# Read about fixtures at http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveRecord/Fixtures.html # This model initially had no columns defined. If you add columns to the # model remove the '{}' from the fixture names and add the columns immediately # below each fixture, per the syntax in the comments below # one: name: Action icon: action.png two: name: Activity icon: activity.png three: name: Bizarre icon: bizarre.png four: name: Catalyst icon: catalyst.png five: name: Closed icon: closed.png six: name: Experience icon: experience.png seven: name: Future Dev icon: futuredev.png eight: name: Group icon: group.png nine: name: Idea icon: idea.png ten: name: Implication icon: implication.png eleven: name: Insight icon: insight.png twelve: name: Intention icon: intention.png thirteen: name: Knowledge icon: knowledge.png fourteen: name: Location icon: location.png fifteen: name: Open Issue icon: openissue.png sixteen: name: Opinion icon: opinion.png seventeen: name: Opportunity icon: opportunity.png eighteen: name: Person icon: person.png nineteen: name: Platform icon: platform.png twenty: name: Problem icon: problem.png twenty-one: name: Question icon: question.png twenty-two: name: Reference icon: reference.png twenty-three: name: Requirement icon: requirement.png twenty-four: name: Resource icon: resource.png twenty-five: name: Role icon: role.png twenty-six: name: Task icon: task.png twenty-seven: name: Tool icon: tool.png twenty-eight: name: Trajectory icon: trajectory.png