class TopicsController < ApplicationController include TopicsHelper respond_to :html, :js, :json # GET /topics/autocomplete_topic def autocomplete_topic @current = current_user term = params[:term] if term && !term.empty? # !connor term here needs to have .downcase @topics = Topic.where('LOWER("name") like ?', term.downcase + '%').order('"name"') #read this next line as 'delete a topic if its private and you're either #1. logged out or 2. logged in but not the topic creator @topics.delete_if {|t| t.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != t.user_id)) } else @topics = [] end render json: autocomplete_array_json(@topics) end # GET topics/:id def show @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current) if not @topic redirect_to root_url, notice: "Access denied. That topic is private." and return end respond_to do |format| format.html { @alltopics = ([@topic] + @topic.relatives).delete_if {|t| t.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != t.user_id)) } # should limit to topics visible to user @allsynapses = @topic.synapses.delete_if {|s| s.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != s.user_id)) } @allcreators = [] @alltopics.each do |t| if @allcreators.index(t.user) == nil @allcreators.push(t.user) end end @allsynapses.each do |s| if @allcreators.index(s.user) == nil @allcreators.push(s.user) end end respond_with(@allsynapses, @alltopics, @allcreators, @topic) } format.json { render json: @topic } end end # GET topics/:id/network def network @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current) if not @topic redirect_to root_url, notice: "Access denied. That topic is private." and return end @alltopics = @topic.relatives.delete_if {|t| t.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != t.user_id)) } @allsynapses = @topic.synapses.delete_if {|s| s.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != s.user_id)) } @allcreators = [] @allcreators.push(@topic.user) @alltopics.each do |t| if @allcreators.index(t.user) == nil @allcreators.push(t.user) end end @allsynapses.each do |s| if @allcreators.index(s.user) == nil @allcreators.push(s.user) end end @json = @json['topic'] = @topic @json['creators'] = @allcreators @json['relatives'] = @alltopics @json['synapses'] = @allsynapses respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @json } end end # GET topics/:id/relative_numbers def relative_numbers @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current) if not @topic redirect_to root_url, notice: "Access denied. That topic is private." and return end @topicsAlreadyHas = params[:network] ? params[:network].split(',') : [] @alltopics = @topic.relatives.delete_if {|t| @topicsAlreadyHas.index( != nil || (t.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != t.user_id))) } @alltopics.uniq! @json = @alltopics.each do |t| if @json[] @json[] += 1 else @json[] = 1 end end respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @json } end end # GET topics/:id/relatives def relatives @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current) if not @topic redirect_to root_url, notice: "Access denied. That topic is private." and return end @topicsAlreadyHas = params[:network] ? params[:network].split(',') : [] @alltopics = @topic.relatives.delete_if {|t| @topicsAlreadyHas.index( != nil || (params[:metacode] && t.metacode_id.to_s != params[:metacode]) || (t.permission == "private" && (!authenticated? || (authenticated? && != t.user_id))) } @alltopics.uniq! @allsynapses = @topic.synapses.delete_if {|s| (s.topic1 == @topic && @alltopics.index(s.topic2) == nil) || (s.topic2 == @topic && @alltopics.index(s.topic1) == nil) } @creatorsAlreadyHas = params[:creators] ? params[:creators].split(',') : [] @allcreators = [] @alltopics.each do |t| if @allcreators.index(t.user) == nil && @creatorsAlreadyHas.index(t.user_id.to_s) == nil @allcreators.push(t.user) end end @allsynapses.each do |s| if @allcreators.index(s.user) == nil && @creatorsAlreadyHas.index(s.user_id.to_s) == nil @allcreators.push(s.user) end end @json = @json['topics'] = @alltopics @json['synapses'] = @allsynapses @json['creators'] = @allcreators respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @json } end end # POST /topics # POST /topics.json def create @topic =[:topic]) respond_to do |format| if format.json { render json: @topic, status: :created } else format.json { render json: @topic.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # PUT /topics/1 # PUT /topics/1.json def update @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]) respond_to do |format| if @topic.update_attributes(params[:topic]) format.json { head :no_content } else format.json { render json: @topic.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end # DELETE topics/:id def destroy @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_delete(@current) if @topic @synapses = @topic.synapses @mappings = @topic.mappings @synapses.each do |synapse| synapse.mappings.each do |m| @map = @map.touch(:updated_at) m.delete end synapse.delete end @mappings.each do |mapping| @map = @map.touch(:updated_at) mapping.delete end @topic.delete end respond_to do |format| format.json { head :no_content } end end end