/* global $ */ import _ from 'lodash' import $jit from '../patched/JIT' import Active from './Active' import DataModel from './DataModel' import JIT from './JIT' import Loading from './Loading' import Router from './Router' import TopicCard from './TopicCard' const Visualize = { mGraph: null, // a reference to the graph object. cameraPosition: null, // stores the camera position when using a 3D visualization type: 'ForceDirected', // the type of graph we're building, could be "RGraph", "ForceDirected", or "ForceDirected3D" loadLater: false, // indicates whether there is JSON that should be loaded right in the offset, or whether to wait till the first topic is created touchDragNode: null, init: function () { var self = Visualize if (serverData.VisualizeType) self.type = serverData.VisualizeType // disable awkward dragging of the canvas element that would sometimes happen $('#infovis-canvas').on('dragstart', function (event) { event.preventDefault() }) // prevent touch events on the canvas from default behaviour $('#infovis-canvas').bind('touchstart', function (event) { event.preventDefault() self.mGraph.events.touched = true }) // prevent touch events on the canvas from default behaviour $('#infovis-canvas').bind('touchmove', function (event) { // JIT.touchPanZoomHandler(event) }) // prevent touch events on the canvas from default behaviour $('#infovis-canvas').bind('touchend touchcancel', function (event) { lastDist = 0 if (!self.mGraph.events.touchMoved && !Visualize.touchDragNode) TopicCard.hideCurrentCard() self.mGraph.events.touched = self.mGraph.events.touchMoved = false Visualize.touchDragNode = false }) }, computePositions: function () { var self = Visualize, mapping if (self.type == 'RGraph') { var i, l, startPos, endPos, topic, synapse self.mGraph.graph.eachNode(function (n) { topic = DataModel.Topics.get(n.id) topic.set({ node: n }, { silent: true }) topic.updateNode() n.eachAdjacency(function (edge) { if (!edge.getData('init')) { edge.setData('init', true) l = edge.getData('synapseIDs').length for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { synapse = DataModel.Synapses.get(edge.getData('synapseIDs')[i]) synapse.set({ edge: edge }, { silent: true }) synapse.updateEdge() } } }) var pos = n.getPos() pos.setc(-200, -200) }) self.mGraph.compute('end') } else if (self.type == 'ForceDirected') { var i, l, startPos, endPos, topic, synapse self.mGraph.graph.eachNode(function (n) { topic = DataModel.Topics.get(n.id) topic.set({ node: n }, { silent: true }) topic.updateNode() mapping = topic.getMapping() n.eachAdjacency(function (edge) { if (!edge.getData('init')) { edge.setData('init', true) l = edge.getData('synapseIDs').length for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { synapse = DataModel.Synapses.get(edge.getData('synapseIDs')[i]) synapse.set({ edge: edge }, { silent: true }) synapse.updateEdge() } } }) startPos = new $jit.Complex(0, 0) endPos = new $jit.Complex(mapping.get('xloc'), mapping.get('yloc')) n.setPos(startPos, 'start') n.setPos(endPos, 'end') }) } else if (self.type == 'ForceDirected3D') { self.mGraph.compute() } }, /** * render does the heavy lifting of creating the engine that renders the graph with the properties we desire * */ render: function () { var self = Visualize, RGraphSettings, FDSettings if (self.type == 'RGraph') { // clear the previous canvas from #infovis $('#infovis').empty() RGraphSettings = $.extend(true, {}, JIT.ForceDirected.graphSettings) $jit.RGraph.Plot.NodeTypes.implement(JIT.ForceDirected.nodeSettings) $jit.RGraph.Plot.EdgeTypes.implement(JIT.ForceDirected.edgeSettings) RGraphSettings.width = $(document).width() RGraphSettings.height = $(document).height() RGraphSettings.background = JIT.RGraph.background RGraphSettings.levelDistance = JIT.RGraph.levelDistance self.mGraph = new $jit.RGraph(RGraphSettings) } else if (self.type == 'ForceDirected') { // clear the previous canvas from #infovis $('#infovis').empty() FDSettings = $.extend(true, {}, JIT.ForceDirected.graphSettings) $jit.ForceDirected.Plot.NodeTypes.implement(JIT.ForceDirected.nodeSettings) $jit.ForceDirected.Plot.EdgeTypes.implement(JIT.ForceDirected.edgeSettings) FDSettings.width = $('body').width() FDSettings.height = $('body').height() self.mGraph = new $jit.ForceDirected(FDSettings) } else if (self.type == 'ForceDirected3D' && !self.mGraph) { // clear the previous canvas from #infovis $('#infovis').empty() // init ForceDirected3D self.mGraph = new $jit.ForceDirected3D(JIT.ForceDirected3D.graphSettings) self.cameraPosition = self.mGraph.canvas.canvases[0].camera.position } else { self.mGraph.graph.empty() } if (self.type == 'ForceDirected' && Active.Mapper) $.post('/maps/' + Active.Map.id + '/events/user_presence') function runAnimation () { Loading.hide() // load JSON data, if it's not empty if (!self.loadLater) { // load JSON data. var rootIndex = 0 if (Active.Topic) { var node = _.find(JIT.vizData, function (node) { return node.id === Active.Topic.id }) rootIndex = _.indexOf(JIT.vizData, node) } self.mGraph.loadJSON(JIT.vizData, rootIndex) // compute positions and plot. self.computePositions() self.mGraph.busy = true if (self.type == 'RGraph') { self.mGraph.fx.animate(JIT.RGraph.animate) } else if (self.type == 'ForceDirected') { self.mGraph.animate(JIT.ForceDirected.animateSavedLayout) } else if (self.type == 'ForceDirected3D') { self.mGraph.animate(JIT.ForceDirected.animateFDLayout) } } } // hold until all the needed metacode images are loaded // hold for a maximum of 80 passes, or 4 seconds of waiting time var tries = 0 function hold () { var unique = _.uniq(DataModel.Topics.models, function (metacode) { return metacode.get('metacode_id'); }), requiredMetacodes = _.map(unique, function (metacode) { return metacode.get('metacode_id'); }), loadedCount = 0 _.each(requiredMetacodes, function (metacode_id) { var metacode = DataModel.Metacodes.get(metacode_id), img = metacode ? metacode.get('image') : false if (img && (img.complete || (typeof img.naturalWidth !== 'undefined' && img.naturalWidth !== 0))) { loadedCount += 1 } }) if (loadedCount === requiredMetacodes.length || tries > 80) runAnimation() else setTimeout(function () { tries++; hold() }, 50) } hold() // update the url now that the map is ready clearTimeout(Router.timeoutId) Router.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { var m = Active.Map var t = Active.Topic if (m && window.location.pathname !== '/maps/' + m.id) { Router.navigate('/maps/' + m.id) } else if (t && window.location.pathname !== '/topics/' + t.id) { Router.navigate('/topics/' + t.id) } }, 800) }, clearVisualization: function() { Visualize.mGraph.graph.empty() Visualize.mGraph.plot() JIT.centerMap(Visualize.mGraph.canvas) $('#infovis').empty() }, } export default Visualize