var USERVOICE; if(USERVOICE == undefined) { USERVOICE = {}; } USERVOICE.load = function (name, id, email, sso_token) { // Include the UserVoice JavaScript SDK (only needed once on a page) UserVoice=window.UserVoice||[];(function(){var uv=document.createElement('script');uv.type='text/javascript';uv.async=true;uv.src='//';var s=document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(uv,s)})(); // // UserVoice Javascript SDK developer documentation: // // // Set colors UserVoice.push(['set', { accent_color: '#448dd6', trigger_color: 'white', trigger_background_color: 'rgba(46, 49, 51, 0.6)' }]); // Identify the user and pass traits // To enable, replace sample data with actual user traits and uncomment the line if (name) { UserVoice.push(['setSSO', sso_token]); UserVoice.push(['identify', { 'email': email, // User’s email address 'name': name, // User’s real name 'id': id, // Optional: Unique id of the user }]); } // Add default trigger to the bottom-left corner of the window: UserVoice.push(['addTrigger', { mode: 'contact', trigger_position: 'bottom-left' }]); // Or, use your own custom trigger: //UserVoice.push(['addTrigger', '#barometer_tab', { mode: 'contact' }]); // Autoprompt for Satisfaction and SmartVote (only displayed under certain conditions) UserVoice.push(['autoprompt', {}]); };