# frozen_string_literal: true class Topic < ApplicationRecord ATTRS_TO_WATCH = %w[name desc link metacode_id permission defer_to_map_id].freeze include TopicsHelper include Attachable belongs_to :user belongs_to :defer_to_map, class_name: 'Map', foreign_key: 'defer_to_map_id' belongs_to :updated_by, class_name: 'User' has_many :synapses1, class_name: 'Synapse', foreign_key: 'topic1_id', dependent: :destroy has_many :synapses2, class_name: 'Synapse', foreign_key: 'topic2_id', dependent: :destroy has_many :topics1, through: :synapses2, source: :topic1 has_many :topics2, through: :synapses1, source: :topic2 has_many :mappings, as: :mappable, dependent: :destroy has_many :maps, through: :mappings has_many :follows, as: :followed, dependent: :destroy has_many :followers, through: :follows, source: :user belongs_to :metacode before_create :set_perm_by_defer before_create :create_metamap? after_create :after_created_async after_update :after_updated after_update :after_updated_async # before_destroy :before_destroyed validates :permission, presence: true validates :permission, inclusion: { in: Perm::ISSIONS.map(&:to_s) } def synapses synapses1.or(synapses2) end def relatives topics1.or(topics2) end scope :relatives, (lambda do |topic_id = nil, user = nil| # should only see topics through *visible* synapses # e.g. Topic A (commons) -> synapse (private) -> Topic B (commons) must be filtered out topic_ids = Pundit.policy_scope(user, Synapse.where(topic1_id: topic_id)).pluck(:topic2_id) topic_ids += Pundit.policy_scope(user, Synapse.where(topic2_id: topic_id)).pluck(:topic1_id) where(id: topic_ids.uniq) end) delegate :name, to: :user, prefix: true def user_image user.image.url end def map_count(user) Pundit.policy_scope(user, maps).count end def synapse_count(user) Pundit.policy_scope(user, synapses).count end def inmaps(user) Pundit.policy_scope(user, maps).map(&:name) end def inmaps_links(user) Pundit.policy_scope(user, maps).map(&:id) end def attachments_json attachments.map do |a| { id: a.id, file_name: a.file_file_name, content_type: a.file_content_type, file_size: a.file_file_size, url: a.file.url } end end def as_json(options = {}) super(methods: %i[user_name user_image collaborator_ids]) .merge(inmaps: inmaps(options[:user]), inmapsLinks: inmaps_links(options[:user]), map_count: map_count(options[:user]), synapse_count: synapse_count(options[:user]), attachments: attachments_json) end def as_rdf output = '' output += %(d:topic_#{id} a mm:Topic ;\n) output += %( rdfs:label "#{name}" ;\n) output += %( rdfs:comment "#{desc}" ;\n) if desc.present? output += %( foaf:homepage <#{link}> ;\n) if link.present? output += %( mm:mapper d:mapper_#{user_id} ;\n) output += %( mm:metacode "#{metacode.name}" ;\n) output[-2] = '.' # change last ; to a . output += %(\n) output end def collaborator_ids if defer_to_map defer_to_map.editors.reject { |mapper| mapper == user }.map(&:id) else [] end end def filtered { id: id, permission: permission, user_id: user_id, collaborator_ids: collaborator_ids } end # TODO: move to a decorator? def synapses_csv(output_format = 'array') output = [] synapses.each do |synapse| if synapse.category == 'from-to' if synapse.topic1_id == id output << synapse.topic1_id.to_s + '->' + synapse.topic2_id.to_s elsif synapse.topic2_id == id output << synapse.topic2_id.to_s + '<-' + synapse.topic1_id.to_s else raise 'invalid synapse on topic in synapse_csv' end elsif synapse.category == 'both' if synapse.topic1_id == id output << synapse.topic1_id.to_s + '<->' + synapse.topic2_id.to_s elsif synapse.topic2_id == id output << synapse.topic2_id.to_s + '<->' + synapse.topic1_id.to_s else raise 'invalid synapse on topic in synapse_csv' end end end return output if output_format == 'array' return output.join('; ') if output_format == 'text' raise 'invalid argument to synapses_csv' end def topic_autocomplete_method "Get: #{name}" end protected def set_perm_by_defer self.permission = defer_to_map.permission if defer_to_map end def create_metamap? return unless (link == '') && (metacode.name == 'Metamap') @map = Map.create(name: name, permission: permission, desc: '', arranged: true, user_id: user_id) self.link = Rails.application.routes.url_helpers .map_url(host: ENV['MAILER_DEFAULT_URL'], id: @map.id) end def after_created_async FollowService.follow(self, user, 'created') # notify users following the topic creator end handle_asynchronously :after_created_async def after_updated return unless ATTRS_TO_WATCH.any? { |k| changed_attributes.key?(k) } new = attributes.select { |k| ATTRS_TO_WATCH.include?(k) } old = changed_attributes.select { |k| ATTRS_TO_WATCH.include?(k) } meta = new.merge(old) # we are prioritizing the old values, keeping them meta['changed'] = changed_attributes.keys.select { |k| ATTRS_TO_WATCH.include?(k) } Events::TopicUpdated.publish!(self, updated_by, meta) maps.each do |map| ActionCable.server.broadcast 'map_' + map.id.to_s, type: 'topicUpdated', id: id end end def after_updated_async return unless ATTRS_TO_WATCH.any? { |k| changed_attributes.key?(k) } FollowService.follow(self, updated_by, 'contributed') end handle_asynchronously :after_updated_async def before_destroyed # hard to know how to do this yet, because the topic actually gets destroyed # NotificationService.notify_followers(self, 'topic_deleted', ?) end end