/* authCanEditMappingPages means: 1. being logged in and, 2. either a. being on a Map page and having edit permissions (your map, or commons map) or, b. being on a Topic page this code adds required jQuery for creating, or pulling in, topics and synapses */ $(document).ready(function () { function bindForkHover() { var closeFork = function () { } var openFork = function () { // hide the other three $('.sidebarFilterBox, .sidebarAccountBox, .sidebarCollaborateBox').hide(); $('.sidebarFilterIcon, .sidebarAccountIcon, .sidebarCollaborateIcon').css('background-color', '#0F1519'); } // bind the hover events $(".sidebarFork").hover(openFork, closeFork); } // end bindForkHover // bind hover events bindForkHover(); ////// ////// //// TOPIC CREATION // initialize the autocomplete results for the metacode spinner $('#topic_name').typeahead([ { name: 'topic_autocomplete', limit: 8, template: $('#topicAutocompleteTemplate').html(), remote: { url: '/topics/autocomplete_topic?term=%QUERY' }, engine: Hogan } ]); var topicTypeahead = false; // tell the autocomplete to submit the form with the topic you clicked on if you pick from the autocomplete $('#topic_name').bind('typeahead:selected', function (event, datum, dataset) { $('#topic_grabTopic').val(datum.id); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('.new_topic').submit(); topicTypeahead = true; }); $('#topic_name').bind('typeahead:opened', function () { topicTypeahead = false; }); // bind keyboard handlers $('#topic_name').bind('keyup', function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 13: if (!topicTypeahead) $('.new_topic').submit(); break; default: break; } }); // initialize metacode spinner and then hide it $("#metacodeImg").CloudCarousel({ titleBox: $('#metacodeImgTitle'), yRadius: 40, xPos: 150, yPos: 40, speed: 0.3, mouseWheel: true, bringToFront: true }); $('.new_topic').hide(); ////// ////// //// SYNAPSE CREATION // initialize the autocomplete results for synapse creation $('#synapse_desc').typeahead([ { name: 'synapse_autocomplete', template: "
", remote: { url: '/search/synapses?term=%QUERY' }, engine: Hogan }, { name: 'existing_synapses', limit: 50, template: $('#synapseAutocompleteTemplate').html(), remote: { url: '/search/synapses', replace: function () { var q = '/search/synapses?topic1id=' + $('#synapse_topic1id').val() + '&topic2id=' + $('#synapse_topic2id').val(); return q; } }, engine: Hogan, header: "

Existing Synapses

" }, ]); var synapseTypeahead = false; // tell the autocomplete to submit the form with the topic you clicked on if you pick from the autocomplete $('#synapse_desc').bind('typeahead:selected', function (event, datum, dataset) { if (datum.id) { // if they clicked on an existing synapse get it $('#synapse_grabSynapse').val(datum.id); } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); $('.new_synapse').submit(); synapseTypeahead = true; }); $('#synapse_desc').bind('typeahead:opened', function () { synapseTypeahead = false; }); // bind keyboard handlers $('#synapse_desc').bind('keyup', function (e) { switch (e.which) { case 13: if (!synapseTypeahead) $('.new_synapse').submit(); break; default: break; } }); ////// ////// //// TOPIC AND SYNAPSE CREATION // when either form submits, don't leave the page $('.new_topic, .new_synapse').bind('submit', function (event, data) { event.preventDefault(); }); // disable right click events on the new topic and new synapse input fields $('#new_topic, #new_synapse').bind('contextmenu', function (e) { return false; }); ////// ////// //// SWITCHING METACODE SETS $('#metacodeSwitchTabs').tabs({ selected: MetamapsModel.selectedMetacodeSetIndex }).addClass("ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix"); $("#metacodeSwitchTabs .ui-tabs-nav li").removeClass("ui-corner-top").addClass("ui-corner-left"); $("#metacodeSwitchTabs .ui-tabs-nav li a").click(function(){ // recenter the lightbox when you switch tabs $('#lightbox_main').css('margin-top', '-' + ($('#lightbox_main').height() / 2) + 'px'); }); $('.customMetacodeList li').click(function () { if ($(this).attr('class') != 'toggledOff') { $(this).addClass('toggledOff'); var value_to_remove = $(this).attr('id'); var name_to_remove = $(this).attr('data-name'); MetamapsModel.newSelectedMetacodes.splice(MetamapsModel.newSelectedMetacodes.indexOf(value_to_remove), 1); MetamapsModel.newSelectedMetacodeNames.splice(MetamapsModel.newSelectedMetacodeNames.indexOf(name_to_remove), 1); } else if ($(this).attr('class') == 'toggledOff') { $(this).removeClass('toggledOff'); MetamapsModel.newSelectedMetacodes.push($(this).attr('id')); MetamapsModel.newSelectedMetacodeNames.push($(this).attr('data-name')); } }); }); // end document.ready