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"homePage explorePage" : "homePage"; $('.wrapper').addClass(classes); // all this only for the logged in home page if (Metamaps.Active.Mapper) { Metamaps.Famous.yield.hide(); Metamaps.Famous.explore.set('active'); Metamaps.Famous.maps.resetScroll(); // sets the scroll back to the top Metamaps.Famous.explore.show(); Metamaps.Famous.maps.show(); Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.open(); Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.lock(); Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps.setCollection( Metamaps.Maps.Active ); if (Metamaps.Maps.Active.length === 0) { Metamaps.Maps.Active.getMaps(); // this will trigger an explore maps render } else { Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps.render(); } } // logged out home page else { Metamaps.Famous.yield.show(); Metamaps.Famous.explore.hide(); Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.unlock(); Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.close(0, true); Metamaps.Famous.maps.hide(); setTimeout(function(){ Metamaps.Router.navigate(""); }, 500); } Metamaps.Famous.viz.hide(); Metamaps.Map.end(); Metamaps.Topic.end(); Metamaps.Active.Map = null; Metamaps.Active.Topic = null; }, explore: function (section, id) { // just capitalize the variable section // either 'featured', 'mapper', or 'active' var capitalize = section.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + section.slice(1); if (section === "featured" || section === "active") { document.title = 'Explore ' + capitalize + ' Maps | Metamaps'; } else if (section === "mapper") { $.ajax({ url: "/users/" + id + ".json", success: function (response) { document.title = response.name + ' | Metamaps'; }, error: function () { } }); } else if (section === "mine") { document.title = 'Explore My Maps | Metamaps'; } $('.wrapper').removeClass('homePage mapPage topicPage'); $('.wrapper').addClass('explorePage'); Metamaps.currentSection = "explore"; Metamaps.currentPage = section; // this will mean it's a mapper page being loaded if (id) { if (Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.mapperId !== id) { // empty the collection if we are trying to load the maps // collection of a different mapper than we had previously Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.reset(); Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.page = 1; } Metamaps.Maps.Mapper.mapperId = id; } Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps.setCollection( Metamaps.Maps[capitalize] ); if (Metamaps.Maps[capitalize].length === 0) { Metamaps.Loading.show(); setTimeout(function(){ Metamaps.Maps[capitalize].getMaps(); // this will trigger an explore maps render }, 300); // wait 300 milliseconds till the other animations are done to do the fetch } else { if (id) { Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps.fetchUserThenRender(); } else { Metamaps.Views.exploreMaps.render(); } } Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.open(); Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.lock(); Metamaps.Famous.yield.hide(); Metamaps.Famous.maps.resetScroll(); // sets the scroll back to the top Metamaps.Famous.maps.show(); Metamaps.Famous.explore.set(section, id); Metamaps.Famous.explore.show(); Metamaps.Famous.viz.hide(); Metamaps.Map.end(); Metamaps.Topic.end(); Metamaps.Active.Map = null; Metamaps.Active.Topic = null; }, maps: function (id) { document.title = 'Map ' + id + ' | Metamaps'; Metamaps.currentSection = "map"; Metamaps.currentPage = id; $('.wrapper').removeClass('homePage explorePage topicPage'); $('.wrapper').addClass('mapPage'); // another class will be added to wrapper if you // can edit this map '.canEditMap' Metamaps.Famous.yield.hide(); Metamaps.Famous.maps.hide(); Metamaps.Famous.explore.hide(); // clear the visualization, if there was one, before showing its div again if (Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph) { Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.graph.empty(); Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.plot(); Metamaps.JIT.centerMap(Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.canvas); } Metamaps.Famous.viz.show(); Metamaps.Topic.end(); Metamaps.Active.Topic = null; Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.unlock(); Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.close(0, true); Metamaps.Loading.show(); Metamaps.Map.end(); Metamaps.Map.launch(id); }, topics: function (id) { document.title = 'Topic ' + id + ' | Metamaps'; Metamaps.currentSection = "topic"; Metamaps.currentPage = id; $('.wrapper').removeClass('homePage explorePage mapPage'); $('.wrapper').addClass('topicPage'); Metamaps.Famous.yield.hide(); Metamaps.Famous.maps.hide(); Metamaps.Famous.explore.hide(); // clear the visualization, if there was one, before showing its div again if (Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph) { Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.graph.empty(); Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.plot(); Metamaps.JIT.centerMap(Metamaps.Visualize.mGraph.canvas); } Metamaps.Famous.viz.show(); Metamaps.Map.end(); Metamaps.Active.Map = null; Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.unlock(); Metamaps.GlobalUI.Search.close(0, true); Metamaps.Topic.end(); Metamaps.Topic.launch(id); } }); Metamaps.Router = new Router(); Metamaps.Router.intercept = function (evt) { var segments; var href = { prop: $(this).prop("href"), attr: $(this).attr("href") }; var root = location.protocol + "//" + location.host + Backbone.history.options.root; if (href.prop && href.prop === root) href.attr = ""; if (href.prop && href.prop.slice(0, root.length) === root) { evt.preventDefault(); segments = href.attr.split('/'); segments.splice(0,1); // pop off the element created by the first / if (href.attr === "") Metamaps.Router.home(); else { Metamaps.Router[segments[0]](segments[1], segments[2]); } } }; Metamaps.Router.init = function () { Backbone.history.start({ silent: true, pushState: true, root: '/' }); $(document).on("click", "a:not([data-bypass])", Metamaps.Router.intercept); }; })();