicMovedOnMap.publish!(topic, map, email_user, {})
+ event.update(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'topics removed from map' do
+ it 'includes a topic removed within the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_removed_from_map', eventable_id: topic.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:topics_removed]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:topics_removed]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ it 'excludes a topic removed outside the last 24 hours' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 26.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 26.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_removed_from_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ it 'excludes topics removed by the user who will receive the data' do
+ topic = create(:topic)
+ topic2 = create(:topic)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: topic, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: topic2, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_added_to_map', eventable_id: topic2.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ mapping2.updated_by = email_user
+ mapping2.destroy
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_removed_from_map', eventable_id: topic.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'topic_removed_from_map', eventable_id: topic2.id).update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:topics_removed]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:topics_removed]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'synapses added to map' do
+ it 'includes a synapse added within the last 24 hours' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:synapses_added]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:synapses_added]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ it 'includes a synapse added, then removed, then re-added within the last 24 hours' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_removed_from_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 4.hours.ago)
+ event = Event.where(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map').where("meta->>'mapping_id' = ?", mapping2.id.to_s).first
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 4.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:synapses_added]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:synapses_added]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ it 'excludes a synapse removed then re-added within the last 24 hours' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_removed_from_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ Event.where(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map').where("meta->>'mapping_id' = ?", mapping2.id.to_s).first.update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ it 'excludes a synapse added outside the last 24 hours' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ it 'excludes synapses added by the user who will receive the data' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ synapse2 = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: synapse2, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse2.id).update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:synapses_added]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:synapses_added]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ end
+ describe 'synapses removed from map' do
+ it 'includes a synapse removed within the last 24 hours' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_removed_from_map', eventable_id: synapse.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:synapses_removed]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:synapses_removed]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ it 'excludes a synapse removed outside the last 24 hours' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_removed_from_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response).to eq (empty_response)
+ end
+ it 'excludes synapses removed by the user who will receive the data' do
+ synapse = create(:synapse)
+ synapse2 = create(:synapse)
+ mapping = create(:mapping, user: other_user, map: map, mappable: synapse, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping2 = create(:mapping, user: email_user, map: map, mappable: synapse2, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_added_to_map', eventable_id: synapse2.id).update_columns(created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ mapping.destroy
+ mapping2.updated_by = email_user
+ mapping2.destroy
+ event = Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_removed_from_map', eventable_id: synapse.id)
+ event.update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ Event.find_by(kind: 'synapse_removed_from_map', eventable_id: synapse2.id).update_columns(created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:synapses_removed]).to eq(1)
+ expect(response[:synapses_removed]).to eq([event])
+ end
+ end
+ it 'handles permissions for topics added' do
+ new_topic = nil
+ new_private_topic = nil
+ Timecop.freeze(10.hours.ago) do
+ new_topic = create(:topic, permission: 'commons', user: other_user)
+ create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: new_topic, user: other_user)
+ new_private_topic = create(:topic, permission: 'private', user: other_user)
+ create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: new_private_topic, user: other_user)
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats]).to eq({
+ topics_added: 1
+ })
+ expect(response[:topics_added].map(&:eventable_id)).to include(new_topic.id)
+ expect(response[:topics_added].map(&:eventable_id)).to_not include(new_private_topic.id)
+ end
+ it 'handles permissions for topics removed' do
+ old_topic = nil
+ old_private_topic = nil
+ old_topic_mapping = nil
+ old_private_topic_mapping = nil
+ Timecop.freeze(2.days.ago) do
+ old_topic = create(:topic, permission: 'commons', user: other_user)
+ old_topic_mapping = create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: old_topic, user: other_user)
+ old_private_topic = create(:topic, permission: 'private', user: other_user)
+ old_private_topic_mapping = create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: old_private_topic, user: other_user)
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ Timecop.freeze(10.hours.ago) do
+ # visible
+ old_topic_mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ old_topic_mapping.destroy
+ # not visible
+ old_private_topic_mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ old_private_topic_mapping.destroy
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats]).to eq({
+ topics_removed: 1
+ })
+ expect(response[:topics_removed].map(&:eventable_id)).to include(old_topic.id)
+ expect(response[:topics_removed].map(&:eventable_id)).to_not include(old_private_topic.id)
+ end
+ it 'handles permissions for synapses added' do
+ new_synapse = nil
+ new_private_synapse = nil
+ Timecop.freeze(10.hours.ago) do
+ # visible
+ new_synapse = create(:synapse, permission: 'commons', user: other_user)
+ create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: new_synapse, user: other_user)
+ # not visible
+ new_private_synapse = create(:synapse, permission: 'private', user: other_user)
+ create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: new_private_synapse, user: other_user)
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats]).to eq({
+ synapses_added: 1
+ })
+ expect(response[:synapses_added].map(&:eventable_id)).to include(new_synapse.id)
+ expect(response[:synapses_added].map(&:eventable_id)).to_not include(new_private_synapse.id)
+ end
+ it 'handles permissions for synapses removed' do
+ old_synapse = nil
+ old_private_synapse = nil
+ old_synapse_mapping = nil
+ old_private_synapse_mapping = nil
+ Timecop.freeze(2.days.ago) do
+ old_synapse = create(:synapse, permission: 'commons', user: other_user)
+ old_synapse_mapping = create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: old_synapse, user: other_user)
+ old_private_synapse = create(:synapse, permission: 'private', user: other_user)
+ old_private_synapse_mapping = create(:mapping, map: map, mappable: old_private_synapse, user: other_user)
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ Timecop.freeze(10.hours.ago) do
+ # visible
+ old_synapse_mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ old_synapse_mapping.destroy
+ # not visible
+ old_private_synapse_mapping.updated_by = other_user
+ old_private_synapse_mapping.destroy
+ end
+ Timecop.return
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats]).to eq({
+ synapses_removed: 1
+ })
+ expect(response[:synapses_removed].map(&:eventable_id)).to include(old_synapse.id)
+ expect(response[:synapses_removed].map(&:eventable_id)).to_not include(old_private_synapse.id)
+ end
+ describe 'messages in the map chat' do
+ it 'counts messages within the last 24 hours' do
+ create(:message, resource: map, created_at: 6.hours.ago)
+ create(:message, resource: map, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:messages_sent]).to eq(2)
+ end
+ it 'does not count messages outside the last 24 hours' do
+ create(:message, resource: map, created_at: 25.hours.ago)
+ create(:message, resource: map, created_at: 5.hours.ago)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:messages_sent]).to eq(1)
+ end
+ it 'does not count messages sent by the person who will receive the data' do
+ create(:message, resource: map, created_at: 5.hours.ago, user: other_user)
+ create(:message, resource: map, created_at: 5.hours.ago, user: email_user)
+ response = MapActivityService.summarize_data(map, email_user)
+ expect(response[:stats][:messages_sent]).to eq(1)
+ end
+ end