class GroupsController < ApplicationController before_filter :require_user, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update] respond_to :html, :js, :json # GET /groups def index @user = current_user @groups = Group.all respond_with(@groups) end # Get /groups/new def new @group = @user = current_user respond_with(@group) end # GET /groups/:id def show @group = Group.find(params[:id]) @gparents = @group.parent_groups @relatives = @group.as_json.html_safe @gchildren = @group.child_groups @pchildren = @group.people @ichildren = @group.items respond_to do |format| format.html { respond_with(@group, @gparents, @gchildren, @pchildren, @ichildren) } format.json { respond_with(@relatives) } end end # POST /groups def create @user = current_user @group = Group.create(params[:group]) @group.user = @user respond_to do |format| format.html { respond_with(@user, location: group_url(@group)) } format.js { respond_with(@group) } end end # GET /groups/:id/edit def edit @group = Group.find_by_id(params[:id]) @ingroups1 = @group.parent_groups if @ingroups1.count > 0 @outgroups1 = Group.find(:all, :conditions => ['id not in (?) AND id != ?',,]) else @outgroups1 = Group.find(:all, :conditions => ['id != ?',]) end @ingroups2 = @group.child_groups if @ingroups2.count > 0 @outgroups2 = Group.find(:all, :conditions => ['id not in (?) AND id != ?',,]) else @outgroups2 = Group.find(:all, :conditions => ['id != ?',]) end respond_with(@group, @ingroups1, @outgroups1, @ingroups2, @outgroups2) end # PUT /groups/:id def update @user = current_user @group = Group.find_by_id(params[:id]) @group.attributes = params[:group] if @group if @group #remove the selected parent groups if params[:ingroups1] @ingroups1 = params[:ingroups1] @ingroups1.each do |g| @connection = Groupgroup.where("parent_group_id = ? AND group_id = ?", g, @connection.delete end end #remove the selected parent groups if params[:outgroups1] @outgroups1 = params[:outgroups1] @outgroups1.each do |g| belongs = belongs.parent_group_id = g belongs.group_id =! end end #remove the selected children groups if params[:ingroups2] @ingroups2 = params[:ingroups2] @ingroups2.each do |g| @connection = Groupgroup.where("parent_group_id = ? AND group_id = ?",, g).first @connection.delete end end #add the selected children groups if params[:outgroups2] @outgroups2 = params[:outgroups2] @outgroups2.each do |g| belongs = belongs.parent_group_id = belongs.group_id = g! end end respond_with(@user, location: group_url(@group)) do |format| end end # DELETE /groups/:id def destroy @group = Group.find_by_id(params[:id]) @group.delete end end