# frozen_string_literal: true # notification codes to differentiate different types of notifications # e.g. a notification might have { # notified_object_type: 'Map', # notified_object_id: 1, # notification_code: MAILBOXER_CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST # }, # which would imply that this is an access request to Map.find(1) MAILBOXER_CODE_ACCESS_REQUEST = 'ACCESS_REQUEST' MAILBOXER_CODE_ACCESS_APPROVED = 'ACCESS_APPROVED' MAILBOXER_CODE_INVITE_TO_EDIT = 'INVITE_TO_EDIT' Mailboxer.setup do |config| # Configures if your application uses or not email sending for Notifications and Messages config.uses_emails = true # Configures the default from for emails sent for Messages and Notifications config.default_from = 'team@metamaps.cc' # Configures the methods needed by mailboxer config.email_method = :mailboxer_email config.name_method = :name # Configures if you use or not a search engine and which one you are using # Supported engines: [:solr,:sphinx] config.search_enabled = false config.search_engine = :solr # Configures maximum length of the message subject and body config.subject_max_length = 255 config.body_max_length = 32_000 end