{# # @file # Partial view, renders a form that creates a new map. #}
{ form_for Map.new, url: maps_url, remote: true, html: { class: "new_map", id: "fork_map" } do |form|}

Save To New Map

{ form.text_field :name, :maxlength => 140 }
{ form.text_area :desc, class: "description", :rows => 5, :cols => 43 }

*new topics and synapses take on the same permission as the map they are created on

Anyone with an account can edit this map. Anyone without an account can only view it.


Only people you allow can edit this map. Anyone can view it.


Only people you allow can edit this map. No one else can view it.


Anyone with an account can edit this map. Anyone without an account can only view it.

{ end }