/* SoundManager 2: In-page MP3 player example ------------------------------------------ Clicks on links to MP3s are intercepted via JS, calls are made to SoundManager to load/play sounds. CSS classes are appended to the link, which are used to highlight the current play state and so on. Class names are applied in addition to "sm2_link" base. Default: sm2_link Additional states: sm2_playing sm2_paused eg. some.mp3 some.mp3 Note you don't require ul.graphic / ul.flat etc. for your use if only using one style on a page. You can just use .sm2_link{} and so on, but isolate the CSS you want. Side note: Would do multiple class definitions eg. a.sm2_default.sm2_playing{} .. except IE 6 has a parsing bug which may break behaviour, applying sm2_playing {} even when the class is set to sm2_default. If you want to make your own UI from scratch, here is the base: Default + hover state, "click to play": a.sm2_link {} a.sm2_link:hover {} Playing + hover state, "click to pause": a.sm2_playing {} a.sm2_playing:hover {} Paused + hover state, "click to resume": a.sm2_paused {} a.sm2_paused:hover {} */ /* two different list types */ ul.flat { list-style-type:none; padding-left:0px; } ul.flat li, ul.graphic li { padding-bottom:1px; } ul.flat li a { display:inline-block; padding:2px 4px 2px 4px; } ul.graphic { list-style-type:none; padding-left:0px; margin-left:0px; } /* background-image-based CSS3 example */ ul.graphic { list-style-type:none; margin:0px; padding:0px; } ul.graphic li { margin-bottom:2px; } ul.graphic li a, ul.graphic li a.sm2_link { /* assume all items will be sounds rather than wait for onload etc. in this example.. may differ for your uses. */ display:inline-block; padding-left:22px; min-height:16px; vertical-align: middle; background-color:#336699; border-radius:3px; padding:3px 3px 3px 25px; min-width:19em; _width:19em; /* IE 6 */ text-decoration:none; font-weight:normal; color:#f6f9ff; } ul.graphic li a.sm2_link { /* safari 3.1+ fun (or, proprietary crap. TBD.) */ -webkit-transition-property: hover; -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s linear; -moz-transition: background-color 0.15s linear 0s; /* firefox 4 */ -o-transition-property: background-color; /* opera 10.5 */ -o-transition-duration: 0.15s; } ul.graphic li a, /* use a.sm2_link {} if you want play icons showing only if SM2 is supported */ ul.graphic li a.sm2_paused:hover, ul.graphic li a.sm2_link:hover { background-image:url(../image/icon_play.png); background-position:3px 50%; background-repeat:no-repeat; _background-image:url(../image/icon_play.gif); /* IE 6 */ } ul.graphic li a.sm2_link:hover { /* default hover color, if you'd like.. */ background-color:#003366; color:#fff; } ul.graphic li a.sm2_paused { background-color:#999; } ul.graphic li a.sm2_paused:hover { background:#003366 url(../image/icon_play.png) no-repeat 3px 50%; _background-image:url(../image/icon_play.gif); } ul.graphic li a.sm2_playing, ul.graphic li a.sm2_playing:hover { background:#003366 url(../image/icon_pause.png) no-repeat 3px 50%; _background-image:url(../image/icon_pause.gif); text-decoration:none; } /* hide button while playing? ul.graphic li a.sm2_playing { background-image:none; } */ body #sm2-container object, body #sm2-container embed { /* flashblock handling: hide SWF off-screen by default (until blocked timeout case.) include body prefix to ensure override of flashblock.css. */ left:-9999em; top:-9999em; } /* flat CSS example */ ul.flat a.sm2_link { /* default state: "a playable link" */ border-left:6px solid #999; padding-left:4px; padding-right:4px; } ul.flat a.sm2_link:hover { /* default (inactive) hover state */ border-left-color:#333; } ul.flat a.sm2_playing { /* "now playing" */ border-left-color:#6666ff; background-color:#000; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } ul.flat a.sm2_playing:hover { /* "clicking will now pause" */ border-left-color:#cc3333; } ul.flat a.sm2_paused { /* "paused state" */ background-color:#666; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } ul.flat a.sm2_paused:hover { /* "clicking will resume" */ border-left-color:#33cc33; }