<%# # @file # Partial view, renders a form that creates a new map. #%>
<%= form_for Map.new, url: maps_url, remote: true, html: { class: "new_map", id: "fork_map" } do |form|%> <% if controller_name == "maps" %>

Save To New Map

<% elsif controller_name == "topics" %>

Save As New Map

<% end %>
<%= form.text_field :name %>
<%= form.text_area :desc, class: "description", :rows => 5, :cols => 43 %>


Collaborate with other mappers on editing this map. Those without accounts can view this map.


Anyone, with or without an account, can view this map but not edit anything.


Only you can view or edit this map.
<%= form.hidden_field :permission, :value => "commons" %>

*topics and synapses you create newly on this map will be set by default to the permissions of your map

<%= form.submit "Create!", class: "add" %>
<%= form.hidden_field :topicsToMap, :value => 0 %> <%= form.hidden_field :synapsesToMap, :value => 0 %>
<% end %>