function selectEdgeOnClickHandler(adj, e) { if (Mconsole.busy) return; //editing overrides everything else if (e.altKey) { //in select-edit-delete-nodes-and-edges.js editEdge(adj, e); return; } var showDesc = adj.getData("showDesc"); if (showDesc && e.shiftKey) { //deselecting an edge with shift deselectEdge(adj); } else if (!showDesc && e.shiftKey) { //selecting an edge with shift selectEdge(adj); } else if (showDesc && !e.shiftKey) { //deselecting an edge without shift - unselect all deselectAllEdges(); } else if (!showDesc && !e.shiftKey) { //selecting an edge without shift - unselect all but new one deselectAllEdges(); selectEdge(adj); } Mconsole.plot(); }//selectEdgeOnClickHandler function nodeDoubleClickHandler(node, e) { keepFromCommons(node); } function enterKeyHandler() { var selectedNodesCopy = MetamapsModel.selectedNodes.slice(0); var len = selectedNodesCopy.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { n = selectedNodesCopy[i]; keepFromCommons(n); }//for Mconsole.plot(); }//enterKeyHandler function keepFromCommons(node) { if (userid == null) { return; } //greenCircle being true denotes it's actually "in the commons" still if (node.getData('greenCircle') == false) { return; } //this line adds it to the console if you close seek node.setData('greenCircle', false); //this is just aesthetic deselectNode(node); //this adds the node to the map, if it's a map if (window.mapid) { $.post('/mappings', { topic: {id:}, map: {id: window.mapid}, xloc: node.pos.x, yloc: node.pos.y }, function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { console.log(data); node.setData('mappingid',; }); } }//doubleClickNodeHandler /* * Returns a boolean saying if the node was double clicked in our understanding of the word */ function nodeWasDoubleClicked() { //grab the timestamp of the click var storedTime = MetamapsModel.lastNodeClick; var now =; //not compatible with IE8 FYI MetamapsModel.lastNodeClick = now; if (now - storedTime < MetamapsModel.DOUBLE_CLICK_TOLERANCE) { return true; } else { return false; } }//nodeWasDoubleClicked; function selectNodeOnClickHandler(node, e) { if (Mconsole.busy) return; if (nodeWasDoubleClicked()) { nodeDoubleClickHandler(node, e); return; } if (gType != "centered") { //set final styles if (!e.shiftKey) { Mconsole.graph.eachNode(function (n) { if ( != { deselectNode(n); } }); } if (node.selected) { deselectNode(node); } else { selectNode(node); } //trigger animation to final styles Mconsole.fx.animate({ modes: ['edge-property:lineWidth:color:alpha'], duration: 500 }); Mconsole.plot(); } }//selectNodeOnClickHandler function canvasDoubleClickHandler(canvasLoc,e) { //grab the location and timestamp of the click var storedTime = MetamapsModel.lastCanvasClick; var now =; //not compatible with IE8 FYI MetamapsModel.lastCanvasClick = now; if (now - storedTime < MetamapsModel.DOUBLE_CLICK_TOLERANCE) { //pop up node creation :) $('#topic_grabTopic').val("null"); $('#topic_addSynapse').val("false"); $('#new_topic').css('left', e.clientX + "px"); $('#new_topic').css('top', e.clientY + "px"); $('#topic_x').val(canvasLoc.x); $('#topic_y').val(canvasLoc.y); $('#topic_name').autocomplete('enable'); $('#new_topic').fadeIn('fast'); addMetacode(); $('#topic_name').focus(); } else { $('#new_topic').fadeOut('fast'); $('#new_synapse').fadeOut('fast'); tempInit = false; tempNode = null; tempNode2 = null; Mconsole.plot(); } }//canvasDoubleClickHandler function handleSelectionBeforeDragging(node, e) { // four cases: // 1 nothing is selected, so pretend you aren't selecting // 2 others are selected only and shift, so additionally select this one // 3 others are selected only, no shift: drag only this one // 4 this node and others were selected, so drag them (just return false) //return value: deselect node again after? if (MetamapsModel.selectedNodes.length == 0) { selectNode(node); return 'deselect'; } if (MetamapsModel.selectedNodes.indexOf(node) == -1) { if (e.shiftKey) { selectNode(node); return 'nothing'; } else { return 'only-drag-this-one'; } } return 'nothing'; //case 4? } function onDragMoveTopicHandler(node, eventInfo, e) { if (node && !node.nodeFrom) { $('#new_synapse').fadeOut('fast'); $('#new_topic').fadeOut('fast'); var pos = eventInfo.getPos(); // if it's a left click, or a touch, move the node if ( e.touches || (e.button == 0 && !e.altKey && (e.buttons == 0 || e.buttons == 1 || e.buttons == undefined))) { //if the node dragged isn't already selected, select it var whatToDo = handleSelectionBeforeDragging(node, e); if (whatToDo == 'only-drag-this-one') { node.pos.setc(pos.x, pos.y); node.setData('xloc', pos.x); node.setData('yloc', pos.y); } else { var len = MetamapsModel.selectedNodes.length; //first define offset for each node var xOffset = new Array(); var yOffset = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { n = MetamapsModel.selectedNodes[i]; xOffset[i] = n.pos.x - node.pos.x; yOffset[i] = n.pos.y - node.pos.y; }//for for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { n = MetamapsModel.selectedNodes[i]; n.pos.setc(pos.x + xOffset[i], pos.y + yOffset[i]); n.setData('xloc', pos.x + xOffset[i]); n.setData('yloc', pos.y + yOffset[i]); }//for }//if if (whatToDo == 'deselect') { deselectNode(node); } dragged =; Mconsole.plot(); } // if it's a right click or holding down alt, start synapse creation ->third option is for firefox else if ((e.button == 2 || (e.button == 0 && e.altKey) || e.buttons == 2) && userid != null) { if (tempInit == false) { tempNode = node; tempInit = true; } // temp = eventInfo.getNode(); if (temp != false && != { // this means a Node has been returned tempNode2 = temp; Mconsole.plot(); renderMidArrow({ x: tempNode.pos.getc().x, y: tempNode.pos.getc().y }, { x: temp.pos.getc().x, y: temp.pos.getc().y }, 13, false, Mconsole.canvas); // before making the highlighted one bigger, make sure all the others are regular size Mconsole.graph.eachNode(function (n) { n.setData('dim', 25, 'current'); }); temp.setData('dim',35,'current'); Mconsole.fx.plotNode(tempNode, Mconsole.canvas); Mconsole.fx.plotNode(temp, Mconsole.canvas); } else if (!temp) { tempNode2 = null; Mconsole.graph.eachNode(function (n) { n.setData('dim', 25, 'current'); }); //pop up node creation :) $('#topic_grabTopic').val("null"); var myX = e.clientX - 110; var myY = e.clientY - 30; $('#new_topic').css('left',myX + "px"); $('#new_topic').css('top',myY + "px"); $('#new_synapse').css('left',myX + "px"); $('#new_synapse').css('top',myY + "px"); $('#topic_x').val(eventInfo.getPos().x); $('#topic_y').val(eventInfo.getPos().y); Mconsole.plot(); renderMidArrow({ x: tempNode.pos.getc().x, y: tempNode.pos.getc().y }, { x: pos.x, y: pos.y }, 13, false, Mconsole.canvas); Mconsole.fx.plotNode(tempNode, Mconsole.canvas); } } } } var lastDist = 0; function getDistance(p1, p2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((p2.x - p1.x), 2) + Math.pow((p2.y - p1.y), 2)); } function touchPanZoomHandler(eventInfo, e) { if (e.touches.length == 1) { var thispos = touchPos, currentPos = eventInfo.getPos(), canvas = Mconsole.canvas, ox = canvas.translateOffsetX, oy = canvas.translateOffsetY, sx = canvas.scaleOffsetX, sy = canvas.scaleOffsetY; currentPos.x *= sx; currentPos.y *= sy; currentPos.x += ox; currentPos.y += oy; //var x = currentPos.x - thispos.x, // y = currentPos.y - thispos.y; var x = currentPos.x - thispos.x, y = currentPos.y - thispos.y; touchPos = currentPos; Mconsole.canvas.translate(x * 1/sx, y * 1/sy); } else if (e.touches.length == 2) { var touch1 = e.touches[0]; var touch2 = e.touches[1]; var dist = getDistance({ x: touch1.clientX, y: touch1.clientY }, { x: touch2.clientX, y: touch2.clientY }); if(!lastDist) { lastDist = dist; } var scale = dist / lastDist; console.log(scale); if (8 >= Mconsole.canvas.scaleOffsetX*scale && Mconsole.canvas.scaleOffsetX*scale >= 1) { Mconsole.canvas.scale(scale, scale); } if (Mconsole.canvas.scaleOffsetX < 0.5) { Mconsole.canvas.viz.labels.hideLabels(true); } else if (Mconsole.canvas.scaleOffsetX > 0.5) { Mconsole.canvas.viz.labels.hideLabels(false); } lastDist = dist; } }