import _ from 'lodash' import $jit from '../patched/JIT' import Visualize from './Visualize' import JIT from './JIT' const Organize = { arrange: function(layout, centerNode) { // first option for layout to implement is 'grid', will do an evenly spaced grid with its center at the 0,0 origin if (layout === 'grid') { const numNodes = _.size(Visualize.mGraph.graph.nodes) // this will always be an integer, the # of nodes on your graph visualization const numColumns = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(numNodes)) // the number of columns to make an even grid const GRIDSPACE = 400 let row = 0 let column = 0 Visualize.mGraph.graph.eachNode(function(n) { if (column === numColumns) { column = 0 row += 1 } var newPos = new $jit.Complex() newPos.x = column * GRIDSPACE newPos.y = row * GRIDSPACE n.setPos(newPos, 'end') column += 1 }) Visualize.mGraph.animate(JIT.ForceDirected.animateSavedLayout) } else if (layout === 'grid_full') { // this will always be an integer, the # of nodes on your graph visualization const numNodes = _.size(Visualize.mGraph.graph.nodes) const numColumns = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(numNodes)) // the number of columns to make an even grid const height = Visualize.mGraph.canvas.getSize(0).height const width = Visualize.mGraph.canvas.getSize(0).width const totalArea = height * width const cellArea = totalArea / numNodes const ratio = height / width const cellWidth = Math.sqrt(cellArea / ratio) const cellHeight = cellArea / cellWidth const GRIDSPACE = 400 let row = Math.floor(height / cellHeight) let column = Math.floor(width / cellWidth) const totalCells = row * column if (totalCells) { Visualize.mGraph.graph.eachNode(function(n) { if (column === numColumns) { column = 0 row += 1 } var newPos = new $jit.Complex() newPos.x = column * GRIDSPACE newPos.y = row * GRIDSPACE n.setPos(newPos, 'end') column += 1 }) } Visualize.mGraph.animate(JIT.ForceDirected.animateSavedLayout) } else if (layout === 'radial') { var centerX = centerNode.getPos().x var centerY = centerNode.getPos().y centerNode.setPos(centerNode.getPos(), 'end') console.log(centerNode.adjacencies) var lineLength = 200 var usedNodes = {} usedNodes[] = centerNode var radial = function(node, level, degree) { if (level === 1) { var numLinksTemp = _.size(node.adjacencies) var angleTemp = 2 * Math.PI / numLinksTemp } else { angleTemp = 2 * Math.PI / 20 } node.eachAdjacency(function(a) { var isSecondLevelNode = (centerNode.adjacencies[] !== undefined && level > 1) if (usedNodes[] === undefined && !isSecondLevelNode) { var newPos = new $jit.Complex() newPos.x = level * lineLength * Math.sin(degree) + centerX newPos.y = level * lineLength * Math.cos(degree) + centerY a.nodeTo.setPos(newPos, 'end') usedNodes[] = a.nodeTo radial(a.nodeTo, level + 1, degree) degree += angleTemp } }) } radial(centerNode, 1, 0) Visualize.mGraph.animate(JIT.ForceDirected.animateSavedLayout) } else if (layout === 'center_viewport') { let lowX = 0 let lowY = 0 let highX = 0 let highY = 0 Visualize.mGraph.graph.eachNode(function(n) { if ( === 1) { lowX = n.getPos().x lowY = n.getPos().y highX = n.getPos().x highY = n.getPos().y } if (n.getPos().x < lowX) lowX = n.getPos().x if (n.getPos().y < lowY) lowY = n.getPos().y if (n.getPos().x > highX) highX = n.getPos().x if (n.getPos().y > highY) highY = n.getPos().y }) console.log(lowX, lowY, highX, highY) } else { window.alert('please call function with a valid layout dammit!') } } } export default Organize