# frozen_string_literal: true class TopicsController < ApplicationController include TopicsHelper before_action :require_user, only: [:create, :update, :destroy, :follow, :unfollow] before_action :set_topic, only: [:show, :update, :relative_numbers, :relatives, :network, :destroy, :follow, :unfollow, :unfollow_from_email] after_action :verify_authorized, except: :autocomplete_topic respond_to :html, :js, :json # GET /topics/autocomplete_topic def autocomplete_topic term = params[:term] if term && !term.empty? topics = policy_scope(Topic) .where('LOWER("name") like ?', term.downcase + '%') .order('"name"') map_topics = topics.select { |t| t&.metacode&.name == 'Metamap' } # prioritize topics which point to maps, over maps exclude = map_topics.length.positive? ? map_topics.map(&:name) : [''] maps = policy_scope(Map) .where('LOWER("name") like ? AND name NOT IN (?)', term.downcase + '%', exclude) .order('"name"') else topics = [] maps = [] end @all = topics.to_a.concat(maps.to_a).sort_by(&:name) render json: autocomplete_array_json(@all).to_json end # GET topics/:id def show respond_to do |format| format.html do @alltopics = [@topic].concat(policy_scope(Topic.relatives(@topic.id, current_user)).to_a) @allsynapses = policy_scope(Synapse.for_topic(@topic.id)).to_a @allcreators = @alltopics.map(&:user).uniq @allcreators += @allsynapses.map(&:user).uniq respond_with(@allsynapses, @alltopics, @allcreators, @topic) end format.json { render json: @topic.as_json(user: current_user).to_json } end end # GET topics/:id/network def network @alltopics = [@topic].concat(policy_scope(Topic.relatives(@topic.id, current_user)).to_a) @allsynapses = policy_scope(Synapse.for_topic(@topic.id)) @allcreators = @alltopics.map(&:user).uniq @allcreators += @allsynapses.map(&:user).uniq @json = {} @json['topic'] = @topic.as_json(user: current_user) @json['creators'] = @allcreators @json['relatives'] = @alltopics.as_json(user: current_user) @json['synapses'] = @allsynapses respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @json } end end # GET topics/:id/relative_numbers def relative_numbers topics_already_has = params[:network] ? params[:network].split(',').map(&:to_i) : [] alltopics = policy_scope(Topic.relatives(@topic.id, current_user)).to_a if params[:metacode].present? alltopics.delete_if { |topic| topic.metacode_id != params[:metacode].to_i } end alltopics.delete_if { |topic| !topics_already_has.index(topic.id).nil? } @json = Hash.new(0) alltopics.each do |t| @json[t.metacode.id] += 1 end respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @json } end end # GET topics/:id/relatives def relatives topics_already_has = params[:network] ? params[:network].split(',').map(&:to_i) : [] alltopics = policy_scope(Topic.relatives(@topic.id, current_user)).to_a if params[:metacode].present? alltopics.delete_if { |topic| topic.metacode_id != params[:metacode].to_i } end alltopics.delete_if do |topic| !topics_already_has.index(topic.id.to_s).nil? end # find synapses between topics in alltopics array allsynapses = policy_scope(Synapse.for_topic(@topic.id)).to_a synapse_ids = (allsynapses.map(&:topic1_id) + allsynapses.map(&:topic2_id)).uniq allsynapses.delete_if do |synapse| !synapse_ids.index(synapse.id).nil? end creators_already_has = params[:creators] ? params[:creators].split(',').map(&:to_i) : [] allcreators = (alltopics.map(&:user) + allsynapses.map(&:user)).uniq.delete_if do |user| !creators_already_has.index(user.id).nil? end @json = {} @json['topics'] = alltopics.as_json(user: current_user) @json['synapses'] = allsynapses @json['creators'] = allcreators respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @json } end end # POST /topics # POST /topics.json def create @topic = Topic.new(topic_params) authorize @topic @topic.user = current_user @topic.updated_by = current_user respond_to do |format| if @topic.save format.json { render json: @topic.as_json(user: current_user), status: :created } else format.json { render json: @topic.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PUT /topics/1 # PUT /topics/1.json def update @topic.updated_by = current_user @topic.assign_attributes(topic_params) respond_to do |format| if @topic.save format.json { head :no_content } else format.json { render json: @topic.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # DELETE topics/:id def destroy @topic.updated_by = current_user @topic.destroy respond_to do |format| format.json { head :no_content } end end # POST topics/:id/follow def follow follow = FollowService.follow(@topic, current_user, 'followed') respond_to do |format| format.json do if follow head :ok else head :bad_request end end end end # POST topics/:id/unfollow def unfollow FollowService.unfollow(@topic, current_user) respond_to do |format| format.json do head :ok end end end # GET topics/:id/unfollow_from_email def unfollow_from_email FollowService.unfollow(@topic, current_user) respond_to do |format| format.html do redirect_to topic_path(@topic), notice: 'You are no longer following this topic' end end end private def set_topic @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]) authorize @topic end def topic_params params.require(:topic).permit(:id, :name, :desc, :link, :permission, :metacode_id, :defer_to_map_id) end end