/* global describe, it */ import { expect } from 'chai' import Util from '../../src/Metamaps/Util' describe('Metamaps.Util.js', function() { describe('splitLine', function() { it('splits on words', function() { expect(Util.splitLine('test test test', 10)) .to.equal('test test\ntest') }) // TODO this test seems like it's incorrect behaviour it('splits mid-word if need be', function() { expect(Util.splitLine('test test', 2)) .to.equal('te\nt\nte\nt') }) it('splits words over 30 chars', function() { expect(Util.splitLine('suprainterpostantidisestablishmentarianism', 30)) .to.equal('suprainterpostantidisestablish\nentarianism') }) }) describe('nowDateFormatted', function() { it.skip('TODO need `Date`') }) describe('decodeEntities', function() { it.skip('TODO need `document`') }) describe('getDistance', function() { it('(0,0) -> (0,0) = 0', function() { expect(Util.getDistance({ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 })) .to.equal(0) }) it('(-5,0) -> (5,0) = 10', function() { expect(Util.getDistance({ x: -5, y: 0 }, { x: 5, y: 0 })) .to.equal(10) }) it('(0,0) -> (5,7) = 8.6023', function() { expect(Util.getDistance({ x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 5, y: 7 }).toFixed(4)) .to.equal('8.6023') }) }) describe('coordsToPixels', function() { it('returns 0,0 for null canvas', function() { expect(Util.coordsToPixels(null, {}).x).to.equal(0) expect(Util.coordsToPixels(null, {}).y).to.equal(0) }) it.skip('TODO need initialized mGraph to test further') }) describe('pixelsToCoords', function() { it('returns 0,0 for null canvas', function() { expect(Util.pixelsToCoords(null, {}).x).to.equal(0) expect(Util.pixelsToCoords(null, {}).y).to.equal(0) }) it.skip('TODO need initialized mGraph to test further') }) describe('getPastelColor', function() { it('1 => fefefe', function() { expect(Util.getPastelColor({ rseed: 1, gseed: 1, bseed: 1 })) .to.equal(Util.colorLuminance('#fefefe', -0.4)) }) it('0 => 7f7f7f', function() { expect(Util.getPastelColor({ rseed: 0, gseed: 0, bseed: 0 })) .to.equal(Util.colorLuminance('#7f7f7f', -0.4)) }) }) describe('colorLuminance', function() { describe('-0.4 lum', function() { it('white => ?', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#ffffff', -0.4)).to.equal('#999999') }) it('black => ?', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#000000', -0.4)).to.equal('#000000') }) it('7f7f7f => ?', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#7f7f7f', -0.4)).to.equal('#4c4c4c') }) }) describe('other lum values', function() { it('-1', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#7f7f7f', -1)).to.equal('#000000') }) it('-0.5', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#7f7f7f', -0.5)).to.equal('#404040') }) it('0', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#7f7f7f', 0)).to.equal('#7f7f7f') }) it('0.5', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#7f7f7f', 0.5)).to.equal('#bfbfbf') }) it('1', function() { expect(Util.colorLuminance('#7f7f7f', 1)).to.equal('#fefefe') }) }) }) describe('openLink', function() { it.skip('TODO need `window`') }) describe('mdToHTML', function() { it('filters xss', function() { const md = '' const html = '' expect(Util.mdToHTML(md).trim()).to.equal(html) }) it('bold and italics', function() { const md = '**Bold** *Italics*' const html = '

Bold Italics

' expect(Util.mdToHTML(md).trim()).to.equal(html) }) it('links', function() { const md = '[Link](https://metamaps.cc)' const html = '


' expect(Util.mdToHTML(md).trim()).to.equal(html) }) it('images are not rendered', function() { const md = '![Image](https://example.org/image.png)' const html = '


' expect(Util.mdToHTML(md).trim()).to.equal(html) }) }) describe('logCanvasAttributes', function() { it.skip('TODO need a canvas') }) describe('resizeCanvas', function() { it.skip('TODO need a canvas') }) describe('queryParams', function() { it.skip('TODO need window') }) })