require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Synapse, type: :model do pending "add some examples to (or delete) #{__FILE__}" pending "validate that desc can't be nil - important for javascript" it { belong_to :user } it { belong_to :topic1 } it { belong_to :topic2 } it { have_many :maps } it { have_many :mappings } context 'permissions' do let(:owner) { create :user } let(:other_user) { create :user } let(:synapse) { create :synapse, user: owner, permission: :commons } let(:private_synapse) { create :synapse, user: owner, permission: :private } let(:public_synapse) { create :synapse, user: owner, permission: :public } it 'prevents deletion by non-owner' do expect(synapse.authorize_to_delete(other_user)).to eq false expect(synapse.authorize_to_delete(owner)).to eq synapse end it 'prevents visibility if private' do expect(synapse.authorize_to_show(other_user)).to eq true expect(synapse.authorize_to_show(owner)).to eq true expect(private_synapse.authorize_to_show(owner)).to eq true expect(private_synapse.authorize_to_show(other_user)).to eq false end it 'only allows editing if commons or owned' do expect(synapse.authorize_to_edit(other_user)).to eq true expect(synapse.authorize_to_edit(owner)).to eq true expect(private_synapse.authorize_to_edit(other_user)).to eq false expect(private_synapse.authorize_to_edit(owner)).to eq true expect(public_synapse.authorize_to_edit(other_user)).to eq false expect(public_synapse.authorize_to_edit(owner)).to eq true end end end