# frozen_string_literal: true class Map < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user belongs_to :source, class_name: :Map has_many :topicmappings, -> { Mapping.topicmapping }, class_name: :Mapping, dependent: :destroy has_many :synapsemappings, -> { Mapping.synapsemapping }, class_name: :Mapping, dependent: :destroy has_many :topics, through: :topicmappings, source: :mappable, source_type: 'Topic' has_many :synapses, through: :synapsemappings, source: :mappable, source_type: 'Synapse' has_many :messages, as: :resource, dependent: :destroy has_many :stars has_many :access_requests, dependent: :destroy has_many :user_maps, dependent: :destroy has_many :collaborators, through: :user_maps, source: :user has_many :webhooks, as: :hookable has_many :events, -> { includes :user }, as: :eventable, dependent: :destroy # This method associates the attribute ":image" with a file attachment has_attached_file :screenshot, styles: { thumb: ['220x220#', :png] }, default_url: 'https://s3.amazonaws.com/metamaps-assets/site/missing-map-square.png' validates :name, presence: true validates :arranged, inclusion: { in: [true, false] } validates :permission, presence: true validates :permission, inclusion: { in: Perm::ISSIONS.map(&:to_s) } # Validate the attached image is image/jpg, image/png, etc validates_attachment_content_type :screenshot, content_type: %r{\Aimage/.*\Z} after_update :after_updated after_save :update_deferring_topics_and_synapses, if: :permission_changed? delegate :count, to: :topics, prefix: :topic # same as `def topic_count; topics.count; end` delegate :count, to: :synapses, prefix: :synapse delegate :count, to: :contributors, prefix: :contributor delegate :count, to: :stars, prefix: :star delegate :name, to: :user, prefix: true def mappings topicmappings.or(synapsemappings) end def contributors User.where(id: mappings.map(&:user_id).uniq) end def editors User.where(id: user_id).or(User.where(id: collaborators)) end def user_image user.image.url(:thirtytwo) end def collaborator_ids collaborators.map(&:id) end def screenshot_url screenshot.url(:thumb) end def created_at_str created_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end def updated_at_str updated_at.strftime('%m/%d/%Y') end def starred_by_user?(user) user&.stars&.where(map: self)&.exists? || false # return false, not nil end def as_json(_options = {}) json = super( methods: [:user_name, :user_image, :star_count, :topic_count, :synapse_count, :contributor_count, :collaborator_ids, :screenshot_url], except: [:screenshot_content_type, :screenshot_file_size, :screenshot_file_name, :screenshot_updated_at] ) json[:created_at_clean] = created_at_str json[:updated_at_clean] = updated_at_str json end # user param helps determine what records are visible def contains(user) { map: self, topics: Pundit.policy_scope(user, topics).to_a, synapses: Pundit.policy_scope(user, synapses).to_a, mappings: Pundit.policy_scope(user, mappings).to_a, mappers: contributors, collaborators: editors, messages: messages.sort_by(&:created_at), stars: stars, requests: access_requests } end def add_new_collaborators(user_ids) users = User.where(id: user_ids) added = users.map do |new_user| next nil if editors.include?(new_user) UserMap.create(user_id: new_user.id, map_id: id) new_user.id end added.compact end def remove_old_collaborators(user_ids) removed = editors.map(&:id).map do |old_user_id| next nil if user_ids.include?(old_user_id) user_maps.where(user_id: old_user_id).find_each(&:destroy) access_requests.where(user_id: old_user_id).find_each(&:destroy) old_user_id end removed.compact end def after_updated attrs = %w(name desc permission) return unless attrs.any? { |k| changed_attributes.key?(k) } ActionCable.server.broadcast 'map_' + id.to_s, type: 'mapUpdated' end def update_deferring_topics_and_synapses Topic.where(defer_to_map_id: id).update(permission: permission) Synapse.where(defer_to_map_id: id).update(permission: permission) end def invited_text name + ' - invited to edit' end end