# frozen_string_literal: true class MapExportService attr_reader :user, :map, :base_url def initialize(user, map, opts = {}) @user = user @map = map @base_url = opts[:base_url] || 'https://metamaps.cc' end def json # marshal_dump turns OpenStruct into a Hash { topics: exportable_topics.map(&:marshal_dump), synapses: exportable_synapses.map(&:marshal_dump) } end def csv(options = {}) CSV.generate(options) do |csv| to_spreadsheet.each do |line| csv << line end end end def rdf output = '' output += "PREFIX d: <#{base_url}/maps/#{map.id}>\n" output += "PREFIX mm: <#{base_url}/owl/map.owl.ttl>\n" output += "PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>\n" output += "PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>\n" output += "\n" map.contributors.each do |mapper| output += mapper.as_rdf(base_url: base_url) end map.topics.each do |topic| output += topic.as_rdf end map.synapses.each do |synapse| output += synapse.as_rdf end output end private def topic_headings [:id, :name, :metacode, :x, :y, :description, :link, :user, :permission] end def synapse_headings [:topic1, :topic2, :category, :description, :user, :permission] end def exportable_topics visible_topics ||= Pundit.policy_scope!(user, map.topics) topic_mappings = Mapping.includes(mappable: [:metacode, :user]) .where(mappable: visible_topics, map: map) topic_mappings.map do |mapping| topic = mapping.mappable next nil if topic.nil? OpenStruct.new( id: topic.id, name: topic.name, metacode: topic.metacode.name, x: mapping.xloc, y: mapping.yloc, description: topic.desc, link: topic.link, user: topic.user.name, permission: topic.permission ) end.compact end def exportable_synapses visible_synapses = Pundit.policy_scope!(user, map.synapses) visible_synapses.map do |synapse| next nil if synapse.nil? OpenStruct.new( topic1: synapse.topic1_id, topic2: synapse.topic2_id, category: synapse.category, description: synapse.desc, user: synapse.user.name, permission: synapse.permission ) end.compact end def to_spreadsheet spreadsheet = [] spreadsheet << ['Topics'] spreadsheet << topic_headings.map(&:capitalize) exportable_topics.each do |topics| # convert exportable_topics into an array of arrays spreadsheet << topic_headings.map { |h| topics.send(h) } end spreadsheet << [] spreadsheet << ['Synapses'] spreadsheet << synapse_headings.map(&:capitalize) exportable_synapses.each do |synapse| # convert exportable_synapses into an array of arrays spreadsheet << synapse_headings.map { |h| synapse.send(h) } end spreadsheet end end