/* global Metamaps, $ */ /* * Metamaps.TopicCard.js * * Dependencies: * - Metamaps.Active * - Metamaps.GlobalUI * - Metamaps.Mapper * - Metamaps.Metacodes * - Metamaps.Router * - Metamaps.Util * - Metamaps.Visualize */ Metamaps.TopicCard = { openTopicCard: null, // stores the topic that's currently open authorizedToEdit: false, // stores boolean for edit permission for open topic card init: function () { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard // initialize best_in_place editing $('.authenticated div.permission.canEdit .best_in_place').best_in_place() Metamaps.TopicCard.generateShowcardHTML = Hogan.compile($('#topicCardTemplate').html()) // initialize topic card draggability and resizability $('.showcard').draggable({ handle: '.metacodeImage', stop: function() { $(this).height('auto') } }) embedly('on', 'card.rendered', self.embedlyCardRendered) }, /** * Will open the Topic Card for the node that it's passed * @param {$jit.Graph.Node} node */ showCard: function (node) { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard var topic = node.getData('topic') self.openTopicCard = topic self.authorizedToEdit = topic.authorizeToEdit(Metamaps.Active.Mapper) // populate the card that's about to show with the right topics data self.populateShowCard(topic) $('.showcard').fadeIn('fast') }, hideCard: function () { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard $('.showcard').fadeOut('fast') self.openTopicCard = null self.authorizedToEdit = false }, embedlyCardRendered: function (iframe) { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard $('#embedlyLinkLoader').hide() // means that the embedly call returned 404 not found if ($('#embedlyLink')[0]) { $('#embedlyLink').css('display', 'block').fadeIn('fast') $('.embeds').addClass('nonEmbedlyLink') } $('.CardOnGraph').addClass('hasAttachment') if (self.authorizedToEdit) { $('.embeds').append('
') $('#linkremove').click(self.removeLink) } }, removeLink: function () { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard self.openTopicCard.save({ link: null }) $('.embeds').empty().removeClass('nonEmbedlyLink') $('#addLinkInput input').val('') $('.attachments').removeClass('hidden') $('.CardOnGraph').removeClass('hasAttachment') }, bindShowCardListeners: function (topic) { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard var showCard = document.getElementById('showcard') var authorized = self.authorizedToEdit // get mapper image var setMapperImage = function (mapper) { $('.contributorIcon').attr('src', mapper.get('image')) } Metamaps.Mapper.get(topic.get('user_id'), setMapperImage) // starting embed.ly var resetFunc = function () { $('#addLinkInput input').val('') $('#addLinkInput input').focus() } var inputEmbedFunc = function (event) { var element = this setTimeout(function () { var text = $(element).val() if (event.type == 'paste' || (event.type == 'keyup' && event.which == 13)) { // TODO evaluate converting this to '//' no matter what (infer protocol) if (text.slice(0, 7) !== 'http://' && text.slice(0, 8) !== 'https://' && text.slice(0, 2) !== '//') { text = '//' + text } topic.save({ link: text }) var embedlyEl = $('', { id: 'embedlyLink', 'data-card-description': '0', href: text }).html(text) $('.attachments').addClass('hidden') $('.embeds').append(embedlyEl) $('.embeds').append('
') var loader = new CanvasLoader('embedlyLinkLoader') loader.setColor('#4fb5c0'); // default is '#000000' loader.setDiameter(28) // default is 40 loader.setDensity(41) // default is 40 loader.setRange(0.9); // default is 1.3 loader.show() // Hidden by default var e = embedly('card', document.getElementById('embedlyLink')) if (!e) { self.handleInvalidLink() } } }, 100) } $('#addLinkReset').click(resetFunc) $('#addLinkInput input').bind('paste keyup', inputEmbedFunc) // initialize the link card, if there is a link if (topic.get('link') && topic.get('link') !== '') { var loader = new CanvasLoader('embedlyLinkLoader') loader.setColor('#4fb5c0'); // default is '#000000' loader.setDiameter(28) // default is 40 loader.setDensity(41) // default is 40 loader.setRange(0.9); // default is 1.3 loader.show() // Hidden by default var e = embedly('card', document.getElementById('embedlyLink')) if (!e) { self.handleInvalidLink() } } var selectingMetacode = false // attach the listener that shows the metacode title when you hover over the image $('.showcard .metacodeImage').mouseenter(function () { $('.showcard .icon').css('z-index', '4') $('.showcard .metacodeTitle').show() }) $('.showcard .linkItem.icon').mouseleave(function () { if (!selectingMetacode) { $('.showcard .metacodeTitle').hide() $('.showcard .icon').css('z-index', '1') } }) var metacodeLiClick = function () { selectingMetacode = false var metacodeId = parseInt($(this).attr('data-id')) var metacode = Metamaps.Metacodes.get(metacodeId) $('.CardOnGraph').find('.metacodeTitle').html(metacode.get('name')) .append('
') .attr('class', 'metacodeTitle mbg' + metacode.id) $('.CardOnGraph').find('.metacodeImage').css('background-image', 'url(' + metacode.get('icon') + ')') topic.save({ metacode_id: metacode.id }) Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.plot() $('.metacodeSelect').hide().removeClass('onRightEdge onBottomEdge') $('.metacodeTitle').hide() $('.showcard .icon').css('z-index', '1') } var openMetacodeSelect = function (event) { var windowWidth var showcardLeft var TOPICCARD_WIDTH = 300 var METACODESELECT_WIDTH = 404 var distanceFromEdge var MAX_METACODELIST_HEIGHT = 270 var windowHeight var showcardTop var topicTitleHeight var distanceFromBottom if (!selectingMetacode) { selectingMetacode = true // this is to make sure the metacode // select is accessible onscreen, when opened // while topic card is close to the right // edge of the screen windowWidth = $(window).width() showcardLeft = parseInt($('.showcard').css('left')) distanceFromEdge = windowWidth - (showcardLeft + TOPICCARD_WIDTH) if (distanceFromEdge < METACODESELECT_WIDTH) { $('.metacodeSelect').addClass('onRightEdge') } // this is to make sure the metacode // select is accessible onscreen, when opened // while topic card is close to the bottom // edge of the screen windowHeight = $(window).height() showcardTop = parseInt($('.showcard').css('top')) topicTitleHeight = $('.showcard .title').height() + parseInt($('.showcard .title').css('padding-top')) + parseInt($('.showcard .title').css('padding-bottom')) heightOfSetList = $('.showcard .metacodeSelect').height() distanceFromBottom = windowHeight - (showcardTop + topicTitleHeight) if (distanceFromBottom < MAX_METACODELIST_HEIGHT) { $('.metacodeSelect').addClass('onBottomEdge') } $('.metacodeSelect').show() event.stopPropagation() } } var hideMetacodeSelect = function () { selectingMetacode = false $('.metacodeSelect').hide().removeClass('onRightEdge onBottomEdge') $('.metacodeTitle').hide() $('.showcard .icon').css('z-index', '1') } if (authorized) { $('.showcard .metacodeTitle').click(openMetacodeSelect) $('.showcard').click(hideMetacodeSelect) $('.metacodeSelect > ul > li').click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation() }) $('.metacodeSelect li li').click(metacodeLiClick) var bipName = $(showCard).find('.best_in_place_name') bipName.bind('best_in_place:activate', function () { var $el = bipName.find('textarea') var el = $el[0] $el.attr('maxlength', '140') $('.showcard .title').append('
') var callback = function (data) { $('.nameCounter.forTopic').html(data.all + '/140') } Countable.live(el, callback) }) bipName.bind('best_in_place:deactivate', function () { $('.nameCounter.forTopic').remove() }) // bind best_in_place ajax callbacks bipName.bind('ajax:success', function () { var name = Metamaps.Util.decodeEntities($(this).html()) topic.set('name', name) topic.trigger('saved') }) $(showCard).find('.best_in_place_desc').bind('ajax:success', function () { this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(/\r/g, '') var desc = $(this).html() === $(this).data('nil') ? '' : $(this).html() topic.set('desc', desc) topic.trigger('saved') }) } var permissionLiClick = function (event) { selectingPermission = false var permission = $(this).attr('class') topic.save({ permission: permission, defer_to_map_id: null }) $('.showcard .mapPerm').removeClass('co pu pr minimize').addClass(permission.substring(0, 2)) $('.showcard .permissionSelect').remove() event.stopPropagation() } var openPermissionSelect = function (event) { if (!selectingPermission) { selectingPermission = true $(this).addClass('minimize') // this line flips the drop down arrow to a pull up arrow if ($(this).hasClass('co')) { $(this).append('') } else if ($(this).hasClass('pu')) { $(this).append('') } else if ($(this).hasClass('pr')) { $(this).append('') } $('.showcard .permissionSelect li').click(permissionLiClick) event.stopPropagation() } } var hidePermissionSelect = function () { selectingPermission = false $('.showcard .yourTopic .mapPerm').removeClass('minimize') // this line flips the pull up arrow to a drop down arrow $('.showcard .permissionSelect').remove() } // ability to change permission var selectingPermission = false if (topic.authorizePermissionChange(Metamaps.Active.Mapper)) { $('.showcard .yourTopic .mapPerm').click(openPermissionSelect) $('.showcard').click(hidePermissionSelect) } $('.links .mapCount').unbind().click(function (event) { $('.mapCount .tip').toggle() $('.showcard .hoverTip').toggleClass('hide') event.stopPropagation() }) $('.mapCount .tip').unbind().click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation() }) $('.showcard').unbind('.hideTip').bind('click.hideTip', function () { $('.mapCount .tip').hide() $('.showcard .hoverTip').removeClass('hide') }) $('.mapCount .tip li a').click(Metamaps.Router.intercept) var originalText = $('.showMore').html() $('.mapCount .tip .showMore').unbind().toggle( function (event) { $('.extraText').toggleClass('hideExtra') $('.showMore').html('Show less...') }, function (event) { $('.extraText').toggleClass('hideExtra') $('.showMore').html(originalText) }) $('.mapCount .tip showMore').unbind().click(function (event) { event.stopPropagation() }) }, handleInvalidLink: function () { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard self.removeLink() Metamaps.GlobalUI.notifyUser('Invalid link') }, populateShowCard: function (topic) { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard var showCard = document.getElementById('showcard') $(showCard).find('.permission').remove() var topicForTemplate = self.buildObject(topic) var html = self.generateShowcardHTML.render(topicForTemplate) if (topic.authorizeToEdit(Metamaps.Active.Mapper)) { var perm = document.createElement('div') var string = 'permission canEdit' if (topic.authorizePermissionChange(Metamaps.Active.Mapper)) string += ' yourTopic' perm.className = string perm.innerHTML = html showCard.appendChild(perm) } else { var perm = document.createElement('div') perm.className = 'permission cannotEdit' perm.innerHTML = html showCard.appendChild(perm) } Metamaps.TopicCard.bindShowCardListeners(topic) }, generateShowcardHTML: null, // will be initialized into a Hogan template within init function // generateShowcardHTML buildObject: function (topic) { var self = Metamaps.TopicCard var nodeValues = {} var authorized = topic.authorizeToEdit(Metamaps.Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { } else { } var desc_nil = 'Click to add description...' nodeValues.attachmentsHidden = '' if (topic.get('link') && topic.get('link') !== '') { nodeValues.embeds = '
' nodeValues.embeds += topic.get('link') nodeValues.embeds += '
' nodeValues.attachmentsHidden = 'hidden' nodeValues.hasAttachment = 'hasAttachment' } else { nodeValues.embeds = '' nodeValues.hasAttachment = '' } if (authorized) { nodeValues.attachments = '' } else { nodeValues.attachmentsHidden = 'hidden' nodeValues.attachments = '' } var inmapsAr = topic.get('inmaps') var inmapsLinks = topic.get('inmapsLinks') nodeValues.inmaps = '' if (inmapsAr.length < 6) { for (i = 0; i < inmapsAr.length; i++) { var url = '/maps/' + inmapsLinks[i] nodeValues.inmaps += '
  • ' + inmapsAr[i] + '
  • ' } } else { for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var url = '/maps/' + inmapsLinks[i] nodeValues.inmaps += '
  • ' + inmapsAr[i] + '
  • ' } extra = inmapsAr.length - 5 nodeValues.inmaps += '
  • See ' + extra + ' more...
  • ' for (i = 5; i < inmapsAr.length; i++) { var url = '/maps/' + inmapsLinks[i] nodeValues.inmaps += '
  • ' + inmapsAr[i] + '
  • ' } } nodeValues.permission = topic.get('calculated_permission') nodeValues.mk_permission = topic.get('calculated_permission').substring(0, 2) nodeValues.map_count = topic.get('map_count').toString() nodeValues.synapse_count = topic.get('synapse_count').toString() nodeValues.id = topic.isNew() ? topic.cid : topic.id nodeValues.metacode = topic.getMetacode().get('name') nodeValues.metacode_class = 'mbg' + topic.get('metacode_id') nodeValues.imgsrc = topic.getMetacode().get('icon') nodeValues.name = topic.get('name') nodeValues.userid = topic.get('user_id') nodeValues.username = topic.get('user_name') nodeValues.date = topic.getDate() // the code for this is stored in /views/main/_metacodeOptions.html.erb nodeValues.metacode_select = $('#metacodeOptions').html() nodeValues.desc_nil = desc_nil nodeValues.desc = (topic.get('desc') == '' && authorized) ? desc_nil : topic.get('desc') return nodeValues } }; // end Metamaps.TopicCard