/* global Metamaps, $, Hogan, Bloodhound, CanvasLoader */ import Active from './Active' import Create from './Create' import Filter from './Filter' import Router from './Router' /* * Metamaps.Backbone * Metamaps.Erb * Metamaps.Maps */ const GlobalUI = { notifyTimeout: null, lightbox: null, init: function () { var self = GlobalUI self.Search.init() self.CreateMap.init() self.Account.init() if ($('#toast').html().trim()) self.notifyUser($('#toast').html()) // bind lightbox clicks $('.openLightbox').click(function (event) { self.openLightbox($(this).attr('data-open')) event.preventDefault() return false }) $('#lightbox_screen, #lightbox_close').click(self.closeLightbox) // initialize global backbone models and collections if (Active.Mapper) Active.Mapper = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapper(Active.Mapper) var myCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Mine ? Metamaps.Maps.Mine : [] var sharedCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Shared ? Metamaps.Maps.Shared : [] var starredCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Starred ? Metamaps.Maps.Starred : [] var mapperCollection = [] var mapperOptionsObj = { id: 'mapper', sortBy: 'updated_at' } if (Metamaps.Maps.Mapper) { mapperCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.models mapperOptionsObj.mapperId = Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.id } var featuredCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Featured ? Metamaps.Maps.Featured : [] var activeCollection = Metamaps.Maps.Active ? Metamaps.Maps.Active : [] Metamaps.Maps.Mine = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(myCollection, { id: 'mine', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) Metamaps.Maps.Shared = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(sharedCollection, { id: 'shared', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) Metamaps.Maps.Starred = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(starredCollection, { id: 'starred', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) // 'Mapper' refers to another mapper Metamaps.Maps.Mapper = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(mapperCollection, mapperOptionsObj) Metamaps.Maps.Featured = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(featuredCollection, { id: 'featured', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) Metamaps.Maps.Active = new Metamaps.Backbone.MapsCollection(activeCollection, { id: 'active', sortBy: 'updated_at' }) }, showDiv: function (selector) { $(selector).show() $(selector).animate({ opacity: 1 }, 200, 'easeOutCubic') }, hideDiv: function (selector) { $(selector).animate({ opacity: 0 }, 200, 'easeInCubic', function () { $(this).hide() }) }, openLightbox: function (which) { var self = GlobalUI $('.lightboxContent').hide() $('#' + which).show() self.lightbox = which $('#lightbox_overlay').show() var heightOfContent = '-' + ($('#lightbox_main').height() / 2) + 'px' // animate the content in from the bottom $('#lightbox_main').animate({ 'top': '50%', 'margin-top': heightOfContent }, 200, 'easeOutCubic') // fade the black overlay in $('#lightbox_screen').animate({ 'opacity': '0.42' }, 200) if (which === 'switchMetacodes') { Create.isSwitchingSet = true } }, closeLightbox: function (event) { var self = GlobalUI if (event) event.preventDefault() // animate the lightbox content offscreen $('#lightbox_main').animate({ 'top': '100%', 'margin-top': '0' }, 200, 'easeInCubic') // fade the black overlay out $('#lightbox_screen').animate({ 'opacity': '0.0' }, 200, function () { $('#lightbox_overlay').hide() }) if (self.lightbox === 'forkmap') GlobalUI.CreateMap.reset('fork_map') if (self.lightbox === 'newmap') GlobalUI.CreateMap.reset('new_map') if (Create && Create.isSwitchingSet) { Create.cancelMetacodeSetSwitch() } self.lightbox = null }, notifyUser: function (message, leaveOpen) { var self = GlobalUI $('#toast').html(message) self.showDiv('#toast') clearTimeout(self.notifyTimeOut) if (!leaveOpen) { self.notifyTimeOut = setTimeout(function () { self.hideDiv('#toast') }, 8000) } }, clearNotify: function () { var self = GlobalUI clearTimeout(self.notifyTimeOut) self.hideDiv('#toast') }, shareInvite: function (inviteLink) { window.prompt('To copy the invite link, press: Ctrl+C, Enter', inviteLink) } } GlobalUI.CreateMap = { newMap: null, emptyMapForm: '', emptyForkMapForm: '', topicsToMap: [], synapsesToMap: [], init: function () { var self = GlobalUI.CreateMap self.newMap = new Metamaps.Backbone.Map({ permission: 'commons' }) self.bindFormEvents() self.emptyMapForm = $('#new_map').html() }, bindFormEvents: function () { var self = GlobalUI.CreateMap $('.new_map input, .new_map div').unbind('keypress').bind('keypress', function (event) { if (event.keyCode === 13) self.submit() }) $('.new_map button.cancel').unbind().bind('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault() GlobalUI.closeLightbox() }) $('.new_map button.submitMap').unbind().bind('click', self.submit) // bind permission changer events on the createMap form $('.permIcon').unbind().bind('click', self.switchPermission) }, closeSuccess: function () { $('#mapCreatedSuccess').fadeOut(300, function () { $(this).remove() }) }, generateSuccessMessage: function (id) { var stringStart = "
Your map has been created. Do you want to: Go to your new map" stringStart += "ORStay on this " var page = Active.Map ? 'map' : 'page' var stringEnd = '
' return stringStart + page + stringEnd }, switchPermission: function () { var self = GlobalUI.CreateMap self.newMap.set('permission', $(this).attr('data-permission')) $(this).siblings('.permIcon').find('.mapPermIcon').removeClass('selected') $(this).find('.mapPermIcon').addClass('selected') var permText = $(this).find('.tip').html() $(this).parents('.new_map').find('.permText').html(permText) }, submit: function (event) { if (event) event.preventDefault() var self = GlobalUI.CreateMap if (GlobalUI.lightbox === 'forkmap') { self.newMap.set('topicsToMap', self.topicsToMap) self.newMap.set('synapsesToMap', self.synapsesToMap) } var formId = GlobalUI.lightbox === 'forkmap' ? '#fork_map' : '#new_map' var $form = $(formId) self.newMap.set('name', $form.find('#map_name').val()) self.newMap.set('desc', $form.find('#map_desc').val()) if (self.newMap.get('name').length === 0) { self.throwMapNameError() return } self.newMap.save(null, { success: self.success // TODO add error message }) GlobalUI.closeLightbox() GlobalUI.notifyUser('Working...') }, throwMapNameError: function () { var formId = GlobalUI.lightbox === 'forkmap' ? '#fork_map' : '#new_map' var $form = $(formId) var message = $("
Please enter a map name...
") $form.find('#map_name').after(message) setTimeout(function () { message.fadeOut('fast', function () { message.remove() }) }, 5000) }, success: function (model) { var self = GlobalUI.CreateMap // push the new map onto the collection of 'my maps' Metamaps.Maps.Mine.add(model) GlobalUI.clearNotify() $('#wrapper').append(self.generateSuccessMessage(model.id)) }, reset: function (id) { var self = GlobalUI.CreateMap var form = $('#' + id) if (id === 'fork_map') { self.topicsToMap = [] self.synapsesToMap = [] form.html(self.emptyForkMapForm) } else { form.html(self.emptyMapForm) } self.bindFormEvents() self.newMap = new Metamaps.Backbone.Map({ permission: 'commons' }) return false } } GlobalUI.Account = { isOpen: false, changing: false, init: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Account $('.sidebarAccountIcon').click(self.toggleBox) $('.sidebarAccountBox').click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation() }) $('body').click(self.close) }, toggleBox: function (event) { var self = GlobalUI.Account if (self.isOpen) self.close() else self.open() event.stopPropagation() }, open: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Account Filter.close() $('.sidebarAccountIcon .tooltipsUnder').addClass('hide') if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing) { self.changing = true $('.sidebarAccountBox').fadeIn(200, function () { self.changing = false self.isOpen = true $('.sidebarAccountBox #user_email').focus() }) } }, close: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Account $('.sidebarAccountIcon .tooltipsUnder').removeClass('hide') if (!self.changing) { self.changing = true $('.sidebarAccountBox #user_email').blur() $('.sidebarAccountBox').fadeOut(200, function () { self.changing = false self.isOpen = false }) } } } GlobalUI.Search = { locked: false, isOpen: false, limitTopicsToMe: false, limitMapsToMe: false, timeOut: null, changing: false, optionsInitialized: false, init: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Search // TODO does this overlap with Metamaps.Loading? // devin sez: I'd like to remove Metamaps.Loading from the rails code var loader = new CanvasLoader('searchLoading') loader.setColor('#4fb5c0') // default is '#000000' loader.setDiameter(24) // default is 40 loader.setDensity(41) // default is 40 loader.setRange(0.9) // default is 1.3 loader.show() // Hidden by default // bind the hover events $('.sidebarSearch').hover(function () { self.open() }, function () { self.close(800, false) }) $('.sidebarSearchIcon').click(function (e) { $('.sidebarSearchField').focus() }) $('.sidebarSearch').click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }) $('body').click(function (e) { self.close(0, false) }) // open if the search is closed and user hits ctrl+/ // close if they hit ESC $('body').bind('keyup', function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 191: if ((e.ctrlKey && !self.isOpen) || (e.ctrlKey && self.locked)) { self.open(true) // true for focus } break case 27: if (self.isOpen) { self.close(0, true) } break default: break // console.log(e.which) } }) self.startTypeahead() }, lock: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Search self.locked = true }, unlock: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Search self.locked = false }, open: function (focus) { var self = GlobalUI.Search clearTimeout(self.timeOut) if (!self.isOpen && !self.changing && !self.locked) { self.changing = true $('.sidebarSearch .twitter-typeahead, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint, .sidebarSearchField').animate({ width: '400px' }, 300, function () { if (focus) $('.sidebarSearchField').focus() $('.sidebarSearchField, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint').css({ padding: '7px 10px 3px 10px', width: '380px' }) self.changing = false self.isOpen = true }) } }, close: function (closeAfter, bypass) { // for now return var self = GlobalUI.Search self.timeOut = setTimeout(function () { if (!self.locked && !self.changing && self.isOpen && (bypass || $('.sidebarSearchField.tt-input').val() === '')) { self.changing = true $('.sidebarSearchField, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint').css({ padding: '7px 0 3px 0', width: '400px' }) $('.sidebarSearch .twitter-typeahead, .sidebarSearch .tt-hint, .sidebarSearchField').animate({ width: '0' }, 300, function () { $('.sidebarSearchField').typeahead('val', '') $('.sidebarSearchField').blur() self.changing = false self.isOpen = false }) } }, closeAfter) }, startTypeahead: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Search var mapheader = Active.Mapper ? '


' : '


' var topicheader = Active.Mapper ? '


' : '


' var mapperheader = '


' var topics = { name: 'topics', limit: 9999, display: s => s.label, templates: { notFound: function (s) { return Hogan.compile(topicheader + $('#topicSearchTemplate').html()).render({ value: 'No results', label: 'No results', typeImageURL: Metamaps.Erb['icons/wildcard.png'], rtype: 'noresult' }) }, header: topicheader, suggestion: function (s) { return Hogan.compile($('#topicSearchTemplate').html()).render(s) } }, source: new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: '/search/topics', prepare: function (query, settings) { settings.url += '?term=' + query if (Active.Mapper && self.limitTopicsToMe) { settings.url += '&user=' + Active.Mapper.id.toString() } return settings } } }) } var maps = { name: 'maps', limit: 9999, display: s => s.label, templates: { notFound: function (s) { return Hogan.compile(mapheader + $('#mapSearchTemplate').html()).render({ value: 'No results', label: 'No results', rtype: 'noresult' }) }, header: mapheader, suggestion: function (s) { return Hogan.compile($('#mapSearchTemplate').html()).render(s) } }, source: new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: '/search/maps', prepare: function (query, settings) { settings.url += '?term=' + query if (Active.Mapper && self.limitMapsToMe) { settings.url += '&user=' + Active.Mapper.id.toString() } return settings } } }) } var mappers = { name: 'mappers', limit: 9999, display: s => s.label, templates: { notFound: function (s) { return Hogan.compile(mapperheader + $('#mapperSearchTemplate').html()).render({ value: 'No results', label: 'No results', rtype: 'noresult', profile: Metamaps.Erb['user.png'] }) }, header: mapperheader, suggestion: function (s) { return Hogan.compile($('#mapperSearchTemplate').html()).render(s) } }, source: new Bloodhound({ datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('value'), queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, remote: { url: '/search/mappers?term=%QUERY', wildcard: '%QUERY' } }) } // Take all that crazy setup data and put it together into one beautiful typeahead call! $('.sidebarSearchField').typeahead( { highlight: true }, [topics, maps, mappers] ) // Set max height of the search results box to prevent it from covering bottom left footer $('.sidebarSearchField').bind('typeahead:render', function (event) { self.initSearchOptions() self.hideLoader() var h = $(window).height() $('.tt-dropdown-menu').css('max-height', h - 100) if (self.limitTopicsToMe) { $('#limitTopicsToMe').prop('checked', true) } if (self.limitMapsToMe) { $('#limitMapsToMe').prop('checked', true) } }) $(window).resize(function () { var h = $(window).height() $('.tt-dropdown-menu').css('max-height', h - 100) }) // tell the autocomplete to launch a new tab with the topic, map, or mapper you clicked on $('.sidebarSearchField').bind('typeahead:select', self.handleResultClick) // don't do it, if they clicked on a 'addToMap' button $('.sidebarSearch button.addToMap').click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation() }) // make sure that when you click on 'limit to me' or 'toggle section' it works $('.sidebarSearchField.tt-input').keyup(function () { if ($('.sidebarSearchField.tt-input').val() === '') { self.hideLoader() } else { self.showLoader() } }) }, handleResultClick: function (event, datum, dataset) { var self = GlobalUI.Search self.hideLoader() if (['topic', 'map', 'mapper'].indexOf(datum.rtype) !== -1) { self.close(0, true) if (datum.rtype === 'topic') { Router.topics(datum.id) } else if (datum.rtype === 'map') { Router.maps(datum.id) } else if (datum.rtype === 'mapper') { Router.explore('mapper', datum.id) } } }, initSearchOptions: function () { var self = GlobalUI.Search function toggleResultSet (set) { var s = $('.tt-dataset-' + set + ' .tt-suggestion, .tt-dataset-' + set + ' .resultnoresult') if (s.is(':visible')) { s.hide() $(this).removeClass('minimizeResults').addClass('maximizeResults') } else { s.show() $(this).removeClass('maximizeResults').addClass('minimizeResults') } } $('.limitToMe').unbind().bind('change', function (e) { if ($(this).attr('id') === 'limitTopicsToMe') { self.limitTopicsToMe = !self.limitTopicsToMe } if ($(this).attr('id') === 'limitMapsToMe') { self.limitMapsToMe = !self.limitMapsToMe } // set the value of the search equal to itself to retrigger the // autocomplete event var searchQuery = $('.sidebarSearchField.tt-input').val() $('.sidebarSearchField').typeahead('val', '') .typeahead('val', searchQuery) }) // when the user clicks minimize section, hide the results for that section $('.minimizeMapperResults').unbind().click(function (e) { toggleResultSet.call(this, 'mappers') }) $('.minimizeTopicResults').unbind().click(function (e) { toggleResultSet.call(this, 'topics') }) $('.minimizeMapResults').unbind().click(function (e) { toggleResultSet.call(this, 'maps') }) }, hideLoader: function () { $('#searchLoading').hide() }, showLoader: function () { $('#searchLoading').show() } } export default GlobalUI