<%# # @file # Code to display a map # /maps/:id #%> <% content_for :title, @map.name + " | Metamaps" %> <% if authenticated? %> <% if @map.permission == "commons" || @map.user == user %>
Save Layout
<% end %>
Save To New Map
<% if @map.permission == "commons" || @map.user == user %>
Start Realtime Collaboration
<% end %> <% end %>

Filter By Metacode

<%= render :partial => 'main/filterbymetacode' %>
<%= @map.name %>
<%= render :partial => 'maps/mapinfobox' %>
<% if authenticated? %> <% # add these if you have edit permissions on the map %> <% if @map.permission == "commons" || @map.user == user %> <% # for creating and pulling in topics and synapses %> <%= render :partial => 'newtopic' %> <%= render :partial => 'newsynapse' %> <% # for saving the layout of the map %> <%= form_for @map, :url => savelayout_path(@map), :html => { :class => "saveMapLayout", :id => "saveMapLayout"}, remote: true do |form| %> <%= form.hidden_field "coordinates", :value => "" %> <% end %> <% end %> <% # for populating the change metacode list on the topic card %> <%= render :partial => 'main/metacodeoptions' %> <% end %>