<%# # @file # The inner HTML of the cheatsheet #%>

Quick Reference Guide

<% if controller_name == "topics" && action_name == "show" %>

Topic View

Alt + click on topic icon: recenter topics around chosen topic
Right-click + 'center this topic': recenter topics around chosen topic
<% end %> <% if authenticated? && controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "show" %>

Creating Topics

Double-click on canvas: Bring up the metacode spinner
Scroll: change metacode spinner selection
Tab: rotate spinner counter-clockwise
Shift + tab: rotate spinner clockwise
Esc: Hides auto-suggestion results
Enter: create a new topic
Gear Icon: open up metacode settings
<% end %> <% if authenticated? && (controller_name == "maps" || controller_name == "topics" ) && action_name == "show" %>

Editing Topics

Open topic card: double-click on topic icon
Move topic card: click + drag on topic card metacode
Change/edit metacode: mouse over metacode icon, then click on solid colored bar
Edit topic title, description, link: click on text in respective area
Save topic title, description, link: hit enter
Change topic permission: click on 'permission' icon (only for topic creator)
Open topic view: click on icon within topic card bar
Close topic card: click on canvas
Open context menu: right-click on topic icon
*Hide/Remove/Delete topic within context menu
<% end %> <% if authenticated? && controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "show" %>

Creating Synapses

Right-click & drag from one topic to another: open create synapse prompt
Enter: Create synapse
*You do not have to add a description
Right-click + drag from topic to open canvas: create new topic with synapse
Enter: Create topic
Enter: Create synapse
<% end %> <% if authenticated? && (controller_name == "maps" || controller_name == "topics" ) && action_name == "show" %>

Editing Synapses

Open synapse card:double-click on synapse
Edit synapse description: click on current description text
Save synapse description: hit enter
Edit directionality: select appropriate arrow boxes
Change synapse permission: click on 'permission' icon (only for synapse creator)
Right-click on synapse: open context menu
*Hide/Remove/Delete synapse within context menu
<% end %> <% if (controller_name == "maps" || controller_name == "topics" ) && action_name == "show" %>


Click + drag: move around canvas
Scroll: zoom in/out
Refresh page: center map


Click on topic icon: select/deselect topic
Click on synapse: select/deselect synapse
Shift + click: select multiple topics / synapses
Shift + click + drag on canvas: make selection box, select multiple topics
Click + drag on selected topic(s): move all selected topics & synapses
Right-click on selected topic(s): open context menu
*Hide/Remove/Delete/Change permissions of multiple topics & synapses within context menu
Click on background: deselect all topics & synapses
Esc: deselect all topics & synapses
<% end %>


Ctrl + /: open search prompt
Esc: close search prompt
Type into the search prompt: search for topics, maps, & mappers
Click on search result: open in new tab
<% if controller_name == "maps" && action_name == "show" %>
Click "+" on a topic result: add to current map
<% end %>
Search by metacode: type "[name of metacode]:", then your search query. i.e. idea:create...
Search for map: type "map:", then your search query. i.e. map:exploring...
Search for mapper: type "mapper:", then your search query. i.e. mapper:Robert