/* AllMappingPages means: 1. being logged in or logged out and, 2. either a. being on a Map page, or b. being on a Topic page */ $(document).ready(function () { // initialize topic card draggability and resizability $('.showcard').draggable({ handle: ".metacodeImage" }); $('#showcard').resizable({ maxHeight: 500, maxWidth: 500, minHeight: 320, minWidth: 226, resize: function (event, ui) { var p = $('#showcard').find('.scroll'); p.height(p.height()).mCustomScrollbar('update'); } }).css({ display: 'none', top: '300px', left: '100px' }); function bindFilterHover() { var filterIsOpen = false; // controls the sliding hover of the bottom left menu var sliding1 = false; var lT; var closeFilter = function () { lT = setTimeout(function () { if (!sliding1) { sliding1 = true; $('.sidebarFilterIcon').css('background-color', '#0F1519'); $('.sidebarFilterBox').fadeOut(200, function () { sliding1 = false; filterIsOpen = false; }); } }, 300); } var openFilter = function () { clearTimeout(lT); if (!sliding1) { sliding1 = true; // hide the other two $('.sidebarAccountBox').hide(); $('.sidebarCollaborateBox').hide(); $('.sidebarAccountIcon').css('background-color', '#0F1519'); $('.sidebarCollaborateIcon').css('background-color', '#0F1519'); $('.sidebarFilterIcon').css('background-color', '#000'); $('.sidebarFilterBox').fadeIn(200, function () { sliding1 = false; filterIsOpen = true; }); } } // bind the hover events $(".sidebarFilter").hover(openFilter, closeFilter); } // end bindFilterHover bindFilterHover(); // initialize scroll bar for filter by metacode, then hide it and position it correctly again $("#filter_by_metacode").mCustomScrollbar({ mouseWheelPixels: 200, advanced: { updateOnContentResize: true } }); $('.sidebarFilterBox').hide().css({ position: 'absolute', top: '35px', right: '-36px' }); // prevent right clicks on the main canvas, so as to not get in the way of our right clicks $('#center-container').bind('contextmenu', function (e) { return false; }); // tab the cheatsheet $('#cheatSheet').tabs().addClass("ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix"); $("#cheatSheet .ui-tabs-nav li").removeClass("ui-corner-top").addClass("ui-corner-left"); }); // end document.ready