class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base include TopicsHelper belongs_to :user has_many :synapses1, :class_name => 'Synapse', :foreign_key => 'node1_id' has_many :synapses2, :class_name => 'Synapse', :foreign_key => 'node2_id' has_many :topics1, :through => :synapses2, :source => :topic1 has_many :topics2, :through => :synapses1, :source => :topic2 has_many :mappings has_many :maps, :through => :mappings # This method associates the attribute ":image" with a file attachment has_attached_file :image #, styles: { # thumb: '100x100>', # square: '200x200#', # medium: '300x300>' #} # Validate the attached image is image/jpg, image/png, etc validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => /\Aimage\/.*\Z/ # This method associates the attribute ":image" with a file attachment has_attached_file :audio # Validate the attached audio is audio/wav, audio/mp3, etc validates_attachment_content_type :audio, :content_type => /\Aaudio\/.*\Z/ def synapses synapses1 + synapses2 end def relatives topics1 + topics2 end belongs_to :metacode def user_name end def user_image self.user.image.url end def map_count self.maps.count end def synapse_count self.synapses.count end def inmaps end def inmapsLinks end def as_json(options={}) super(:methods =>[:user_name, :user_image, :map_count, :synapse_count, :inmaps, :inmapsLinks]) end def topic_autocomplete_method "Get: #{}" end def mk_permission if self.permission == "commons" "co" elsif self.permission == "public" "pu" elsif self.permission == "private" "pr" end end # has no viewable synapses helper function def has_viewable_synapses(current) result = false self.synapses.each do |synapse| if synapse.authorize_to_view(current) result = true end end return result end def synapses_csv(output_format = "array") output = [] self.synapses.each do |synapse| if synapse.category == "from-to" if synapse.node1_id == output << synapse.node1_id.to_s + "->" + synapse.node2_id.to_s elsif synapse.node2_id == output << synapse.node2_id.to_s + "<-" + synapse.node1_id.to_s else abort("invalid synapse on topic in synapse_csv") end elsif synapse.category == "both" if synapse.node1_id == output << synapse.node1_id.to_s + "<->" + synapse.node2_id.to_s elsif synapse.node2_id == output << synapse.node2_id.to_s + "<->" + synapse.node1_id.to_s else abort("invalid synapse on topic in synapse_csv") end end end if output_format == "array" return output elsif output_format == "text" return output.join("; ") else abort("invalid argument to synapses_csv") end return output end ##### PERMISSIONS ###### # returns false if user not allowed to 'show' Topic, Synapse, or Map def authorize_to_show(user) if (self.permission == "private" && self.user != user) return false end return self end # returns false if user not allowed to 'edit' Topic, Synapse, or Map def authorize_to_edit(user) if (self.permission == "private" && self.user != user) return false elsif (self.permission == "public" && self.user != user) return false end return self end def authorize_to_delete(user) if (self.user != user) return false end return self end # returns Boolean if user allowed to view Topic, Synapse, or Map def authorize_to_view(user) if (self.permission == "private" && self.user != user) return false end return true end end