{ "ignored_warnings": [ { "warning_type": "Cross-Site Request Forgery", "warning_code": 7, "fingerprint": "59d73ce0b791aa7ed532510c780235a8b23f7cd1246dbf9da258e36f5d1e2b0a", "message": "'protect_from_forgery' should be called in Api::V2::RestfulController", "file": "app/controllers/api/v2/restful_controller.rb", "line": 4, "link": "http://brakemanscanner.org/docs/warning_types/cross-site_request_forgery/", "code": null, "render_path": null, "location": { "type": "controller", "controller": "Api::V2::RestfulController" }, "user_input": null, "confidence": "High", "note": "Cookie-based auth is disabled for the API except for the tokens endpoint. We're hoping this is sufficiently secure, because CSRF-forged links might get clicked on another site, but the generated tokens won't go back to the attacker. Also, an attacker would need a token to delete it, which means they've got access at that point anyways. - Devin, Feb 2017" } ], "updated": "2017-02-11 20:00:09 -0800", "brakeman_version": "3.4.1" }