import _ from 'lodash' import outdent from 'outdent' import Active from './Active' import DataModel from './DataModel' import Filter from './Filter' import GlobalUI from './GlobalUI' import Mouse from './Mouse' import Selected from './Selected' import Settings from './Settings' import Visualize from './Visualize' const Control = { selectNode: function(node, e) { var filtered = node.getData('alpha') === 0 if (filtered || Selected.Nodes.indexOf(node) !== -1) return node.selected = true node.setData('dim', 30, 'current') Selected.Nodes.push(node) }, selectNeighbors: function() { if (Selected.Nodes.length > 0) { //For each selected node, select all connected node and the synapses too Selected.Nodes.forEach((item) => { if (Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode( { for (const adjID in Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode( { Control.selectNode(Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode(adjID)) Control.selectEdge(Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode([adjID]) } } }) Visualize.mGraph.plot() } }, deselectAllNodes: function() { var l = Selected.Nodes.length for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { var node = Selected.Nodes[i] Control.deselectNode(node) } Visualize.mGraph.plot() }, deselectNode: function(node) { delete node.selected node.setData('dim', 25, 'current') // remove the node Selected.Nodes.splice( Selected.Nodes.indexOf(node), 1) }, deleteSelected: function() { if (!Active.Map) return var n = Selected.Nodes.length var e = Selected.Edges.length var ntext = n === 1 ? '1 topic' : n + ' topics' var etext = e === 1 ? '1 synapse' : e + ' synapses' var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit Public map.') return } var r = window.confirm(outdent` You have ${ntext} and ${etext} selected. Are you sure you want to permanently delete them all? This will remove them from all maps they appear on.`) if (r) { Control.deleteSelectedEdges() Control.deleteSelectedNodes() } if (DataModel.Topics.length === 0) { Map.setHasLearnedTopicCreation(false) } }, deleteSelectedNodes: function() { // refers to deleting topics permanently if (!Active.Map) return var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit Public map.') return } var l = Selected.Nodes.length for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { var node = Selected.Nodes[i] Control.deleteNode( } }, deleteNode: function(nodeid) { // refers to deleting topics permanently if (!Active.Map) return var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit Public map.') return } var node = Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode(nodeid) var topic = node.getData('topic') var permToDelete = === topic.get('user_id') || Active.Mapper.get('admin') if (permToDelete) { var mapping = node.getData('mapping') topic.destroy() DataModel.Mappings.remove(mapping) Control.hideNode(nodeid) } else { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Only topics you created can be deleted') } }, removeSelectedNodes: function() { // refers to removing topics permanently from a map if (Active.Topic) { // hideNode will handle synapses as well var nodeids =, function(node) { return }) _.each(nodeids, function(nodeid) { if ( !== nodeid) { DataModel.Topics.remove(nodeid) Control.hideNode(nodeid) } }) return } if (!Active.Map) return const l = Selected.Nodes.length const authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit this map.') return } if (Active.Mapper.get('follow_map_on_contributed')) { Active.Mapper.followMap( } for (let i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const node = Selected.Nodes[i] Control.removeNode( } }, removeNode: function(nodeid) { // refers to removing topics permanently from a map if (!Active.Map) return var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) var node = Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode(nodeid) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit this map.') return } if (Active.Mapper.get('follow_map_on_contributed')) { Active.Mapper.followMap( } var topic = node.getData('topic') var mapping = node.getData('mapping') mapping.destroy() DataModel.Topics.remove(topic) Control.hideNode(nodeid) }, hideSelectedNodes: function() { const l = Selected.Nodes.length for (let i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const node = Selected.Nodes[i] Control.hideNode( } }, hideNode: function(nodeid) { var node = Visualize.mGraph.graph.getNode(nodeid) var graph = Visualize.mGraph Control.deselectNode(node) node.setData('alpha', 0, 'end') node.eachAdjacency(function(adj) { adj.setData('alpha', 0, 'end') }) Visualize.mGraph.fx.animate({ modes: ['node-property:alpha', 'edge-property:alpha' ], duration: 500 }) setTimeout(function() { if (nodeid === Visualize.mGraph.root) { // && Visualize.type === "RGraph" var newroot = _.find(graph.graph.nodes, function(n) { return !== nodeid }) graph.root = newroot ? : null } Visualize.mGraph.graph.removeNode(nodeid) }, 500) Filter.checkMetacodes() Filter.checkMappers() }, selectEdge: function(edge) { var filtered = edge.getData('alpha') === 0 // don't select if the edge is filtered if (filtered || Selected.Edges.indexOf(edge) !== -1) return var width = Mouse.edgeHoveringOver === edge ? 4 : 2 edge.setDataset('current', { showDesc: true, lineWidth: width, color: Settings.colors.synapses.selected }) Visualize.mGraph.plot() Selected.Edges.push(edge) }, deselectAllEdges: function() { var l = Selected.Edges.length for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { var edge = Selected.Edges[i] Control.deselectEdge(edge) } Visualize.mGraph.plot() }, deselectEdge: function(edge) { edge.setData('showDesc', false, 'current') edge.setDataset('current', { lineWidth: 2, color: Settings.colors.synapses.normal }) if (Mouse.edgeHoveringOver === edge) { edge.setDataset('current', { showDesc: true, lineWidth: 4 }) } Visualize.mGraph.plot() // remove the edge Selected.Edges.splice( Selected.Edges.indexOf(edge), 1) }, deleteSelectedEdges: function() { // refers to deleting topics permanently if (!Active.Map) return var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit Public map.') return } const l = Selected.Edges.length for (let i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const edge = Selected.Edges[i] Control.deleteEdge(edge) } }, deleteEdge: function(edge) { if (!Active.Map) return var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit Public map.') return } var index = edge.getData('displayIndex') ? edge.getData('displayIndex') : 0 var synapse = edge.getData('synapses')[index] var mapping = edge.getData('mappings')[index] var permToDelete = === synapse.get('user_id') || Active.Mapper.get('admin') if (permToDelete) { if (edge.getData('synapses').length - 1 === 0) { Control.hideEdge(edge) } synapse.destroy() // the server will destroy the mapping, we just need to remove it here DataModel.Mappings.remove(mapping) edge.getData('mappings').splice(index, 1) edge.getData('synapses').splice(index, 1) if (edge.getData('displayIndex')) { delete$displayIndex } } else { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Only synapses you created can be deleted') } }, removeSelectedEdges: function() { // Topic view is handled by removeSelectedNodes if (!Active.Map) return const l = Selected.Edges.length var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit this map.') return } if (Active.Mapper.get('follow_map_on_contributed')) { Active.Mapper.followMap( } for (let i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const edge = Selected.Edges[i] Control.removeEdge(edge) } Selected.Edges = [ ] }, removeEdge: function(edge) { if (!Active.Map) return var authorized = Active.Map.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper) if (!authorized) { GlobalUI.notifyUser('Cannot edit this map.') return } if (Active.Mapper.get('follow_map_on_contributed')) { Active.Mapper.followMap( } if (edge.getData('mappings').length - 1 === 0) { Control.hideEdge(edge) } var index = edge.getData('displayIndex') ? edge.getData('displayIndex') : 0 var synapse = edge.getData('synapses')[index] var mapping = edge.getData('mappings')[index] mapping.destroy() DataModel.Synapses.remove(synapse) edge.getData('mappings').splice(index, 1) edge.getData('synapses').splice(index, 1) if (edge.getData('displayIndex')) { delete$displayIndex } }, hideSelectedEdges: function() { const l = Selected.Edges.length for (let i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { const edge = Selected.Edges[i] Control.hideEdge(edge) } Selected.Edges = [ ] }, hideEdge: function(edge) { var from = var to = edge.setData('alpha', 0, 'end') Control.deselectEdge(edge) Visualize.mGraph.fx.animate({ modes: ['edge-property:alpha'], duration: 500 }) setTimeout(function() { Visualize.mGraph.graph.removeAdjacence(from, to) }, 500) Filter.checkSynapses() Filter.checkMappers() }, updateSelectedPermissions: function(permission) { var edge, synapse, node, topic GlobalUI.notifyUser('Working...') // variables to keep track of how many nodes and synapses you had the ability to change the permission of var nCount = 0 var sCount = 0 // change the permission of the selected synapses, if logged in user is the original creator const edgesLength = Selected.Edges.length for (let i = edgesLength - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { edge = Selected.Edges[i] synapse = edge.getData('synapses')[0] if (synapse.authorizePermissionChange(Active.Mapper)) {{ permission: permission }) sCount++ } } // change the permission of the selected topics, if logged in user is the original creator const nodesLength = Selected.Nodes.length for (let i = nodesLength - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { node = Selected.Nodes[i] topic = node.getData('topic') if (topic.authorizePermissionChange(Active.Mapper)) {{ permission: permission }) nCount++ } } var nString = nCount === 1 ? (nCount.toString() + ' topic and ') : (nCount.toString() + ' topics and ') var sString = sCount === 1 ? (sCount.toString() + ' synapse') : (sCount.toString() + ' synapses') var message = nString + sString + ' you created updated to ' + permission GlobalUI.notifyUser(message) }, updateSelectedMetacodes: function(metacodeId) { var node, topic GlobalUI.notifyUser('Working...') var metacode = DataModel.Metacodes.get(metacodeId) // variables to keep track of how many nodes and synapses you had the ability to change the permission of var nCount = 0 // change the permission of the selected topics, if logged in user is the original creator var l = Selected.Nodes.length for (var i = l - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) { node = Selected.Nodes[i] topic = node.getData('topic') if (topic.authorizeToEdit(Active.Mapper)) {{ 'metacode_id': metacodeId }) nCount++ } } var nString = nCount === 1 ? (nCount.toString() + ' topic') : (nCount.toString() + ' topics') var message = nString + ' you can edit updated to ' + metacode.get('name') GlobalUI.notifyUser(message) Visualize.mGraph.plot() } } export default Control