import React, { Component } from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' // There would be separate one of these for mapview and topicview /* it could use the diffing intelligently to know when you update the visualization use componentDidUpdate to check for differences in - topic list, synapse list, mapping list, etc - use that info to intelligently update and animate the viz. basically port everything from VISUALIZE module over into here it should dynamically generate and pass in callbacks to the visualization */ class MapVis extends Component { static propTypes = { topics: PropTypes.array, synapses: PropTypes.array, mappings: PropTypes.array, filters: PropTypes.array, selectedNodes: PropTypes.array, selectedEdges: PropTypes.array, onSelect: PropTypes.func, onPan: PropTypes.func, onZoom: PropTypes.func, onDrawSelectBox: PropTypes.func } constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { mGraph: null } } componentDidMount() { } render () { return
} } export default MapVis