<!--<div class="focus"> <div class="focusleft"> <p># of Topics: <%= @map.topics.count %></p> <p># of Synapses: <%= @map.synapses.count %></p> <% if (@map.permission == "commons" && authenticated?) || @map.user == user %> <%= form_for @map, :url => savelayout_path(@map), :html => { :class => "saveMapLayout", :id => "saveMapLayout"}, remote: true do |form| %> <%= form.hidden_field "coordinates", :value => "" %> <%= form.submit "Save Layout", class: "saveLayout", id: "saveLayout" %> <% end %> <% end %> <button onclick="if (!goRealtime) { this.innerHTML = 'Stop Realtime'; $('#saveLayout').css('display','none');} else if (goRealtime) { this.innerHTML = 'Start Realtime'; $('#saveLayout').css('display','block');} goRealtime = !goRealtime;">Start Realtime</button> </div> <div class="focusmiddle"> <h1 class="title"><%= @map.name %> <% if (@map.permission == "commons" && authenticated?) || @map.user == user %><%= link_to "[edit]", edit_map_path(@map) %><% end %></h1> <div class="desc"> <p><%= @map.desc %></p> </div> </div> <div class="focusright"> <div class="link"><p>Permissions: <%= @map.permission %></p></div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfloat nodemargin"></div>--> <div class="headertop"> <% if false %> <button onclick="if (!goRealtime) { this.innerHTML = 'Stop Realtime'; $('#saveLayout').css('display','none');} else if (goRealtime) { this.innerHTML = 'Start Realtime'; $('#saveLayout').css('display','block');} goRealtime = !goRealtime;">Start Realtime</button> <% end %> <button onclick="hideSelectedEdges();hideSelectedNodes();">Hide Selected</button> <% if authenticated? %> <button onclick="removeSelectedEdges();removeSelectedNodes();">Remove Selected From Map</button> <button onclick="var r=confirm('Are you sure you want to permanently delete selected objects?!'); if (r == true) {deleteSelectedEdges();deleteSelectedNodes();}">Permanently Delete Selected</button> <% if (@map.permission == "commons" && authenticated?) || @map.user == user %> <%= form_for @map, :url => savelayout_path(@map), :html => { :class => "saveMapLayout", :id => "saveMapLayout"}, remote: true do |form| %> <%= form.hidden_field "coordinates", :value => "" %> <%= form.submit "Save Layout", class: "saveLayout", id: "saveLayout" %> <% end %> <% end %> <button onclick="saveToMap();">Save to New Map</button> <% end %> <button onclick='clearCanvas();'>Clear Canvas</button> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> <h1 class="index"> <% if (@map.permission == "commons" && authenticated?) || @map.user == user %> Editing Map: <% else %> Viewing Map: <% end %> <%= @map.name %> <% if (@map.permission == "commons" && authenticated?) || @map.user == user %> <%= link_to "[edit]", edit_map_path(@map) %> <% end %> </h1> <div class="maps onMap" id="container"> <div id="center-container"> <div id="infovis"></div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfloat"></div> <% if authenticated? %> <%= render :partial => 'newtopic' %> <%= render :partial => 'newsynapse' %> <%= render :partial => 'maps/new' %> <% end %> <% if false %> <%= form_for @map, :url => realtime_path(@map), :method => "GET", :html => { :id => "MapRealtime"}, remote: true do |form| %> <%= form.hidden_field :time, :value => Time.now.to_i %> <%= form.hidden_field :ids, :value => 0 %> <% end %> <% end %> <script> var dragged = 0; mapid = <%= @map.id %>; /*var int = setInterval(function(){ if (goRealtime) { $('#MapRealtime').submit(); } },4000);*/ </script> <script> viewMode = "graph"; json = <%= @mapjson %>; if (json.length > 0) { $(document).ready(function() { <% if (@map.arranged) %> initialize("arranged"); <% else %> initialize("chaotic"); <% end %> }); } else { $(document).ready(function() { initialize("chaotic", true); }); } </script> <%= render :partial => 'main/find' %> <%= render :partial => 'main/analyze' %> <%= render :partial => 'main/organize' %>