/* global $ */ import _ from 'lodash' import Backbone from 'backbone' try { Backbone.$ = window.$ } catch (err) {} import Active from '../Active' import Filter from '../Filter' import JIT from '../JIT' import Realtime from '../Realtime' import TopicCard from '../TopicCard' import Visualize from '../Visualize' import DataModel from './index' const Topic = Backbone.Model.extend({ urlRoot: '/topics', blacklist: ['node', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'user_name', 'user_image', 'map_count', 'synapse_count'], toJSON: function(options) { return _.omit(this.attributes, this.blacklist) }, save: function(key, val, options) { var attrs // Handle both `"key", value` and `{key: value}` -style arguments. if (key == null || typeof key === 'object') { attrs = key options = val } else { (attrs = {})[key] = val } var newOptions = options || {} var s = newOptions.success var permBefore = this.get('permission') newOptions.success = function(model, response, opt) { if (s) s(model, response, opt) model.trigger('saved') model.set('calculated_permission', model.get('permission')) if (permBefore === 'private' && model.get('permission') !== 'private') { model.trigger('noLongerPrivate') } else if (permBefore !== 'private' && model.get('permission') === 'private') { model.trigger('nowPrivate') } } return Backbone.Model.prototype.save.call(this, attrs, newOptions) }, initialize: function() { if (this.isNew()) { this.set({ 'user_id': Active.Mapper.id, 'desc': this.get('desc') || '', 'link': this.get('link') || '', 'permission': Active.Map ? Active.Map.get('permission') : 'commons' }) } this.on('changeByOther', this.updateCardView) this.on('change', this.updateNodeView) this.on('saved', this.savedEvent) this.on('nowPrivate', function() { var removeTopicData = { mappableid: this.id } $(document).trigger(JIT.events.removeTopic, [removeTopicData]) }) this.on('noLongerPrivate', function() { var newTopicData = { mappingid: this.getMapping().id, mappableid: this.id } $(document).trigger(JIT.events.newTopic, [newTopicData]) }) this.on('change:metacode_id', Filter.checkMetacodes, this) }, authorizeToEdit: function(mapper) { if (mapper && (this.get('user_id') === mapper.get('id') || this.get('calculated_permission') === 'commons' || this.get('collaborator_ids').includes(mapper.get('id')))) { return true } else { return false } }, authorizePermissionChange: function(mapper) { if (mapper && this.get('user_id') === mapper.get('id')) return true else return false }, getDate: function() {}, getMetacode: function() { return DataModel.Metacodes.get(this.get('metacode_id')) }, getMapping: function() { if (!Active.Map) return false return DataModel.Mappings.findWhere({ map_id: Active.Map.id, mappable_type: 'Topic', mappable_id: this.isNew() ? this.cid : this.id }) }, createNode: function() { var mapping var node = { adjacencies: [], id: this.isNew() ? this.cid : this.id, name: this.get('name') } if (Active.Map) { mapping = this.getMapping() node.data = { $mapping: null, $mappingID: mapping.id } } return node }, updateNode: function() { var mapping var node = this.get('node') node.setData('topic', this) if (Active.Map) { mapping = this.getMapping() node.setData('mapping', mapping) } return node }, savedEvent: function() { Realtime.updateTopic(this) }, updateViews: function() { var onPageWithTopicCard = Active.Map || Active.Topic var node = this.get('node') // update topic card, if this topic is the one open there if (onPageWithTopicCard && this === TopicCard.openTopicCard) { TopicCard.showCard(node) } // update the node on the map if (onPageWithTopicCard && node) { node.name = this.get('name') Visualize.mGraph.plot() } }, updateCardView: function() { var onPageWithTopicCard = Active.Map || Active.Topic var node = this.get('node') // update topic card, if this topic is the one open there if (onPageWithTopicCard && this === TopicCard.openTopicCard) { TopicCard.showCard(node) } }, updateNodeView: function() { var onPageWithTopicCard = Active.Map || Active.Topic var node = this.get('node') // update the node on the map if (onPageWithTopicCard && node) { node.name = this.get('name') Visualize.mGraph.plot() } } }) export default Topic