/* global Metamaps, $ */ import parse from 'csv-parse' import _ from 'lodash' import Active from './Active' import AutoLayout from './AutoLayout' import GlobalUI from './GlobalUI' import Map from './Map' import Synapse from './Synapse' import Topic from './Topic' /* * Metamaps.Import.js.erb * * Dependencies: * - Metamaps.Backbone * - Metamaps.Mappings * - Metamaps.Metacodes * - Metamaps.Synapses * - Metamaps.Topics */ const Import = { // note that user is not imported topicWhitelist: [ 'id', 'name', 'metacode', 'x', 'y', 'description', 'link', 'permission' ], synapseWhitelist: [ 'topic1', 'topic2', 'category', 'direction', 'desc', 'description', 'permission' ], cidMappings: {}, // to be filled by import_id => cid mappings handleTSV: function (text) { const results = Import.parseTabbedString(text) Import.handle(results) }, handleCSV: function (text, parserOpts = {}) { const self = Import const topicsRegex = /("?Topics"?)([\s\S]*)/mi const synapsesRegex = /("?Synapses"?)([\s\S]*)/mi let topicsText = text.match(topicsRegex) || '' if (topicsText) topicsText = topicsText[2].replace(synapsesRegex, '') let synapsesText = text.match(synapsesRegex) || '' if (synapsesText) synapsesText = synapsesText[2].replace(topicsRegex, '') // merge default options and extra options passed in parserOpts argument const csv_parser_options = Object.assign({ columns: true, // get headers relax_column_count: true, skip_empty_lines: true }, parserOpts) const topicsPromise = $.Deferred() parse(topicsText, csv_parser_options, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.warn(err) return topicsPromise.resolve([]) } topicsPromise.resolve(data) }) const synapsesPromise = $.Deferred() parse(synapsesText, csv_parser_options, (err, data) => { if (err) { console.warn(err) return synapsesPromise.resolve([]) } synapsesPromise.resolve(data) }) $.when(topicsPromise, synapsesPromise).done((topics, synapses) => { self.handle({ topics, synapses}) }) }, handleJSON: function (text) { const results = JSON.parse(text) Import.handle(results) }, handle: function(results) { var self = Import var topics = results.topics.map(topic => self.normalizeKeys(topic)) var synapses = results.synapses.map(synapse => self.normalizeKeys(synapse)) if (topics.length > 0 || synapses.length > 0) { if (window.confirm('Are you sure you want to create ' + topics.length + ' new topics and ' + synapses.length + ' new synapses?')) { self.importTopics(topics) self.importSynapses(synapses) } // if } // if }, parseTabbedString: function (text) { var self = Import // determine line ending and split lines var delim = '\n' if (text.indexOf('\r\n') !== -1) { delim = '\r\n' } else if (text.indexOf('\r') !== -1) { delim = '\r' } // if var STATES = { ABORT: -1, UNKNOWN: 0, TOPICS_NEED_HEADERS: 1, SYNAPSES_NEED_HEADERS: 2, TOPICS: 3, SYNAPSES: 4 } // state & lines determine parser behaviour var state = STATES.UNKNOWN var lines = text.split(delim) var results = { topics: [], synapses: [] } var topicHeaders = [] var synapseHeaders = [] lines.forEach(function (line_raw, index) { var line = line_raw.split('\t') var noblanks = line.filter(function (elt) { return elt !== '' }) switch (state) { case STATES.UNKNOWN: if (noblanks.length === 0) { state = STATES.UNKNOWN break } else if (noblanks.length === 1 && self.simplify(line[0]) === 'topics') { state = STATES.TOPICS_NEED_HEADERS break } else if (noblanks.length === 1 && self.simplify(line[0]) === 'synapses') { state = STATES.SYNAPSES_NEED_HEADERS break } state = STATES.TOPICS_NEED_HEADERS // FALL THROUGH - if we're not sure what to do, pretend // we're on the TOPICS_NEED_HEADERS state and parse some headers case STATES.TOPICS_NEED_HEADERS: // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough if (noblanks.length < 2) { self.abort('Not enough topic headers on line ' + index) state = STATES.ABORT } topicHeaders = line.map(function (header, index) { return self.normalizeKey(header) }) state = STATES.TOPICS break case STATES.SYNAPSES_NEED_HEADERS: if (noblanks.length < 2) { self.abort('Not enough synapse headers on line ' + index) state = STATES.ABORT } synapseHeaders = line.map(function (header, index) { return self.normalizeKey(header) }) state = STATES.SYNAPSES break case STATES.TOPICS: if (noblanks.length === 0) { state = STATES.UNKNOWN } else if (noblanks.length === 1 && line[0].toLowerCase() === 'topics') { state = STATES.TOPICS_NEED_HEADERS } else if (noblanks.length === 1 && line[0].toLowerCase() === 'synapses') { state = STATES.SYNAPSES_NEED_HEADERS } else { var topic = {} line.forEach(function (field, index) { var header = topicHeaders[index] if (self.topicWhitelist.indexOf(header) === -1) return topic[header] = field if (['id', 'x', 'y'].indexOf(header) !== -1) { topic[header] = parseInt(topic[header]) } // if }) results.topics.push(topic) } break case STATES.SYNAPSES: if (noblanks.length === 0) { state = STATES.UNKNOWN } else if (noblanks.length === 1 && line[0].toLowerCase() === 'topics') { state = STATES.TOPICS_NEED_HEADERS } else if (noblanks.length === 1 && line[0].toLowerCase() === 'synapses') { state = STATES.SYNAPSES_NEED_HEADERS } else { var synapse = {} line.forEach(function (field, index) { var header = synapseHeaders[index] if (self.synapseWhitelist.indexOf(header) === -1) return synapse[header] = field if (['id', 'topic1', 'topic2'].indexOf(header) !== -1) { synapse[header] = parseInt(synapse[header]) } // if }) results.synapses.push(synapse) } break case STATES.ABORT: // FALL THROUGH default: // eslint-disable-line no-fallthrough self.abort('Invalid state while parsing import data. Check code.') state = STATES.ABORT } }) if (state === STATES.ABORT) { return false } else { return results } }, importTopics: function (parsedTopics) { var self = Import parsedTopics.forEach(function (topic) { let coords = { x: topic.x, y: topic.y } if (!coords.x || !coords.y) { coords = AutoLayout.getNextCoord({ mappings: Metamaps.Mappings }) } if (!topic.name && topic.link || topic.name && topic.link && !topic.metacode) { self.handleURL(topic.link, { coords, name: topic.name, permission: topic.permission, import_id: topic.id }) return // "continue" } self.createTopicWithParameters( topic.name, topic.metacode, topic.permission, topic.desc, topic.link, coords.x, coords.y, topic.id ) }) }, importSynapses: function (parsedSynapses) { var self = Import parsedSynapses.forEach(function (synapse) { // only createSynapseWithParameters once both topics are persisted // if there isn't a cidMapping, check by topic name instead var topic1 = Metamaps.Topics.get(self.cidMappings[synapse.topic1]) if (!topic1) topic1 = Metamaps.Topics.findWhere({ name: synapse.topic1 }) var topic2 = Metamaps.Topics.get(self.cidMappings[synapse.topic2]) if (!topic1) topic1 = Metamaps.Topics.findWhere({ name: synapse.topic1 }) if (!topic1 || !topic2) { console.error("One of the two topics doesn't exist!") console.error(synapse) return // next } // ensure imported topics have a chance to get a real id attr before creating synapses const topic1Promise = $.Deferred() topic1.once('sync', () => topic1Promise.resolve()) const topic2Promise = $.Deferred() topic2.once('sync', () => topic2Promise.resolve()) $.when(topic1Promise, topic2Promise).done(() => { self.createSynapseWithParameters( synapse.desc, synapse.category, synapse.permission, topic1, topic2 ) }) }) }, createTopicWithParameters: function (name, metacode_name, permission, desc, link, xloc, yloc, import_id, opts = {}) { var self = Import $(document).trigger(Map.events.editedByActiveMapper) var metacode = Metamaps.Metacodes.where({name: metacode_name})[0] || null if (metacode === null) { metacode = Metamaps.Metacodes.where({ name: 'Wildcard' })[0] console.warn("Couldn't find metacode " + metacode_name + ' so used Wildcard instead.') } var topic_permission = permission || Active.Map.get('permission') var defer_to_map_id = permission === topic_permission ? Active.Map.get('id') : null var topic = new Metamaps.Backbone.Topic({ name: name, metacode_id: metacode.id, permission: topic_permission, defer_to_map_id: defer_to_map_id, desc: desc || "", link: link || "", calculated_permission: Active.Map.get('permission') }) Metamaps.Topics.add(topic) if (import_id !== null && import_id !== undefined) { self.cidMappings[import_id] = topic.cid } var mapping = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapping({ xloc: xloc, yloc: yloc, mappable_id: topic.cid, mappable_type: 'Topic' }) Metamaps.Mappings.add(mapping) // this function also includes the creation of the topic in the database Topic.renderTopic(mapping, topic, true, true, { success: opts.success }) GlobalUI.hideDiv('#instructions') }, createSynapseWithParameters: function (desc, category, permission, topic1, topic2) { var node1 = topic1.get('node') var node2 = topic2.get('node') if (!topic1.id || !topic2.id) { console.error('missing topic id when creating synapse') return } // if var synapse = new Metamaps.Backbone.Synapse({ desc: desc || '' category: category || 'from-to', permission: permission, topic1_id: topic1.id, topic2_id: topic2.id }) Metamaps.Synapses.add(synapse) var mapping = new Metamaps.Backbone.Mapping({ mappable_type: 'Synapse', mappable_id: synapse.cid }) Metamaps.Mappings.add(mapping) Synapse.renderSynapse(mapping, synapse, node1, node2, true) }, handleURL: function (url, opts = {}) { let coords = opts.coords if (!coords || coords.x === undefined || coords.y === undefined) { coords = AutoLayout.getNextCoord({ mappings: Metamaps.Mappings }) } const name = opts.name || 'Link' const metacode = opts.metacode || 'Reference' const import_id = opts.import_id || null // don't store a cidMapping const permission = opts.permission || null // use default const desc = opts.desc || url Import.createTopicWithParameters( name, metacode, permission, desc, url, coords.x, coords.y, import_id, { success: function(topic) { if (topic.get('name') !== 'Link') return $.get('/hacks/load_url_title', { url }, function success(data, textStatus) { var selector = '#showcard #topic_' + topic.get('id') + ' .best_in_place' if ($(selector).find('form').length > 0) { $(selector).find('textarea, input').val(data.title) } else { $(selector).html(data.title) } topic.set('name', data.title) topic.save() }) } } ) }, /* * helper functions */ abort: function (message) { console.error(message) }, // TODO investigate replacing with es6 (?) trim() simplify: function (string) { return string .replace(/(^\s*|\s*$)/g, '') .toLowerCase() }, normalizeKey: function(key) { let newKey = key.toLowerCase() newKey = newKey.replace(/\s/g, '') // remove whitespace if (newKey === 'url') newKey = 'link' if (newKey === 'title') newKey = 'name' if (newKey === 'label') newKey = 'desc' if (newKey === 'description') newKey = 'desc' if (newKey === 'direction') newKey = 'category' return newKey }, // thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/a/25290114/5332286 normalizeKeys: function(obj) { return _.transform(obj, (result, val, key) => { const newKey = Import.normalizeKey(key) result[newKey] = val }) } } export default Import