module TopicsHelper ## this one is for building our custom JSON autocomplete format for typeahead def autocomplete_array_json(topics) temp = [] topics.each do |t| topic = {} topic['id'] = topic['label'] = topic['value'] = topic['description'] = t.desc ? t.desc.truncate(70) : '' # make this return matched results topic['type'] = topic['typeImageURL'] = t.metacode.icon topic['permission'] = t.permission topic['mapCount'] = t.maps.count topic['synapseCount'] = t.synapses.count topic['originator'] = topic['originatorImage'] = t.user.image.url(:thirtytwo) topic['rtype'] = 'topic' topic['inmaps'] = t.inmaps topic['inmapsLinks'] = t.inmapsLinks temp.push topic end temp end # find all nodes in any given nodes network def network(node, array, count) # recurse starting with a node to find all connected nodes and return an array of topics that constitutes the starting nodes network # if the array of nodes is empty initialize it array = [] if array.nil? # add the node to the array array.push(node) return array if count == 0 count -= 1 # check if each relative is already in the array and if not, call the network function again if !node.relatives.empty? if (node.relatives - array).empty? return array else (node.relatives - array).each do |relative| array = (array | network(relative, array, count)) end return array end elsif node.relatives.empty? return array end end end