/* * Example tab-separated input: * Some fields will be ignored * * id name metacode desc link user.name permission synapses * 1 topic1 Catalyst admin commons 1->7 * 2 topic2 Event admin commons * 5 topic Action admin commons * 6 topic6 Action admin commons 6->7 * 7 topic7 Action admin commons 7->8 7<-6 7<-1 * 8 topic8 Action admin commons 8<-7 */ Metamaps.Import = { headersWhitelist: [ 'name', 'metacode', 'desc', 'link', 'permission' ], init: function() { var self = Metamaps.Import; $('body').bind('paste', function(e) { var text = e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/plain'); var parsed = self.parseTabbedString(text); if (confirm("Are you sure you want to create " + parsed.length + " new topics?")) { self.importTopics(parsed); }//if }); }, importTopics: function(parsedTopics) { var self = Metamaps.Import; var x = -200; var y = -200; parsedTopics.forEach(function(topic) { self.createTopicWithParameters( topic.name, topic.metacode, topic.permission, topic.desc, topic.link, x, y ); // update positions of topics x += 50; if (x > 200) { y += 50; x = -200; }//if }); }, parseTabbedString: function(text) { var self = Metamaps.Import; // determine line ending and split lines var delim = "\n"; if (text.indexOf("\r\n") !== -1) { delim = "\r\n"; }//if var lines = text.split(delim); // get csv-style headers to name the object fields var headers = lines[0].split(' '); //tab character var results = []; lines.forEach(function(line, index) { if (index === 0) return; if (line == "") return; var topic = {}; line.split(" ").forEach(function(field, index) { if (self.headersWhitelist.indexOf(headers[index]) === -1) return; topic[headers[index]] = field; }); results.push(topic); }); return results; }, createTopicWithParameters: function(name, metacode_name, permission, desc, link, xloc, yloc) { var self = Metamaps.Topic; var metacode = Metamaps.Metacodes.where({name: metacode_name})[0] || null; if (metacode === null) return console.error("metacode not found"); var topic = new Metamaps.Backbone.Topic({ name: name, metacode_id: metacode.id, permission: permission || Metamaps.Active.Map.get('permission'), desc: desc, link: link }); Metamaps.Topics.add(topic); var mapping = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapping({ xloc: xloc, yloc: yloc, mappable_id: topic.cid, mappable_type: "Topic", }); Metamaps.Mappings.add(mapping); self.renderTopic(mapping, topic, true, true); // this function also includes the creation of the topic in the database }, };