<%# # @file # Main application file. Holds scaffolding present on every page. # Then a certain non-partial view (no _ preceding filename) will be # displayed within, based on URL #%> <%=h yield(:title) %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %> <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %> <% if Rails.env.production? %> <% elsif Rails.env.development? %> <% end %> <% if devise_error_messages? %>

<%= devise_error_messages! %>

<% elsif notice %>

<%= notice %>

<% end %> <%= content_tag :div, class: authenticated? ? "main authenticated" : "main unauthenticated" do %> <% classes = action_name == "home" ? "homePage" : "" classes += action_name == "home" && authenticated? ? " explorePage" : "" classes += controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "index" ? " explorePage" : "" if controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "show" classes += " mapPage" if @map.authorize_to_edit(current_user) classes += " canEditMap" end if @map.permission == "commons" classes += " commonsMap" end end classes += controller_name == "topics" && action_name == "show" ? " topicPage" : "" %>
<% if authenticated? %> <%= render :partial => 'layouts/upperelements' %> <% end %> <%= yield %> <% if authenticated? %>
<% # for creating and pulling in topics and synapses %> <%= render :partial => 'maps/newtopic' %> <%= render :partial => 'maps/newsynapse' %> <% # for populating the change metacode list on the topic card %> <%= render :partial => 'shared/metacodeoptions' %> <%= render :partial => 'layouts/lowermapelements' %> <% end %>
<% end %> <%= render :partial => 'layouts/lightboxes' %> <%= render :partial => 'layouts/templates' %> <%= render :partial => 'shared/metacodeBgColors' %> <%= render :partial => 'layouts/googleanalytics' if Rails.env.production? %>