/* global Metamaps, $ */ import Backbone from 'backbone' import attachMediaStream from 'attachmediastream' // TODO is this line good or bad // Backbone.$ = window.$ import Active from '../Active' import Realtime from '../Realtime' import ChatView from './ChatView' import VideoView from './VideoView' /* * Dependencies: * Metamaps.DataModel */ const Room = function(opts) { var self = this this.isActiveRoom = false this.socket = opts.socket this.webrtc = opts.webrtc this.room = opts.room this.config = opts.config this.peopleCount = 0 this.$myVideo = opts.$video this.myVideo = opts.myVideoView this.messages = new Backbone.Collection() this.currentMapper = new Backbone.Model({ name: opts.username, image: opts.image }) this.chat = new ChatView(this.messages, this.currentMapper, this.room) this.videos = {} this.init() } Room.prototype.join = function(cb) { this.isActiveRoom = true this.webrtc.joinRoom(this.room, cb) this.chat.conversationInProgress(true) // true indicates participation } Room.prototype.conversationInProgress = function() { this.chat.conversationInProgress(false) // false indicates not participating } Room.prototype.conversationEnding = function() { this.chat.conversationEnded() } Room.prototype.leaveVideoOnly = function() { this.chat.leaveConversation() // the conversation will carry on without you for (var id in this.videos) { this.removeVideo(id) } this.isActiveRoom = false this.webrtc.leaveRoom() this.webrtc.stopLocalVideo() } Room.prototype.leave = function() { for (var id in this.videos) { this.removeVideo(id) } this.isActiveRoom = false this.webrtc.leaveRoom() this.webrtc.stopLocalVideo() this.chat.conversationEnded() this.chat.removeParticipants() this.chat.clearMessages() this.messages.reset() } Room.prototype.setPeopleCount = function(count) { this.peopleCount = count } Room.prototype.init = function () { var self = this $(document).on(VideoView.events.audioControlClick, function (event, videoView) { if (!videoView.audioStatus) self.webrtc.mute() else if (videoView.audioStatus) self.webrtc.unmute() }) $(document).on(VideoView.events.videoControlClick, function (event, videoView) { if (!videoView.videoStatus) self.webrtc.pauseVideo() else if (videoView.videoStatus) self.webrtc.resumeVideo() }) this.webrtc.webrtc.off('peerStreamAdded') this.webrtc.webrtc.off('peerStreamRemoved') this.webrtc.on('peerStreamAdded', function (peer) { var mapper = Realtime.mappersOnMap[peer.nick] peer.avatar = mapper.image peer.username = mapper.name if (self.isActiveRoom) { self.addVideo(peer) } }) this.webrtc.on('peerStreamRemoved', function (peer) { if (self.isActiveRoom) { self.removeVideo(peer) } }) this.webrtc.on('mute', function (data) { var v = self.videos[data.id] if (!v) return if (data.name === 'audio') { v.audioStatus = false } else if (data.name === 'video') { v.videoStatus = false v.$avatar.show() } if (!v.audioStatus && !v.videoStatus) v.$container.hide() }) this.webrtc.on('unmute', function (data) { var v = self.videos[data.id] if (!v) return if (data.name === 'audio') { v.audioStatus = true } else if (data.name === 'video') { v.videoStatus = true v.$avatar.hide() } v.$container.show() }) var sendChatMessage = function (event, data) { self.sendChatMessage(data) } $(document).on(ChatView.events.message + '-' + this.room, sendChatMessage) } Room.prototype.videoAdded = function (callback) { this._videoAdded = callback } Room.prototype.addVideo = function (peer) { var id = this.webrtc.getDomId(peer), video = attachMediaStream(peer.stream) var v = new VideoView(video, null, id, false, { DOUBLE_CLICK_TOLERANCE: 200, avatar: peer.avatar, username: peer.username }) this.videos[peer.id] = v if (this._videoAdded) this._videoAdded(v, peer.nick) } Room.prototype.removeVideo = function (peer) { var id = typeof peer == 'string' ? peer : peer.id if (this.videos[id]) { this.videos[id].remove() delete this.videos[id] } } Room.prototype.sendChatMessage = function (data) { var self = this //this.roomRef.child('messages').push(data) if (self.chat.alertSound) self.chat.sound.play('sendchat') var m = new Metamaps.DataModel.Message({ message: data.message, resource_id: Active.Map.id, resource_type: "Map" }) m.save(null, { success: function (model, response) { self.addMessages(new Metamaps.DataModel.MessageCollection(model), false, true) $(document).trigger(Room.events.newMessage, [model]) }, error: function (model, response) { console.log('error!', response) } }) } // they should be instantiated as backbone models before they get // passed to this function Room.prototype.addMessages = function (messages, isInitial, wasMe) { var self = this messages.models.forEach(function (message) { self.chat.addMessage(message, isInitial, wasMe) }) } /** * @class * @static */ Room.events = { newMessage: "Room:newMessage" } export default Room