var labelType, useGradients, nativeTextSupport, animate; (function() { var ua = navigator.userAgent, iStuff = ua.match(/iPhone/i) || ua.match(/iPad/i), typeOfCanvas = typeof HTMLCanvasElement, nativeCanvasSupport = (typeOfCanvas == 'object' || typeOfCanvas == 'function'), textSupport = nativeCanvasSupport && (typeof document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').fillText == 'function'); //I'm setting this based on the fact that ExCanvas provides text support for IE //and that as of today iPhone/iPad current text support is lame labelType = (!nativeCanvasSupport || (textSupport && !iStuff))? 'Native' : 'HTML'; nativeTextSupport = labelType == 'Native'; useGradients = nativeCanvasSupport; animate = !(iStuff || !nativeCanvasSupport); })(); var Log = { elem: false, write: function(text){ if (!this.elem) this.elem = document.getElementById('log'); this.elem.innerHTML = text; = (500 - this.elem.offsetWidth / 2) + 'px'; } }; function init(){ //init data var json = [ //"root" node is invisible { "id": "node0", "name": "", "data": { "$type": "none" }, "adjacencies": [ { "nodeTo": "node1", "data": { '$type': 'none' } }, { "nodeTo": "node2", "data": { '$type': 'none' } }, { "nodeTo": "node3", "data": { '$type': 'none' } }, { "nodeTo": "node4", "data": { "$type": "none" } }, { "nodeTo": "node5", "data": { "$type": "none" } }, { "nodeTo": "node6", "data": { "$type": "none" } }, { "nodeTo": "node7", "data": { "$type": "none" } }, { "nodeTo": "node8", "data": { "$type": "none" } }, { "nodeTo": "node9", "data": { "$type": "none" } }, { "nodeTo": "node10", "data": { "$type": "none" } } ] }, { "id": "node1", "name": "node 1", "data": { "$angularWidth": 13.00, "$color": "#33a", "$height": 70 }, "adjacencies": [ { "nodeTo": "node3", "data": { "$color": "#ddaacc", "$lineWidth": 4 } }, { "nodeTo": "node5", "data": { "$color": "#ccffdd", "$lineWidth": 4 } }, { "nodeTo": "node7", "data": { "$color": "#dd99dd", "$lineWidth": 4 } }, { "nodeTo": "node8", "data": { "$color": "#dd99dd", "$lineWidth": 4 } }, { "nodeTo": "node10", "data": { "$color": "#ddaacc", "$lineWidth": 4 } } ] }, { "id": "node2", "name": "node 2", "data": { "$angularWidth": 24.90, "$color": "#55b", "$height": 73 }, "adjacencies": [ "node8", "node9", "node10" ] }, { "id": "node3", "name": "node 3", "data": { "$angularWidth": 10.50, "$color": "#77c", "$height": 75 }, "adjacencies": [ "node8", "node9", "node10" ] }, { "id": "node4", "name": "node 4", "data": { "$angularWidth": 5.40, "$color": "#99d", "$height": 75 }, "adjacencies": [ "node8", "node9", "node10" ] }, { "id": "node5", "name": "node 5", "data": { "$angularWidth": 32.26, "$color": "#aae", "$height": 80 }, "adjacencies": [ "node8", "node9", "node10" ] }, { "id": "node6", "name": "node 6", "data": { "$angularWidth": 24.90, "$color": "#bf0", "$height": 85 }, "adjacencies": [ "node8", "node9", "node10" ] }, { "id": "node7", "name": "node 7", "data": { "$angularWidth": 14.90, "$color": "#cf5", "$height": 85 }, "adjacencies": [ "node8", "node9", "node10" ] }, { "id": "node8", "name": "node 8", "data": { "$angularWidth": 34.90, "$color": "#dfa", "$height": 80 }, "adjacencies": [ "node9", "node10" ] }, { "id": "node9", "name": "node 9", "data": { "$angularWidth": 42.90, "$color": "#CCC", "$height": 75 }, "adjacencies": [ "node10" ] }, { "id": "node10", "name": "node 10", "data": { "$angularWidth": 100.90, "$color": "#C37", "$height": 70 }, "adjacencies": [] } ]; //end //init Sunburst var sb = new $jit.Sunburst({ //id container for the visualization injectInto: 'infovis', //Change node and edge styles such as //color, width, lineWidth and edge types Node: { overridable: true, type: useGradients? 'gradient-multipie' : 'multipie' }, Edge: { overridable: true, type: 'hyperline', lineWidth: 2, color: '#777' }, //Draw canvas text. Can also be //'HTML' or 'SVG' to draw DOM labels Label: { type: nativeTextSupport? 'Native' : 'SVG' }, //Add animations when hovering and clicking nodes NodeStyles: { enable: true, type: 'Native', stylesClick: { 'color': '#33dddd' }, stylesHover: { 'color': '#dd3333' }, duration: 700 }, Events: { enable: true, type: 'Native', //List node connections onClick onClick: function(node, eventInfo, e){ if (!node) return; var html = "

" + + " connections

"; } }, levelDistance: 190, // Only used when Label type is 'HTML' or 'SVG' // Add text to the labels. // This method is only triggered on label creation onCreateLabel: function(domElement, node){ var labels = sb.config.Label.type; if (labels === 'HTML') { domElement.innerHTML =; } else if (labels === 'SVG') { domElement.firstChild.appendChild(document.createTextNode(; } }, // Only used when Label type is 'HTML' or 'SVG' // Change node styles when labels are placed // or moved. onPlaceLabel: function(domElement, node){ var labels = sb.config.Label.type; if (labels === 'SVG') { var fch = domElement.firstChild; var style =; style.display = ''; style.cursor = 'pointer'; style.fontSize = "0.8em"; fch.setAttribute('fill', "#fff"); } else if (labels === 'HTML') { var style =; style.display = ''; style.cursor = 'pointer'; if (node._depth <= 1) { style.fontSize = "0.8em"; style.color = "#ddd"; } var left = parseInt(style.left); var w = domElement.offsetWidth; style.left = (left - w / 2) + 'px'; } } }); // load JSON data. sb.loadJSON(json); // compute positions and plot. sb.refresh(); //end }