<%# # Partial rendering form for a new topic on a map # This code is called when viewing a metamap in show.html.erb in the views/maps folder #%> <div class="mapInfoBox mapElement mapElementHidden permission <%= @map && @map.user == user ? " yourMap" : "" %> <%= @map && policy(@map).update? ? " canEdit" : "" %> <%= @map && @map.permission != 'private' ? " shareable" : "" %>"> <% if current_user %> <div class="requestTitle"> Click here to name this map! </div> <% end %> <% if @map %> <div class="mapInfoName" id="mapInfoName"> <% if policy(@map).update? %> <span class="best_in_place best_in_place_name" id="best_in_place_map_<%= @map.id %>_name" data-bip-url="/maps/<%= @map.id %>" data-bip-object="map" data-bip-attribute="name" data-bip-type="textarea" data-bip-activator="#mapInfoName" data-bip-value="<%= @map.name %>"><%= @map.name %></span> <% else %> <%= @map.name %> <% end %> </div> <div class="mapInfoStat"> <div class="infoStatIcon mapContributors hoverForTip"> <% relevantPeople = @map.permission == "commons" ? @map.contributors : @map.editors %> <% if relevantPeople.count == 0 %> <img id="mapContribs" width="25" height="25" src="<%= asset_path('user.png'); %>" /> <% elsif relevantPeople.count == 1 %> <img id="mapContribs" width="25" height="25" src="<%= relevantPeople[0].image.url(:thirtytwo) %>" /> <% elsif relevantPeople.count == 2 %> <img id="mapContribs" width="25" height="25" src="<%= relevantPeople[0].image.url(:thirtytwo) %>" class="multiple mTwo" /> <% elsif relevantPeople.count > 2 %> <img id="mapContribs" width="25" height="25" src="<%= relevantPeople[0].image.url(:thirtytwo) %>" class="multiple" /> <% end %> <span class="count"><%= relevantPeople.count %></span> <div class="tip"> <ul><% relevantPeople.each_with_index do |c, index| %> <li> <a href="/explore/mapper/<%= c.id %>" > <img class="rtUserImage" width="25" height="25" src="<%= asset_path c.image.url(:thirtytwo) %>" /> <%= c.name %> <% if @map.user == c %> (creator)<% end %> </a> <% if @map.user != c && @map.user == current_user %> <span class="removeCollaborator" data-id=" + m.get('id') + "></span> <% end %> </li> <% end %> </ul> <% if @map.user == current_user %> <div class="collabSearchField"><span class="addCollab"></span><input class="collaboratorSearchField" placeholder="Add a collaborator!"></input></div> <% end %> </div> </div> <div class="infoStatIcon mapTopics"> <%= @map.topics.count %> </div> <div class="infoStatIcon mapSynapses"> <%= @map.synapses.count %> </div> <div class="infoStatIcon mapPermission <%= @map.permission %> hoverForTip"> <div class="tooltips">As the creator, you can change the permission of this map, and the permission of all the topics and synapses you have authority to change will change as well.</div> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> </div> <div class="mapInfoDesc" id="mapInfoDesc"> <% if policy(@map).update? %> <span class="best_in_place best_in_place_desc" id="best_in_place_map_<%= @map.id %>_desc" data-bip-url="/maps/<%= @map.id %>" data-bip-object="map" data-bip-attribute="desc" data-bip-nil="Click to add description..." data-bip-type="textarea" data-bip-activator="#mapInfoDesc" data-bip-value="<%= @map.desc %>"><%= @map.desc %></span> <% else %> <%= @map.desc %> <% end %> </div> <div class="mapInfoMeta"> <p class="mapCreatedAt"><span>Created by:</span> <%= @map.user == user ? "You" : @map.user.name %> on <%= @map.created_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %></p> <p class="mapEditedAt"><span>Last edited:</span> <%= @map.updated_at.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") %></p> <div class="mapInfoButtonsWrapper"> <div class="mapInfoDelete"> <div class="deleteMap"></div> <span>Delete</span> </div> <div class="mapInfoShare"> <div class="mapInfoShareIcon"></div> <span>Share</span> </div> </div> </div> <% end %> </div>