  # @file
  # Partial view, renders a form that creates a new map.
<div class="onConsole">
<%= form_for Map.new, url: maps_url, remote: true, html: { class: "new_map", id: "fork_map" } do |form|%>
  <h3 class="forCreateMap">Save To New Map</h3>
  <div class="inputGroup">
    <label for="map_name">Name: </label>
    <%= form.text_field :name, :maxlength => 140 %>
    <div class="clearfloat"></div>
  <div class="inputGroup">
    <label for="map_desc">Description: </label> 
    <%= form.text_area :desc, class: "description", :rows => 5, :cols => 43 %>
    <div class="clearfloat"></div>
  <div class="inputGroup">
    <label for="map_permission">Permission*: </label>    
    <p class="permHelper">*new topics and synapses take on the same permission as the map they are created on</p>    
    <div class="permIconWrapper">
        <div class="permIcon" data-permission="commons">
          <div id="newmap_co" class="mapCommonsIcon mapPermIcon selected">
            <div class="tip">
              Collaborate with other mappers on editing this map. Those without accounts can view this map.
        <div class="permIcon" data-permission="public">
          <div id="newmap_pu" class="mapPublicIcon mapPermIcon">
            <div class="tip">
              Anyone, with or without an account, can view this map but not edit anything.
        <div class="permIcon" data-permission="private">
          <div id="newmap_pr" class="mapPrivateIcon mapPermIcon">
            <div class="tip">
              Only you can view or edit this map.
        <div class="clearfloat"></div>
    <p class="permText">Collaborate with other mappers on editing this map. Those without accounts can view this map.</p>
    <div class="clearfloat"></div>
  <div class="buttonWrapper">
    <button class="button cancel">Cancel</button>
    <button class="button submitMap">Create!</button>
  <div class="clearfloat"></div>
<% end %>