class TopicsController < ApplicationController include TopicsHelper before_filter :require_user, only: [:new, :create, :edit, :update, :removefrommap, :destroy] respond_to :html, :js, :json #autocomplete :topic, :name, :full => true, :extra_data => [:user_id], :display_value => :topic_autocomplete_method # GET /topics/autocomplete_topic def autocomplete_topic @current = current_user term = params[:term] if term && !term.empty? t = Topic.where('LOWER("name") like ?', term.downcase + '%'). limit(10).order('"name"').visibleToUser(@current,nil) else t = [] end render json: autocomplete_array_json(t) end # GET topics # or GET /users/:user_id/topics def index @current = current_user if params[:user_id] @user = User.find(params[:user_id]) @topics = Topic.order("name ASC").visibleToUser(@current, @user) elsif @topics = Topic.order("name ASC").visibleToUser(@current, nil) end respond_with(@user,@topics) end # Get topics/new def new @topic = @user = current_user respond_with(@topic) end # GET topics/:id def show @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current) if @topic @relatives = @topic.network_as_json(@current).html_safe else redirect_to root_url and return end respond_to do |format| format.html { respond_with(@topic, @user) } format.json { respond_with(@relatives) } end end # GET topics/:id/json def json @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_show(@current) if not @topic redirect_to root_url and return end respond_to do |format| format.json { render :json => @topic.self_as_json } end end # POST topics def create @user = current_user # if the topic exists grab it and return it if params[:topic][:grabTopic] != "null" @topic = Topic.find(params[:topic][:grabTopic]) # if the topic doesn't exist yet, create it else @topic = = params[:topic][:name] @topic.desc = "" = "" @topic.permission = 'commons' @topic.metacode = Metacode.find_by_name(params[:topic][:metacode]) @topic.user = @user #if being created on a map, set topic by default to whatever permissions the map is if params[:topic][:map] @map = Map.find(params[:topic][:map]) @topic.permission = @map.permission end end # pass on to the topic create js whether it's being created with a synapse @synapse = "false" if params[:topic][:addSynapse] == "true" @synapse = "true" end # also create an object to return the position to the canvas @position = @position['x'] = params[:topic][:x] @position['y'] = params[:topic][:y] # set this for the case where the topic is being created on a map. @mapping = nil if params[:topic][:map] @map = Map.find(params[:topic][:map]) @mapping = @mapping.category = "Topic" @mapping.user = @user = @map @mapping.topic = @topic @mapping.xloc = params[:topic][:x] @mapping.yloc = params[:topic][:y] #push add to map to realtime viewers of the map #@mapping.message 'create', end respond_to do |format| format.html { respond_with(@user, location: topic_url(@topic)) } format.js { respond_with(@topic, @mapping, @synapse, @position) } end end # GET topics/:id/edit def edit @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_edit(@current) if not @topic redirect_to root_url and return end respond_with(@topic) end # PUT topics/:id def update @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_edit(@current) if @topic if params[:topic] @permissionBefore = @topic.permission = params[:topic][:name] if params[:topic][:name] @topic.desc = params[:topic][:desc] if params[:topic][:desc] = params[:topic][:link] if params[:topic][:link] @topic.permission = params[:topic][:permission] if params[:topic][:permission] @topic.metacode = Metacode.find_by_name(params[:topic][:metacode]) if params[:topic][:metacode] @permissionAfter = @topic.permission end #push notify to anyone viewing this topic on a map in realtime (see mapping.rb to understand the 'message' action) # if the topic was private and is being switched to PU or CO it is the same as being created for other viewers if @permissionBefore == "private" and @permissionAfter != "private" #@topic.message 'create', elsif @permissionBefore != "private" and @permissionAfter == "private" #@topic.message 'destroy', else #@topic.message 'update', end end respond_with @topic end # GET mappings/:map_id/:topic_id/removefrommap def removefrommap @current = current_user @mapping = Mapping.find_by_topic_id_and_map_id(params[:topic_id],params[:map_id]) @map = Map.find(params[:map_id]) @topic = Topic.find(params[:topic_id]) @mappings ={|m| if m.synapse != nil m.synapse.topic1 == @topic || m.synapse.topic2 == @topic else false end } @mappings.each do |m| #push notify to anyone viewing same map in realtime (see mapping.rb to understand the 'message' action) #m.message 'destroy', m.delete end #push notify to anyone viewing same map in realtime (see mapping.rb to understand the 'message' action) #@mapping.message 'destroy', @mapping.delete respond_to do |format| format.js end end # DELETE topics/:id def destroy @current = current_user @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]).authorize_to_edit(@current) if @topic @synapses = @topic.synapses @mappings = @topic.mappings @synapses.each do |synapse| synapse.mappings.each do |m| #push notify to anyone viewing same map in realtime (see mapping.rb to understand the 'message' action) #m.message 'destroy', m.delete end synapse.delete end @mappings.each do |mapping| #push notify to anyone viewing a map with this topic in realtime (see mapping.rb to understand the 'message' action) #mapping.message 'destroy', mapping.delete end @topic.delete end respond_to do |format| format.js end end end