/* global describe, it */ import React from 'react' import { expect } from 'chai' import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import sinon from 'sinon' import InfoAndHelp from '../../src/components/InfoAndHelp.js' import MapInfoBox from '../../src/routes/MapView/MapInfoBox.js' function assertTooltip({ wrapper, description, cssClass, tooltipText, callback }) { it(description, function() { expect(wrapper.find(cssClass)).to.exist expect(wrapper.find(`${cssClass} .tooltipsAbove`).text()).to.equal(tooltipText) wrapper.find(cssClass).simulate('click') expect(callback).to.have.property('callCount', 1) }) } function assertContent({ currentUser, map }) { const onInfoClick = sinon.spy() const onHelpClick = sinon.spy() const onStarClick = sinon.spy() const wrapper = shallow( ) if (map) { it('renders MapInfoBox', () => expect(wrapper.find(MapInfoBox)).to.exist) assertTooltip({ wrapper, description: 'renders Map Info icon', cssClass: '.mapInfoIcon', tooltipText: 'Map Info', callback: onInfoClick }) } else { it('does not render MapInfoBox', () => expect(wrapper.find(MapInfoBox).length).to.equal(0)) it('does not render Map Info icon', () => expect(wrapper.find('.mapInfoIcon').length).to.equal(0)) } if (map && currentUser) { it('renders Star icon', () => { expect(wrapper.find('.starMap')).to.exist wrapper.find('.starMap').simulate('click') expect(onStarClick).to.have.property('callCount', 1) }) } else { it('does not render the Star icon', () => expect(wrapper.find('.starMap').length).to.equal(0)) } // common content assertTooltip({ wrapper, description: 'renders Help icon', cssClass: '.openCheatsheet', tooltipText: 'Help', callback: onHelpClick }) it('renders clearfloat at the end', function() { const clearfloat = wrapper.find('.clearfloat') expect(clearfloat).to.exist expect(wrapper.find('.infoAndHelp').children().last()).to.eql(clearfloat) }) } function assertStarLogic({ mapIsStarred }) { const onMapStar = sinon.spy() const onMapUnstar = sinon.spy() const wrapper = shallow( ) const starWrapper = wrapper.find('.starMap') starWrapper.simulate('click') it(mapIsStarred ? 'has unstar content' : 'has star content', () => { expect(starWrapper.hasClass('starred')).to.equal(mapIsStarred) expect(starWrapper.find('.tooltipsAbove').text()).to.equal(mapIsStarred ? 'Unstar' : 'Star') expect(onMapStar).to.have.property('callCount', mapIsStarred ? 0 : 1) expect(onMapUnstar).to.have.property('callCount', mapIsStarred ? 1 : 0) }) } describe('InfoAndHelp', function() { describe('no currentUser, map is present', function() { assertContent({ currentUser: null, map: {} }) }) describe('currentUser is present, map is present', function() { assertContent({ currentUser: {}, map: {} }) }) describe('no currentUser, no map', function() { assertContent({ currentUser: null, map: null }) }) assertStarLogic({ mapIsStarred: true }) assertStarLogic({ mapIsStarred: false }) })