<% button_style = "margin-top: 8px;background-color:#4fc059;border-radius:2px;color:white;display:inline-block;font-family:Roboto,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;min-height:29px;line-height:29px;min-width:54px;outline:0px;padding:0 8px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none" %>

<!DOCTYPE html>
  div {
    color: #424242;

  li {
    margin: 4px 0;
<div style="padding: 16px; background: white; text-align: left; font-family: Arial">
  <p>Hey <%= @user.name %>, there was activity by others in the last 24 hours on map
    <%= link_to @map.name, map_url(@map) %>
    <% if @summary_data[:stats][:messages_sent] > 0 %>
      <p style="margin:6px 0;color:#a354cd;"><%= pluralize(@summary_data[:stats][:messages_sent], 'message') %></p>
    <% end %>
    <% if @summary_data[:stats][:topics_added] > 0 %>
      <p style="margin:6px 0;color:#4FC059;"><%= pluralize(@summary_data[:stats][:topics_added], 'topic') %> added</p>
    <% end %>
    <% if @summary_data[:stats][:synapses_added] > 0 %>
      <p style="margin:6px 0;color:#4FC059;"><%= pluralize(@summary_data[:stats][:synapses_added], 'synapse') %> added</p>
    <% end %>
    <% if @summary_data[:stats][:topics_moved] > 0 %>
      <p style="margin:6px 0;color:#00BCD4;"><%= pluralize(@summary_data[:stats][:topics_moved], 'topic') %> moved</p>
    <% end %>
    <% if @summary_data[:stats][:topics_removed] > 0 %>
      <p style="margin:6px 0;color:#c04f4f;"><%= pluralize(@summary_data[:stats][:topics_removed], 'topic') %> removed</p>
    <% end %>
    <% if @summary_data[:stats][:synapses_removed] > 0 %>
      <p style="margin:6px 0;color:#c04f4f;"><%= pluralize(@summary_data[:stats][:synapses_removed], 'synapse') %> removed</p>
    <% end %>
  <% if @summary_data[:topics_added] || @summary_data[:synapses_added] %>
    <div style="background:rgba(79, 192, 89, 0.2); padding:8px;">
      <% if @summary_data[:topics_added] %>
        <h3 style="color:#424242;">Topics Added</h3>
          <% @summary_data[:topics_added].each do |event| %>
            <li><%= event.eventable.name %></li>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>

      <% if @summary_data[:synapses_added] %>
        <h3 style="color:#424242;">Synapses Added</h3>
          <% @summary_data[:synapses_added].each do |event| %>
              <%= event.eventable.topic1.name %></br>
              <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/metamaps-assets/site/synapse16.png" /></br>
              <%= event.eventable.topic2.name %>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% if @summary_data[:topics_removed] || @summary_data[:synapses_removed] %>
    <div style="background:rgba(192, 79, 79, 0.2); padding:8px;">
      <% if @summary_data[:topics_removed] %>
        <h3 style="color:#424242;">Topics Removed</h3>
          <% @summary_data[:topics_removed].each do |event| %>
            <li><%= event.eventable.name %></li>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>

      <% if @summary_data[:synapses_removed] %>
        <h3 style="color:#424242;">Synapses Removed</h3>
          <% @summary_data[:synapses_removed].each do |event| %>
              <%= event.eventable.topic1.name %></br>
              <img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/metamaps-assets/site/synapse16.png" /></br>
              <%= event.eventable.topic2.name %>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <%= link_to 'Visit Map', map_url(@map), style: button_style %>

  <p style="font-size: 14px;">Make sense with Metamaps</p>
  <%= link_to 'Unfollow this map', unfollow_from_email_map_url(@map) %>
  <%= render partial: 'shared/mailer_unsubscribe_link' %>